Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

Chapter 11

by striketoincinerate 2 reviews

Frank calls another meeting.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-01-04 - Updated: 2012-01-04 - 566 words - Complete

Okay, here's the new chapter! Think there will only be another 4 or 5 to go! Mostly a filler so it's pretty short, don't know how much I like this chapter xo

Frank was shaking as he told the story to his two shocked friends. There was a silence in which Frank took a deep and shuddering breath. The 3 of them were seating on the floor of his living room; he had called Bob and Ray over as a list ditch attempt to stop his panic.
'Holy shit man,' Ray said after a while. 'He kissed you? And you think...'
'I'm probably over reacting. But I saw him kill that girl, I saw what he did to her and- he ksised her. Before he did it.'

There was another pause. When Frank had phoned his friends they had arrived at his house in less than half an hour. Probably due to the obvious terror in his voice. After he had fled Gerard's, Frank ran straight home and had stayed there for the next two days, speaking to no-one and hardly sleeping. He kept creeping to the front door to make sure it was still locked.

The truth was, he was terrified. Not of being kissed- of being kissed by Gerard. In his mind, Frank was now marked. It was a silly and irrational fear but he could not shake the thought of Gerard's eyes in the darkness. In his mind, he would be the next victim.

'You think he's going to kill you?' Bob broke the silence with his very direct question. Frank always liked him for that, but the question he posed him now made him stomach swill and gurgle uncomfortably.

'Yes. It's stupid I know but I can't- I haven't slept properly. I keep getting images of his face when he leaned over, his eyes- you didn't see it. I keep imagining all the possible ways he could kill me. I've locked my door and all the windows but-'

'Have you contacted the police?' Ray asked, running a hand through his hair. Frank bit back a scoff.
'No. How would I tell them? 'Hey, sorry to bother you but I accidentaly kissed a guy who lives near me who might also possibly be a murderer, you might wanna check that out.''

'You don't need to mention the kiss, Frank,' Bob replied. 'Just tell them what you saw with the girl in the alley- say you went out for a smoke if they ask,' he cut in as he saw Frank attempt to interrupt- 'and tell them where he lives. When they find out he's guilty, they'll arrest him. If they don't, he'll still be taken in for questioning and whatever and that'll keep him away from you for a while. Either way he'll know the police are onto him and you'll be safe.'

Frank sighed. 'It's not as simple as that. I wish it was.' He shifted slightly, averting his gaze slightly before he started again. 'I know it sounds stupid but- I feel like I'm waiting for something. Maybe it's hope, but- I have a feeling Gerard will do the right thing.' He looked up into the questioning faces of his two friends. 'I don't know what the right thing is, but he does. And I'm hoping so much that he does it.'
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