Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > .... Personalised Stories ?


by xxFamousLastWordsxx 1 review

EmsJayify part 1 of 2 :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-01-07 - Updated: 2012-01-07 - 1108 words

Personalised story number 1 :DD

iam proud of it and hope you are to XD

EmsJayify this is part 1 of yours :D

enjoy and i am writing part 2 XD

Emma :

I awoke to the sound of Green Day Know Your Enemy coming from my phone. I moan and open my eyes, squinting sue to the light of the sun flooding my room. I sit up and lift my phone and hit answer before checking who was phoning me.
"Hello?" I yawn down the phone
"Mornin' sleepy head" Frank's hyper and happy voice greeted me from the other end. I smile, Frank was my best friend and he told me that I was really the only person he trusts, couldn't blame him to be honest.
"Hey, why ar you so happy at 7am?"
"7Am wakin up in the mornin gotta be fresh-"
"DO NOT SING REBECCA BLACK AT 7AM" I cut him off. I could hear him laughing.
"Hee hee hee" I rolled my eyes, he knew how much i hated Rebecca Black and everytime i hear that song it is always stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
"Thanks Frank"
"For what?"
"Getting Rebecca Black stuck in my head" I reply standing up and scratching my head. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my bright red waist length hair was all messy, my hazel eyes were full of sleep and my skin looked even paler. That's what life is like for me, i wake up looking like a zombie and to Frank phoning me, and on Friday's Frank singing Rebecca Black although it could be worse, he could have been singing Justin Bieber.
"Your welcome Em" I smile
"Now can i get changed now that you have awoken me from my nice, cozy, warm sleep?"
"Yes, yes you can, i will be over in about 20 minutes kay?" Frank didn't like to go by himself to school, ever since he begun to get bullied he has always walked to school with either me or Bob.
"See ya" Frank then hung up and i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and set my phone on the desk and got changed into my 'The Used' top and black skinny jeans with my red converse and rainbow striped belt. I quickly applied eyeliner and straightened my hair making sure my fringe stayed over my right eye. When i was happy i grabbed my black hoodie with Green Day written on it and headed down stairs and automatically grabbed a piece of toast and began to ate it.
"I'm glad your friends with Frank, he is the only one that can actually wake you up Emma" My mum joked. I smiled at her, ever since me and Frank had became close she always thanked me for being freinds with him because before i was friends with frank it was impossible to wake me up. I look at the clock, he would be over in 5 minutes so i put the books needed for school into my bag and waited for him to knock the door.
"Door" My mum smiled.
"Em!" Frank smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"Frank!" I smiled.
"Kay lets go"
"Bye mum!"
"Bye Em, Bye Frank"
"Goodbye Mrs. Hayes" Frank called and closed the door for me.
"Where is Bob, is he not walking with us?" I said with realisation that Bob wasn't here.
"Bob had to leave his siter off at school, his mum had to go to the hospital and get an operation on her knee and his dad is attending his mum and he wants to help out as much as he can" Frank explained playing with my hair.
"Stop it"
"Your hair is fun to play with but!"
"I spent about 10 minutes straightning it!" I complained
"Aww" He laughed. We walked to school and as usual everyone ignored us. I don't know why people didn't like Frank he was an amzing guitar player, has an epic personality, sticks up for you and comforts you and always trusts you and keeps your biggest secrets.
"What class are we in first?" Frank asked looking for his timetable
"..umm" I fish mine out of my bag with ease "IT" I poke the paper.
"I know meh"
"but IT is boring"
"I cant just magically make the subject disappear!"
"Yes you can"
"USING YOUR SECRET NINJA POWERS!" I laugh and we walk to IT.
"Yo fag" I look automatically at Frank who's eyes kept to the floor
"Please walk on Emma, don't. just. come on" Frank said grabbing my arm and dragging me.
"Yo gayboy, off to give some of the nerds some pleasure?" HE called again.
"Please Emma walk" Frank whispered into my ear, it was obvious that fear and humiliation was wrapped in his voice. I was not going to back down i was going to defend him and i don't care if they beat me, i will not let them abuse my best friend and to be honest i was getting sick of Frank being called something he is not.
"No, i am sick of you stooping down to his level" I whisper back
"Yo, fag answer me" He called stepping closser.
"Gerard, Frank is not fucking gay" I lashed out.
"Ooh, Frank is getting a girl to defend him then?" Gerard laughed. Best part Gerard actually used to be Frank's friend.
"No, this girl is Frank's close friend and is sick of you putting him down!" I snap
"Hey it isn't my fault he is a fairy!" The anger was bubbling inside of me, my fists were clenching and unclenching, Frank's eyes were filled with fear.
"He isn't" I say keeping my voice low but my head held high.
"Prove it" He stepped forward flicking the black hair out of his face. Mikey and Pete were laughing behind Gerard and egging him on.
"You really want me to?" I stepped forward
"Go on then"
"Fine" I turned around and walked over to Frank, he looked at me confused
"Emma" He whispered. I looked at him one more time and pressed my lips against his, I knew he was confused because he didn't kiss me back at first and then when he realised what i was doing he kissed me back.

i have waited so long for this moment

and i just proved that he wasn't gay.

Emma 1 Gerard 0

"Ooooooooooh" I heard Mikey and Pete echo. I removed my lips and Gerard's face was filled with shock and defeat.
"Now come on Frank" I smile and walk away without saying another word.
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