Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > .... Personalised Stories ?


by xxFamousLastWordsxx 1 review

bloodbunny15 :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-09 - Updated: 2012-01-09 - 823 words

Personalised story number two!

this one is bloodbunny15's

i might make this a long one, probably be in 5 parts :P

enjoy :DD and review it so that i know i am not failing this XD

Rosie :

"WAKE UP" I could hear Andy souting at me, mum must have left for work and all. We had recently moved to New Jersy and today was my first day at the new school. Maybe I will have friends maybe i won't it depends on what mood im in and if i want friends and if they want to be friends with me.
"Meh" Was all i managed to say
"Rosie, come on" He said
"5 minutes"
"NOW" I didn't want to argue at 6 AM in the morning.
"Fine" I say then stand up, my hair was probably a mess.
"Kay, be down stairs in 20 minutes okay?" Andy said then left the room. I stood up and got changed into a Slipknot hoodie with my black jeans and a random pair of vans. I grabbed my fingerless gloves and sorted out my hair grabbed my bag, ipod and phone and headed downstairs where the smell of toasted pancakes filled the air.
"Hee hee pancakes" I smile and lift a pancake and eat it.
"Okay hurry up because we have to leave now" Andy said. I don't know why he was being all bossy with me but maybe mum told him to be bossy with me, i dont know.
"kay" we left the house and i happen to glance across the street and seen a guy wearing a beanie with glasses and another guy with shoulder length black hair and was wearing sunglasses, the guy witht he black hair looked over at me and i quickly turned away and felt a small blush appear on my cheeks.
"You okay?" Andy asked looking at my obviously red cheeks
"Yeah i will be okay, can we go now?" I asked opening the car door and getting in. I heard him mutter something and get into the car. I put on a Metallica cd, Andy didn't mind but that guy just didn't leave my mind all the way to school.
"Have fun" Andy said when we arrived at the crowded school. Jocks, emos, peppy cheerleaders, the whores, the nerds, the lowlifes, the losers, the smokers, the drinkers and the antisocials swarmed it.
"Huh, fun in this place, yeah right" I said. Andy laughed and hugged me, he was lucky he was a senior and i was well me. I returned the hug and went to get my schedule from the office.
"Hello, how can i help you?" The girl at the desk smiled.
"Hi, im new here and i have to collect my schedule" I said
"Rosie Biersack"
"Ah, here" She handed me the white a4 sheet and i looked at what i ad today. I had homeroom, then english, then maths, then chemistry then art then finally History. It was an okay day. The bell rang and i made my way to the homeroom which wasn't that far. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Every head turned and looked at me. I kept repeating in my head DONT MAKE EYE CONTACT DONT MAKE EYE CONTACT. But of course i make eye contact witht he guy that had the jet black hair who lived across the street from me. Smooth Rosie. He smiled at me and i turned to the teacher.
"You must be Rosie?" She asked. I nodded.
"Okay, go and sit over there" She pointed to the empty seat by of course no other than him. I smile at her and walk over to the empty chair.
"Hi" I say.
"Hey, your the new girl that moved across the street from me?" He asked
"Yeah, im Rosie"
"Gerard" He smiled.
"Pleasure" I laughed.
"So how is your first day at this shit hole treating you so far?" He asked
"Meh, but i have been through alot worse"
"Huh, so what classes are you in? i might be in some of them or one of my friends might be in them" He said. I didn't say anything and handed him the crisp white sheet. He scaneed it.
"I ahve chemistry and and art with you, in the other classes your by yourself" He smiled.
"Awesome, because i have no idea where each class is" I smile. He didn't say anything else but looked at my hoodie and his eyes went wide.
"What music do you listen to?" He asked
"Sorry?" I wasn't really paying attention.
"What music do you listen to?" He repeated
"Slipknot, Metallica, Iron maiden, Black Flag, Black Sabbath etc." I said.
"Really? so do i" He said.
"Awesome" Then the bell rang.
"So i will see you at lunch" He said
"Sure" I said. Then he smiled AGAIN then left.

Nice Rosie, looks like you have made a friend for today.
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