Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Timetables and rude receptionists.

Slightly Demented..

by LatherTheBlood 3 reviews

Gee's POV, They go through the rest of the day and then go back to Gerard and Mikeys. :) REWRITTEN.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-13 - Updated: 2012-03-24 - 1393 words - Complete

A/N: well here you go, THE AMAZING FRERARD MOMENT HAPPENS IN TOMORROWS UPDATE?! excited? i am. So yeah this chapter might not make much sense, yeah.. anyway, you guys are so nice :3 i got like over 200 views on this story and im like WOAH. Anyway, special thanks to Kerrang! magazine for giving me the biology teachers name, special thanks to ChemicalKilljoy for being mentioned in this story like once, i promise you shall be more involved in tomorrow's one.. PLEASE R&R ????!??!?!?!?! thanks. :3 goodbye my lovelies, p.s. if your names Kevin, i did not mean any offence by calling the Kevin in the story stupid, please don't hit me, i based the PE bit on my real experiences 15 WEEKS NO PE BITCHES! yeah i'm lazy..


Did i seriously just hear that? Frankie's gay?! my dreams have come true.

Woah, you really are gay.

No shit.

Sorry, you'd think i would've guessed by now because of your DISGUSTING thoughts..

shut up.

I must be demented, i'm positive nobody else talks to their self..

Anyway, back to the important part, FRANKS GAY.

he's gay.
i let my mind wonder, not really listening to any of the 3 conversations going on, i say three yes. Frank and Jemma, Ray and Bob and Mikey who is talking to himself. Maybe i'm not the only weird one, must run in the family.
before i knew it my wonderful thoughts about Frank had been rudely interrupted by the bell, signalling the start of 5th period.

"Hey Gee, you got PE 6th right?" Ray shouted, still walking away from me.

"Yeah, i'll meet you there" i replied turning in the other direction to get to my next class.

"Hey Frankie, what you in?" i asked, spotting him heading upstairs.

"Uhm..Biology, you?" he returned with a huge grin spread across his face.

"Same, what room?" i asked further.

"23" he replied reaching the first floor and swinging the door leading to the corridor open.

"Yeah same, hey sit next to me? thanks." I stated, not waiting for his answer.

we walked into the room, we were the first there, which is always a good thing. It's better than being late, everybody stares at you like you've committed a crime when you walk in the door.
Me and Frankie sat in the back row, so we could talk. Everybody strutted into the room as the second bell rang and they sat in their normal seats. 'popular kids in the middle.

"Hey Gerard Gay, who's your new friend?" Kevin asked, he was the 'leader' of the 'popular' idiots.

I'm surprised they even knew how to appoint a leader some of them are really stupid. Like Kevin..

"Shut up Kevin" i managed to say, that was probably the first thing i had ever 'retaliated' back to him.

"Excuse me?" he returned.

"I said, shut up..please?" i said, adding the 'please' as a sign of weakness.

Frank was just staring at the table throughout this, he didn't want any trouble from Kevin so he thought it best not to make eye contact.

"Kevin, sit down please and open your workbook, page 12" Mrs Dahlia said with a stern voice.

"Okay miss.." Kevin replied, sauntering over to the empty seat next to the idiotic apes he calls friends.

"Fucktard.." i muttered looking through my bag for a pen.

"Oh, we have a new student, what's your name sweetie?" Mrs Dahlia directed towards Frank.

"I'm Frank Iero, miss." he replied.

i grinned when he said his name, how i love that name..

how you love his name, how you love his hair, how you love his eyes..

your so right, i love all of those things..

Can you please stop thinking about Frank, i bet he doesn't daydream about you.

I hope he does..

"Ok, Frank, i see you and Gerard have become friends so you may remain sitting here" She said, walking to her seat from the blackboard.

he muttered a thanks and began to do the work set.

"psst...Frank..." i whispered.

"psst...Gerard..what do you want?" he returned keeping his voice low so the teacher couldn't hear him.

"What do you have next?" i asked glancing towards the board to see if Mrs Dahlia had heard, she didn't. I must have skills.

"Chemistry, you?" he returned.

"PE, Hey the guys are all coming round to ours after school but Jemma can't she has to go to band, wanna come?" i asked, my voice raising ever so slightly.

"I can't, i have to help my mother un-pack the rest of the shit" he said, disappointment in his voice.

"Aww, that's shit." i replied, frowning.

"I know, but hey, i'll text you? y'know, if you give me your number.." he said, a little awkwardly.

the bell rang soon afterwords and i started making my way down to the PE block. I met Ray on the stairs and walked with him.

"So, doing PE?" Ray asked, silly question, I of course was not doing PE.

"you'd think but no. I'm not breaking my record of 15 weeks with no kit?! are you idiotic?!I replied, making my amazing comment stand out by emphasizing the 'no'. I despise PE.

I knew there was a reason you were getting fatter.

Asshole, if i'm fat your fat too.

Okay, you're not fat, just chubby

Shut up.

"Way, get a pencil, your writing!" Mr Taffom shouted at me.

"YUS, kay calm down." i replied, scurrying off towards the changing rooms so he wouldn't come after me.

Pe finished soon after it had started and before i knew it Mikey,Bob and I were walking towards our house. Shit, my mom better have tidied the house.

Why don't you do it, lazy ass.

Shut up, I hate cleanliness..


We reached the door, i pressed the handle down and to my surprise it was locked. Mom was always in..

"Mikes you got your keys?" i asked my brother.

"Yes, i always do." he replied pulling the jagged metal out the front pocket of his black school bag.

i unlocked the door and let everybody in, They roamed freely through our house, Ray and Bob were in the kitchen helping themselves to coffee and probably everything we had in our fridge, Mikey was upstairs in his room tidying and I was sitting down, relaxing.

"Bob, make me food you whore!" i said slouched on the sofa.

"I would, but no." Bob stated whilst entering the living room, sandwich in hand.

I turned the tv onto Kerrang! tv. Mikey had clambered downstairs making as much noise as possible and stumbled into the living room, he sat next to me, moving my legs which were sprawled over the whole couch. Ray and Bob were sitting on the other sofa with their cups of coffee and sandwiches.

"Where's ours? Mikey asked.

"Sorry Michael, but really, you should be making us all coffee considering this is your house, your lucky we wont tell your mother you made us make it ourselves." Ray said sipping at his coffee.

"Oh forgive me lord Raymond" Mikey replied, turning his gaze to me.

"No." i said, already knowing what he was about to ask.

"But Geeeeeeee i'm furstieeeeeee?!" he said, in his best baby voice, he had little puppy dog eyes and everything.

"Then go make it yourself, i'm not your slave" I replied and returned my gave to the TV. Mikey sighed and got up from the floor, he shuffled towards the kitchen door slowly.

Bob burst out laughing, causing coffee to be splattered everywhere.

"What?" i asked.

"You said slave, made me think of sex slaves.." Bob said whilst trying to control his giggling.

"So immature.." i replied, once again returning my gaze to the television, although i couldn't help letting a smirk take over my lips.

Wish Frankie was here, then he could take over my lips with his soft, plump lips.. i shook my head, i've only known him a day, he wasn't interested anyway..

You so want in his pants.

He's sexy, what can i say?

Doesn't matter..

Why does he have such a cute giggle?

because he's such a cute boy.

P.S. this is like the longest thing i've wrote, thought you should know.. R&R PLEASE?!
-LatherTheBlood xo
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