Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Timetables and rude receptionists.


by LatherTheBlood 2 reviews

Frank meets Mikey and Ray and Jem who then ask a couple of lil questions :3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-12 - Updated: 2012-01-12 - 609 words - Complete

A/N: WELL HERE YOU ARE MON LOVELIES. Special guest stars: ChemicalKilljoy as Jemma. Swings as Swings. Grass as Grass. So basically, this is when Frank finds out Gee's gay, like i said next chapter will be in Gee's POV, then Frank's POV, then i dunno, havn't thought that far ahead. R&R PLEASE. One must know what all you guys think-ith. Any spelling mistakes blame that on someone else..possibly your worst enemy. FREE..imaginary..CRISPS WITH EVERY R&R!P.S. Gee and Frankie are the same age in this so eh.. yeah. -LatherTheBlood xo

I followed Gerard, Bob and Fro boy, who's name i'd still not learnt, i assume he was Ray.. Anyway, we walked down a long enclosed path towards a small park. A mousy-haired boy with glasses hanging from the tip of his nose, black skinnies, an Anthrax tee and a blue haired girl with a sweeping side fringe,Green Day tee and black skinnies were sitting on the grass near the swings, My fringe was far superior to her's although i'd better not tell her that, she may bite. We all slowly walked over towards them, Bob and Fro sat either side of Mikey leaving space for us next to Jemma.

"Who's your friend?" Jemma asked Gerard after noticing the newly present body of mine now sitting by her left.

"Aw this is Frank, Frank this is Mikey and Jemma" Gerard said replying to Jemma's question.

"Hey" i smiled at them both hoping they would like me.

"Hey" They both returned simultaneously.

"Oh by the way Frank?" Fro boy directed towards me.

"yes Fro boy? i mean... yes?" i replied, not meaning to say his 'nickname'.

"Fro boy? i love it, anyway I'm Ray, i forgot to tell you" He smiled.

"Aw hey, I've just been referring to you as Fro boy, it's all good." i said.

after a slightly awkward silence someone finally spoke..

"So Frank.." Jemma begun.

"Yes Jemma?" i returned cutting of delaying her next word.

"Call me Jem, please. So now that we've all said hey, how bout you tell us a little 'bout yourself?"
She said, she was eager for deepest secrets huh?

"What do you want to know?" i asked smiling.

"EVERYTHING?!" she shouted a little too loudly.

"Well uhm.. i don't know where to start?" I said shyly.

Dude, who doesn't know things about their own life?

me obviously.

"Well, how 'bout we ask some questions?" She said opening her eyes widely.

"Uh..kay?" i returned, leaning away slightly from her widely opened eyes.

"Full name?" asked Mikey, that was the first time i'd actually heard him speak..

"Frank Anthony Iero..Jr."

"Age?" Asked Bob. I miss calling him Lip boy..


"Sexual preference?" asked Jemma, great. Thanks for that, Praying these guys ain't homophobes..

"uh...guys.." i said looking at the ground not making eye-contact with anybody.

"Awesome, Gee's gay too, aren't ya Gee?" replied Jemma

"Yeah" he said smiling at me.

My mouth was hanging open, i couldn't shut it. The prettiest, most gorgeous boy who i haver ever met in my entire life was gay, score for Frankie.

"Frank?....Frank?....FRANK?!" Jem screamed in my ear.

"huh? what?" i replied averting my gaze from Gerard, shit i bet he noticed..

"You wanna close your mouth? your drooling" Mikey said across the 'circle' and winking, great, people noticed.

"Shit.." i muttered. I looked over towards Gerard, his face was bright red.

"Mikey, the only person you are aloud to wink at is me" Jemma scowled.

"Sorry" Mikey said sticking his tongue out at Jemma.

meanwhile, Gerard's face was still red, and i was still staring.
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