Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm okay now....(thats a lie)

sleep deprived

by deannagoodenough 0 reviews

shes gone nuts but then comes down

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-13 - Updated: 2012-01-14 - 558 words

The mornings were interesting with me and warning there even more funny when we didn’t really have sleep..I think it’s funny though we both turning very very deathly slowly and she hasn’t figured it out...I don’t see why she hasn’t I’ve already attacked ray out of confusion because he was reading riddles from this book that he bought

It doesn’t make sense why am I having a harder time then warning?? Maybe because I’m the weakest of both of is I’m a actual body defense way like I was born dead and I wasn’t opposed to live at all but she was..Go figure so I’m weaker but I act strong for her it keeps the piece

“SHORTY GOT HIPS SHORTY GOT ASS!!!” I screamed dancing on the couch with a brush causing the guys to watch with amusement even warning didn’t stop me she knew that I was having sleep problems which lead to this type of stuff


“I think she’s lost it she’s singing country now dad” warning said making me stop and stare at her for a second then at Gerard then back at her while mikey looked at frank then at me then back at frank with a worried look as I tilted my head a little

“What did you just call him warning?” I asked with a high squeak in my voice

“ I called him dad” she said looking at me straight in the eyes as I I turned and went into the bathroom slowly closing and locking the door as the anger radiated off of me as I tried to block it out of my mind

I’m not sure how long I was in the bathroom but It was I think late afternoon or something when I heard knocking on the door and a worried voice telling me to open up that they were worried when I just picked up my cell and texted mikey telling him that its unlocked now that I only wanted him in here

And he was the only one that was the most relaxing and comforting to me when I blocked things out if anyone else came I would of probably killed a bitch…and he knew that I didn’t want to talk that all I wanted to do was feel safe with him in the quit so he stayed on the floor with me in his lap for a long time

“mikey?” I squeaked out

“Yeah love? What’s wrong?”

“She barely knows him and she called him that? Why?”

“I’m not sure why she called him that so early but he is that two you both I guess she knew that he isn’t going to hurt you both…but I don’t know love…” he said moving my sweaty hair from my face “do you know that you’ve been in here for two days now”

“I have?”

“Yeah..Are you almost done…you know..”

“I think…don’t leave cause of this please...” I said feeling like I was going to cry but nothing came out but red which mikey wiped away

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