Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

Chapter 13

by striketoincinerate 3 reviews

Last chapter everyone! xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-01-15 - Updated: 2012-01-17 - 975 words - Complete

Okay, first off guys, I am so so sorry I've been neglecting this! I don't really have an excuse, but I am sorry :( but secondly, THIS IS THE END! I know I said I would make it two chapters, but I've included both chapter idea's in the one! I have to say I am quite upset, I've loved writing this story and I love you all for reading it! Now that this is done I'm going to work on my new story, Knightswood Academy, which is a lot different from this! But anyoway, on with the show! Thank you all so much and I hope the ending is as you'd hoped for xo

Gerard's POV.

Gerard hated guns. They were messy things. A good knife you could depend on- a knife always did the job. What Gerard hated more than guns, though, was the though of stabbing himself. So here he was, standing in his living room with a .45 in hand, staring out of the window of his apartment. He wasn't scared. He wasn't too sure what he was feeling. But he knew that what he was doing was the right thing.

He had been wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. For the first time in his life, Gerard felt a tidal wave of emotions crash down upon his insides. He had been doing this for himself, for Mikey, and he was sure it was the right thing. His little brother- Gerard hope Mikey would understand. Something told him that he would. At least Frank did.

Frank. The whole reason Gerard was in this position, gun in hand and ready to reach the end of his life. This was Frank's fault. Gerard could have spent the rest of his life his little unsular bubble, unaware how immoral his actions were; blissfully ignorant. Thanks to Frank, that would never happen. But Gerard found he wasn't angry. In fact, he was quite the opposite. His lips twisted into an almost smile at the thought of the younger man.

The sun was setting, now, casting a reddish glow over the inside of Gerard's apartment. Gerard hadn't noticed in a long time just how beautiful the sun was. His note to Mikey, and, through him, the rest of their family, rested on the glass coffee table that Frank had hit his head off of not so long ago. Gerard raised his arm and placed the cold gun against his head. He was ready to die.

The noise of the gun shuddered through the apartment block and woke up Gerard's neighbour, Mrs Fitch, who had been asleep in her armchair by the fire. She mumbled to herself as she made her way out of her apartment and crossed to Gerard's, banging on the door in an attempt to warn him to be quiet. When she recieved no reply to any of her knocks, she rooted for the key she knew Gerard kept under his mat and slid it into the lock, stepping into his silent apartment. Once she reached the living room, her screams were loud enough to wake the whole building.


Frank bit his lip nervously as he stood on the doorstep of the surprisingly large house before him. It hadn't taken him long to find the address of the younger Way's current home, and consequently he was now stood in the cold, his hand hovering over the door knocker. Rapping it twice, he stood back and blew into his hands.

A small panel he hadn't noticed before slid open to reaveal a pair of eyes. They were a lot like Gerard's, he noted.
'Yes?' The owner of the voice addressed Frank.
'Um, hi,' Frank stuttered nervously. 'You don't know me, but, um.. I'm Frank. I came to ask about Gerard?'
The eyes behind the panel rolled obviously. 'Look, kid, I'm not holding any interviews about him or anything, alright? I'm not gonna sit and talk to some stranger about my brother.'
'I knew him,' Frank said, almost to himself.

Ten minutes later, Frank was sat inside Mikey's living room, feeling very out of place amongst the clean, attractive furniture.
'So.. how did you know Gerard?' Mikey asked as he sat down opposite Frank.
'He lived near me. Sort of.' Frank had no idea how to answer that question. I saw him kill someone? Frank passed on sharing that information. His answer seemed good enough for Mikey, though, as he nodded slightly.
'I'm not sure how much help I can be to you,' he replied in a quiet voice. 'I don't know why he did it. He left me a note, telling me he was sorry, and that he loved me and the rest of our family. And that was it.'

There was a silence as Frank took this in. The man infront of him looked tired; exhausted even. There were bags under his eyes and lines on his forehead Frank hadn't noticed when he entered the house. He suddenly felt that he shouldn't be here. Frank wanted to know things; he wanted to talk about Gerard when he was younger, Gerard as a teenager, Gerard as the young man he was before he fell into a bad place. But his grieving brother was not the place to look for those answers. Frank suddenly felt like he was massively invading the mans privacy.
'I'm sorry. It was really disrespectful of me to come here so soon,' Frank said, standing up as he spoke.
Mikey smiled softly as he stood up too. 'It's alright.'

The two men walked back to the front door in silence, Mikey pausing for a moment before he unlocked the door and turning to Frank.
'My brother would have liked you. I can tell.'
Frank smiled. 'Yeah, I think he did. I liked him too.'

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