Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Takeover

Chapter Two

by Song_Whisper 0 reviews

Read it and find out. :p

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-01-22 - 513 words

Raven’s point of view
Korse found us today; so know we know he found our location.
“So this is where the rebels stay.” Korse sneered, he looked at us each I turn and his eyes stopped on me, “You look very familiar…”
I remained calm, hiding my emotions like usual, “I should look familiar, I nearly killed you once.” I tried to hide the fear in my voice; I replaced it with annoyance that you could defiantly tell in my tone.
I focused my eyes on a Drac that was coming out of the back of a BL/I truck; the Drac was my sister.
Song watched my sister step out of the truck, “Uncle Korse…” my sister whispered, her eyes met mine and they had a reflection of pain and sorrow. My sister was ten, if I remembered correctly. A tear almost escaped her eye as she turned her attention back to Korse.
“We do not look at rebels, my Drac.” I winced as Korse said the last two words. Poison looked at me questioningly and I gave him a look that told him I would tell him later.
My sister looked at me again, “I am sorry master.” She said, her pupils dilated, I could tell at this moment that the pill was wearing off.
Korse raised his hand as if to slap my sister for looking at me again. I raised my gun at Korse, “Don’t you I dare.” I growled the words at him.
“What are you doing?” Poison hissed from behind me, I ignored his question.
“Ah, you’re my niece, Mitzuica, aren’t you?” He spit the words out as if they were toxic.
“You are nothing to me.” I said and took my sister by the wrist and we backed away towards the other killjoys.
“I never said you could have her.” Korse said threateningly and Song raised her ray gun too, she pointed it at Korse.
“Go on, you aren’t taking her back” I hissed and watched as Korse retreated into the BL/I truck.

We watched to make sure Korse drove away. I hugged my sister, “I missed you so much Autumn!” A tear almost rolled down my cheek as she hugged me back.
“What was it like in there?” Kobra questioned as we all walked inside the diner.
“It’s really scary, everyday you had to take the pill. Korse let me take the pill once a week because I told him it made me sick, which it did. Korse assumed I would always be loyal to him; the pill wore off after about three days. He took me when I was eight; I thought we were the good guys! Mum went missing after the first week and I told Korse not to let our dad visit me.” Autumn paused for a moment, thinking, “I remembered I had a sister, but when I asked Korse, he said… he said… he said you… you were dead.”
“That’s terrible.” Kobra said and I watched as he shifted awkwardly in his seat.
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