Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?

Ch 4: Mikey...are you high?

by annabel-lee 5 reviews

After mint gum, somethings wrong with Mikeykins. Is he drunk? High? In straightener withdrawal?! Read to find out!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-01-25 - Updated: 2012-01-25 - 869 words

Thank you patdfan01, xXLaylaxX, and mychemicalbitchbot! :)

Frank's Point of View 

I got to Language Arts early with an abundance of pencils and Skittles. I'd been resisting the urge to eat them all day. Or, well since homeroom, but that's not the point. I had a package of them and waited so that I could share them with that supermodel artist guy. Assuming he eats carbs...
 Anyway, I got there before he did and impatiently scrawled Misfits lyrics across my homework.

Yeah we all know having "Mommy, can I go out and kill tonight?" sprawled across your work won't scream 'I'm a freak!'. Things related to killings always help make new friends. wonder why people don't hang out with me...

I started feeling incredibly self-concious and pulled out a sheet of notebook paper and started scribbling. I made a little tornado heading towards a house.
 All of a sudden I looked up just intime to see him swaggering over.
Yes, swaggering, over to his seat.
 He sat down as graceful as ever.
"Those people should seek shelter."
"What?" I replied, utterly confused.
"In that house," he said nodding towards my desk. "there's a twister headed their way." Oh. My drawing. I facepalmed. "No need to hurt yourself. They just should probably find adequate shelter." he said smirking. As if on cue, Mrs. LeEnderman started class immediately following his line.
 She dragged on about common grammar mistakes and Gerard ignored her and sketched. It started to take shape. The face was beautiful, but looked surprised, the eyes looked a little glazed over. Then came steady streams of tears running down her face. 
 He kept going. I pulled out my Skittles, carefully opening the bag.
"Want some?" I asked in a whisper. 
"Sure, thanks." he took one green one and silently popped one in his mouth. It wasn't until he had chewed and swallowed that one that he took another one. The drawing became an angel. This angel, however, was stabbing herself. Committing what some call the ultimate sin, this angel was taking her life.
"Why'd she do it?"
"Who? Cyntia?" he asked, looking the whole time at his work as he  shaded.
"Cynthia? Who's Cynthia?"
"No, her name is Cyn-TIA. Not Cynthia. Just Cyntia."
"Is she that angel?"
"Yeah." I didn't know what to say. After a minute of silence, I got up the courage to repeat my question.
"Why'd she do it?"
"The pressure of needing to be perfect was too much." 

How do I follow that up?
There's no way. It's too true, too universal. And somehow I knew this was more than just a picture.

"Why didn't she ask for help?" I asked brokenly.

"Ask who? There wasn't anyone TO ask." he whispered back. There was a tad bit of pain in his voice. Just barely enough to detect, but it was there. 


Mikey's Point of View

 The smell was intoxicating. The longing was so strong. I hastily unwrapped a piece of mint gum and shoved it in my mouth. At first my body completely rejected it, I felt as though I NEEDED to spit it out. But after a minute I felt a wave of calm. The sharp pain of my canines yearning to lengthen eased, my muscles relaxed, and Gerard's plan was working. I couldn't smell her blood! This time in class I noticed the way she carefully read the board and the way she played with her hair a bit. She seemed deadly bored. And that one time she turned around a bit, granting me a glimpse of her face, I saw that she was beautiful. I felt a tug at my heart and an odd sort of feeling. As if joy was lifting up my heart. 


    I think I'm in love.

Gerard's Point of View

"Wait!" called the kid who sits next to me. I turn quickly, an expression of questioning on my face. "You...uh, never told me your name."
"Gerard. And you are?"
"Frank Iero."
"It's nice to meet you Frank Iero." then I disappeared into the swirling, writhing mass of kids.

My next two classes passed quickly. Then, again, I met Mikey for lunch. He looked kind of dazed.

"Are you high?" I asked uncertainly.
"No." he whispered.
"No I'm not under the influence of any illegal substances..." he said dazedly. 
"Okay then, okay?"
"Want to tell me what's wrong?"
"Not yet." 
"The gum thing worked. Only thing I could smell was mint."
"That's good." I said as if I was trying to assure him of that. We ate in silence for a while. "Well whenever you want to talk about it, you know I'm here for you."
"I know. It's-It's that girl."
"What about her?"
"I think I'm in love." Oh. God. No. Mikey, may not seem it, may not even intend it, but is all the same a player. Oh God...and now he 'loves' someon he can't be around with out wanting to attack her. Sheesh. "I see that look! Listen, Gerard, it's like love at first sight."
"Okay Mikes."
"Haven't you ever just looked at someone and known?"
"No." I knew that was a lie though.
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