Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer

The Game

by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews

The next few chapters are my favourite, the story picks up from here, trust me

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-30 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 498 words


“Dude! Why haven’t you asked her out already?!” Gerard pestered, for the thousandth time since I got here; I’m beginning to think it’s the only reason he invited me over, I hope it isn’t because I feel bad about not being able to go to Sammie’s.

“Because!” I said, trying to think of a valid reason as to why I haven’t asked her out yet.

“Because I don’t think she likes me back!” I exclaimed, admitting to myself and Gerard that I DO like Sammie. Fuck me.

“Oh my fucking god man! This shits easy peasy pumpkin peasy! You said you almost kissed? That’s normally a sign dumbass!” he said.

“It was probably involuntary!” I stated.

“Of course it was.” he said sarcastically.

“Ugh for fucks sake! Why is life so fucking difficult?!” I asked, putting my head in my hands.

“Look dude, just tell her!”

“Dude! That’s the stupidest, dumbest idea I have ever heard, ever!”

“Its not! Think about it, what’s the worst thing that could happen?” he asked. What a point he had.

“Right then.” he said, taking my silence as a surrender.

“I never..”

“You didn’t have to.”

“Seriously?! I’m not going to ruin our friendship, if she wants us to date, she can make the first move!”

“I have an idea!” Gerard said, dragging me over to his cell. Oh shit, this can’t be good.



“Spin the bottle? Seriously?! What are we, seven?” I asked- Gerard said to go over to his for a fun, highly entertaining game. Somehow spin the bottle didn’t come to mind. Now, I don’t know about fun but seeing as myself and Rosa are the only girls here, it should be highly entertaining.

“Yes we are!” Gerard said, leading me into the living room.

“Samantha!” Mikey exclaimed when he saw me, jumping up to smother me in one of his bear hugs, instead of accepting it, I punched him softly in the shoulder.

“Ouch! Fucktard!” he muttered.


“It was unexpected and unnecessary!”

“It was unnecessary calling me Samantha!” I replied, Mikey was about to continue the argument when something distracted him. I turned around to see what he was grinning at, right behind me Frank was stood. I flinched back, surprised at how close he was to me, he smiled his cute cheeky grin at my reaction.

“Hey you!” he said, holding his arms out for a hug.

“Hey!” I replied, wrapping my arms around his middle.

“Spin the bottle, you game?” he asked. I pondered it for a minute, in theory this could be a chance with Frank.. Maybe we’ll land on each other and sparks might fly? That’s the shit that happens in relationships right?

“Sure, I’m game”

“Epic, come on. They’re starting!” he said, grabbing my hand and sat me in between Rosa and Ray, this will be interesting.

Let the game commence.
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