Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer

The Kiss

by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-05-22 - Updated: 2012-05-22 - 367 words


“Are you fuckin’ serious?!” Mikey groaned, he landed on Rosa for the third time. Gerard shot him a look to say “Are you cheating on this?”. So far I have kissed Ray and Gerard on the cheek and Mikey on the lips, and absolutely nothing with Frank. Fate is a bellend.

“Sammie, its your turn!” Rosa reminded me- once again I was off in my own world. I grabbed the bottle and spun it, half expecting it to land on Gerard or Rosa, knowing my luck. Instead it landed on Frank. I was shocked and nervous, even though it was only a cheek kiss.

We both headed to the middle, I probably looked like a tomato, it felt like my face was on fire. I leant in to him, I probably looked completely nervous, he flashed me that cheeky, beautiful grin and I pecked him on the cheek. His skin was soft, not the usual teenage spots, it was like glass.


I sat outside with a beer can in my hand, we had stopped playing a hour ago, nothing interesting happened, a lip kiss with Gerard and seven minutes of faking making out with Ray in a wardrobe. Nothing further with Frank. I came outside when the argument started about which chick flick they were going to watch, Mean Girls or 17 Again, I thought it best to exit before I got dragged into it.

“Some game, huh?” Frank said, interrupting my day dream.

“Yeah, it was very uh, interesting!” I said.

“So, what was wrong earlier?” he asked gently.


“Family shit?”

“Mum shit, she’s pregnant and engaged, in the time I’ve been here.”

“That IS shit.” he said, I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Can I tell you something?” he asked.

“Sure”, I replied, sitting up.

“I’m sad we quit playing” he whispered.

“Yeah me too, I think Gerard was one land on Rosa from punching Mikey!” I chuckled.

“Yeah, but I was thinking about something different”

“Then go on” I motioned.

“Because I didn’t get the chance to do this:” he whispered, as he lifted up my chin and kissed me.
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