Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenagers Won't Let You Sleep

Chapter 6

by Tyranny 0 reviews

Finding out...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way,Frank Iero - Published: 2012-01-30 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 1091 words - Complete

A few hours later…

Ray’s P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was staring at the ceiling of a clean, white, boring room, and I instantly realised where I was. Crap, I hate hospitals…I began to sit up but only got half way before a sharp pain in my head forced me back down again. I didn’t really want to remember how it had got there, but I did nonetheless. I remembered retaliating back at Daniel and then not a lot else. Falling over? No wait. Being pulled over. And I think I fell on something pointier than the floor. I wondered what had happened to Daniel. I hadn’t hurt him enough to get him in hospital but I sure hope he got punished. A detention at least. Damn. Should’ve hit him harder. He seemed like a right douche bag, and I was happy that I had got on his bad side. I’d hate to have ended up pretending to be his friend…

Gee’s P.O.V

I pulled out my keys and opened my front door, dumping a half empty bottle of coke in the hedge on my way. I rushed upstairs and into my room, and hit the power button on the computer. I had been told to leave after Frank had calmed me down and I didn’t know what had happened to Daniel and Ray, or how bad it was. As the crappy old monitor flickered into life I pulled my shirt off and threw it at my wall in frustration. I’m so fucking worried. Frank’s right. It would be REALLY bad. I collapsed onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, watching a fly caught in the light. I lost interest when it sizzled and dropped to the floor and checked my computer. Still not done. Ugh. This thing makes me so impatient. I wandered downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge. There was nothing but my mum’s beers and a block of salami. I sighed and took the salami, loathing that I was underage. Mum would notice if one was gone. I turned around and gasped half way through ripping open the salami with my teeth. There had to be at least six vodka bottles strewn across the table. All completely empty. Mum. I picked them all up and threw them into the bin. Shaking my head, I walked out of the room to find a note scrawled on a post-it on her door. She was so pissed that she couldn’t even get the note on the right door. I pulled it off and read; Gerard, gone out for a drink with the girls, back late. Mom.
I could hardly read it but got the message anyway. I walked back into my room and threw the note in the bin, taking another bite of salami. Mikey was at a friends for the night, so I turned my music up real loud and sat down at the now loaded computer. I opened the internet and searched; News New Jersey Daniel Ray. The first link was to the local news channel. I paused my music and turned the computer up louder.
“ Two boys are in hospital after a severe fight and one has taken severe injury to the cranium. We are just trying to bring him back to consciousness as there is no recognisable pulse-“ I froze and clutched my chair arms. There was a sharp crackle and I saw someone come up to the reporter and whisper something. The man continued. “I have just been informed that this boy is dead. I’m sure Daniel Newword will be severely missed. We will keep updating as the police discover more about the incident after the second casualty wakes up.” In the distance I could make out someone with huge hair exiting the hospital through a back exit and sneak away. Ray was out. The video ended…

Gee’s P.O.V

I clutched my chest and took in three jagged, unsteady breaths. My stomach felt sick and my head hurt like hell. I had killed someone. No. I had MURDERED someone. Cold blooded murder. I’m a murderer. My brain took a while to process that, but my body was faster. I ran my bathroom and threw up in the toilet, taking short, painful breaths between each time. After there was nothing left to bring up I sat back, sweat running down my bare back and hair wet and limp. I was too shocked to cry. This was way too bad to cry over.
I pulled myself up over the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit. I leaned over the sink and rinsed my face and hair. I crawled downstairs and yanked open the fridge door. I didn’t care about my mum anymore and I grabbed a beer and downed it in one. It burned down my throat but I welcomed the pain. I deserved it. I should die. I grabbed another one and pulled out my mobile, dialling one of the two numbers on there. It rang and I waited. Mikey didn’t pick up, so I phoned Frank. He answered on the first ring.
“Heller?” He mumbled drowsily. I glanced at the clock and realised it was 11:00pm. “Hello?!” He said louder. I took a deep breath to stop from screaming.
“Get round here now Frank. Right now.” I demanded.
“Mmkai…I’ll be round in five Gee.” I let out my breath and dropped the phone back into the holder. I walked upstairs and fell onto my bed once again, taking a large swig from the can.

Frank’s P.O.V

Gee sounded bad. I could tell from the tone of his voice that something was urgently wrong. I grabbed a few packs of cigarettes and jumped on my BMX, pedalling like a bat out of hell. I had already guessed what had happened, but was hoping like shit that I was wrong. If it was what I guessed it was, things were going to get complicated with Ray. He’d think he’d done it. It would fuck up Gee’s life completely, but no matter what, I’d be there for him. I’d decided that the fist day I’d met him and fallen for him so badly it made my heart ache just thinking about him…
So, we know about Frankie now XD
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