Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenagers Won't Let You Sleep

Chapter 7

by Tyranny 0 reviews

Uhhh yeah...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-30 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 1011 words - Complete

Frank’s P.O.V

I pulled up outside of Gee’s house and ran through the open door and up to his room within seconds. Gee was lying face down on the bed, clutching a can of beer in one hand and gripping the covers with the other. My stomach did a flip when I saw his bare torso, but I had been ignoring that sort of thing for a while now. I walked up to him and sat on the bed, putting a hand gently on his wet hair. His body shook and he sat up. He looked like hell. He was pale as a ghost and shaking. His eyes were cold and empty. More like looking at a brick wall than through windows to the soul. We just sat there are stared at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
“Dead.” He said finally, in a broken voice, “I killed him.” My heart broke just looking at him and I pulled him towards me.
“It’ll be okay Gee.” I told him, holding him tight against my heart. “We’ll work this out.” He shook his head.
“No Frank. We won’t. You don’t know anything. You don’t know how it feels.” He whispered. “It’s like there’s no hope left in the world. Like I’ll die alone and no one will care.” He broke free of my arms and walked to the bathroom. I watched him go with worried eyes.

Gee’s P.O.V

Frank had no idea. He’s never gone through anything like this before, and he probably never would. He’s not that stupid. But I am. My mouth tasted horrible and I snatched my toothbrush from the pot. I started brushing toothpaste furiously into my teeth, making my gums bleed. I didn’t want to upset Frank, but I felt so helpless. I needed something, anything, to get my mind off of things. I smelt smoke from the next room.
“Frank! Get in here, I need a cigarette.” I yelled. He appeared in the doorway, wide eyed, and slowly handed me one. I had never smoked in my life, but I knew I needed this. He lit it and I took a puff. I instantly calmed down, and walked back downstairs, pulling Frank along with me.

Frank’s P.O.V

Gee pulled me into the kitchen and I sat down. I watched him down the beer and throw the can in the sink. He opened the fridge.
“Want one?” He asked, turning round. I nodded, and he sat down at my feet passing it up. He closed his eyes and swallowed half the new can in one gulp. I put mine on the table. I rested my chin on my hands.
“You’re gonna have to tell Ray you know.” I felt him tense – “Wait!” I said, as he opened his mouth to protest. He shrugged and I continued, “…because he’ll think it was him.” Gee nodded slowly, his head lightly brushing my knee.
“You’re right. I can’t let him have that guilt. I don’t want him to feel like this. I just feel…Oh, I dunno…” He signed and downed the beer, clutching the can in his hand.
“How do you feel Gee?” I asked. He needed to tell me, I wouldn’t let him suffer alone. He rubbed his forehead and sniffed.
“Just…Evil. I feel like I shouldn’t deserve to live. And I’m afraid to live. I don’t think I can get through this Frankie.” I smiled slightly at the use of the nickname. He let his head fall into my lap and looked up at me.
“You’re not alone Gee. And you will get through this. We all will. You’re one of the strongest people I know.” He smiled and stood up. The space between my legs felt empty.
“Are you gonna drink that?” He asked, pointing at my full can on the table. I shook my head and he reached out for it. I stood up and grabbed his hand before he could pour it into his mouth. He moaned. “Frankieeee. Comon. Let me have it.” He pleaded. I shook my head.
“No, you’ve had too much in this time already.” I told him. He frowned and stuck out his bottom lip.
“Why not?”
“Because I said so.”
“Frankieeee!” he groaned, trying to prise my fingers from his wrist. I held on and pulled his hand down. He stared into my eyes and my heart suddenly sped up. My grip loosened for a second, but I got it back again quickly. I pulled the can out of his hand and put it behind my back. He slowly pulled his wrist from my fingers and tried to slide round my back. I turned too and he snarled in frustration. I was out of breath from the presence of his body so close to mine. I shivered as he stepped even closer, trying to reach behind me. His eyes flickered for a second to my face, then to the can, then back to me again. He had noticed something in my face and I couldn’t believe how stupid I was to let it show. He smiled slowly and linked his hands behind my back. Damn, he wanted that beer.
“Uhhh…” I wimpered. He slid his hands down lower, to the small of my back and I shuddered in anticipation. I was holding on so tight to the can now that my knuckles were pure white. He tapped his fingers on the strip of bare skin between my shirt and jeans, and I couldn’t stop the breath that whooshed out. “Gee.” I whispered, “Do you want the beer?” He shook his head, still staring intensely into my eyes. He wiped a strand of my long black hair out of my eyes. I dropped the can on the floor…

So, does gee mean it or is he just drunk ;D
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