Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?

Ch 7:Meeting Kate

by annabel-lee 4 reviews

At Frank's house...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-31 - Updated: 2012-01-31 - 458 words

Thank you MemoryWolf, mychemicalbitchbot,  brandedforeverlame, Damien Echols, my dad, Andreas, and Benjamin Paulus!

Frank's Point of View

  I froze as the sound of the doorbell resonated through the house. Oh God. Why was I so paniced? I felt as if my heart was beating out of my chest. Did I look okay? I straightened my shirt as I ran down the stairs. I saw my mom open the door I got to the landing.
 "Hello." my mom said cheerfully.
 "Hi, I'm looking for Frank Iero?" I heard his voice float up from the door. 
 "Yeah, he's just upstairs. Come on in." she said. I facepalmed. She sounds like a child molester. 
 "Okay. You have a very nice home Mrs. Iero."
 "Oh no, it's Miss, but thank you. You're so kind!"
 "Oh, well Ms. Iero, it was his loss." My mom giggled.
 "Frank, hon! Your guest is here!" I walked down the stairs to find a stunning Gerard-stunning?
Yes! He's like a model or something...

-standing on the little mat infront of the door, taking his shoes off.
 "Hi." he said with a grin. 
 "Hey." I said in a trembling voice. Why was I so goddamn nervous?!?
 "So, where would you like to draw?" he asked.
 " about my room?" I asked tentatively.
 "Sure." I felt a little shiver run through my body. That's weird...

 We walked up the stairs. But then I open the door to my room, I realized even though I'd cleaned, dusted, vaccumed, and straightened it still looked cluttered and disorganized.
 "Cool room." he said with a grin. After setting down his briefcase he started to make his way around the room, checking out my posters, CDs, knicks knacks, and my bulletin board.

Wait-my BULLETIN BOARD?! it was prety much my diary and photo album rolled into one.

   And I forgot to put it away.


And my music.
All of my sheet music I wrote was tacked up on he bulletin board.

Oh God.

  He paused infront of it, casually gazing at what was my life in a nutshell. My soul.
  "Who's she?" he asked, pointing at a picture.
 In the picture, I was giving her piggy back ride on a beautiful sunny day. Her wavy auburn hair flowing down unto my shoulders as she took the picture of the two of us.
  I could feel the blood drain from my face.
   "Her name's Kate." I mumbled.
 "You guys hang out a lot?"
    "Yeah, we were pretty close." I said, trying to keep the brokenness out of my voice.
  "Were? You two had a falling out?"
     "...died..." I mumbled out.

Guess what. I'm going to Jersey!!! We're gonna see Hoboken and Belleville and it's gonna be great! And I just turned fourteen!
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