Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan Re-Write

[A/N] - Sorry there was no update yesterday, I was sick ;/ I didn't think I'd be updating tonight 'cos I went out for my brothers birthday :3 I dunno about updating tomorrow 'cos I'm getting my hair done and on Friday, unless I go to my Dads, there will be no update because I'm going to my brothers 21st birthday party ;) So enjoy!

When Frank told Gerard about Jasmine's bad language, he didn't think much of it. "She could've picked it up anyway." Gerard told him "Probably something she overheard at school."

"No, that wasn't something she overheard at school." Frank said "She knew exactly what it meant. And the way she said it... I don't think she even thought she'd get in trouble over it! If that's what she's saying to my face what is she saying when we're not there? I don't want her giving that kind of influence to Cameron."

"Look, it's nothing." Gerard replied "I'll have a word with her tomorrow if that's what you want."

Frank sighed and leaned back in his chair, watching his husband draw. "Okay, fine." Frsnk mumbled "Talk to her tomorrow."

"Well what did you have in mind?"

Frank thought about it before admitting "I thought we could take her to Doctor Browning."

"I don't think we need to take her to the shrink just yet."

"I mean, we just don't know that much about her." Frank pointed out "For all we know her last family could've been like 'Pass the fucking potatoes' at the dinner table."

Gerard burst out laughing "Look, I just don't wanna make a big deal out of one dirty word."

"Fine." Frank replied "Fucking spend some time with her then."

"Alright, Bitch." Gerard smiled. Frank laughed and got up to start making lunch.

While his parents had been talking, Jude was outside with his paintball gun. Gerard had set him up a bunch of targets where he could put his toy soldiers and shoot at them. Jude was laughed as he shot one soldier and it fell of one of the shelfs it had been set on. He aimed at another toy soldier when suddenly a pigeon flew down and landed on top of one of the wooden shelves.

Jude looked at it for a moment before aiming his gun at the pigeon. He shot the paintball at it, expecting it to just be angry and fly away. But the pigeon squeaked loudly and fell to the floor unable to fly. It lay there and didn't move. Jude felt a weird feeling in his stomach and quickly got to his feet and ran to the pigeon.

Jasmine and Cameron had also been playing outside. Jasmine turned her head when she heard the pigeon squeak. Cameron, who hadn't heard the squeak, also turned her head. Both of them saw Jude looking down at something on the ground. Jasmine took Cameron's hand and the two of them walked over to Jude and found him looking at the pigeon. The pigeon was still alive but it was bending in a weird way and squeaking as if it were in pain.

"Did you do this?" Jasmine asked.

Jude was starting to cry "It was just a paintball, I didn't think it'd hurt him..."

Jasmine looked around and then spotted what they nodded. And she trudged through the snow, picked it up and came back. In her hand she was holding a brick covered in snow. She held it out to Jude "Put it out of its misery." Jude looked at her like she was a freak "If you walk away now, it'll starve to death. Is that what you want?"

Jude looked at the brick in Jasmine's hand, then at Jasmine and then back at the pigeon. He shook his head "I'm not doing it."

Jasmine glared at him before smacking the brick into the pigeons body. Blood went everywhere and when Jasmine re-lifted the brick, Jude and Cameron could see the pigeons mangled body. Jasmine smiled sweetly "It's okay." She told him, then said and signed "It's in heaven now."

"What's wrong with you?" Jude hissed before running away from them.

Cameron looked at Jasmine. Jasmine smiled and threw the brick on the floor. She took Cameron's hand and the two of them walked back down to the house.

The next day, as promised, Gerard spent some time with Jasmine. He decided to take Jasmine and Cameron to the park. Both girls were on the swings, Gerard pushing Cameron and Jasmine swinging herself a little. She was smiling sweetly until a woman with short white blonde hair walked over to them "Hey Gerard."

"Oh." Gerard went a little red "Hi Eliza."

Jasmine looked the woman up and down. She was definently pretty with pale skin, blonde hair, red lips and extremely big boobs. Jasmine looked at Gerard and saw the look on his face. It didn't take her long to figure out what was going on here.

"I haven't seen you in ages." Eliza pouted. The little girl she had brought with her tugged on Eliza's arm but Eliza simply brushed her away "I've missed you so much."

"I uhh..." Gerard smiled, going even more red.

"Actually, I was hoping you could help me with something." Eliza said, looking all innocent "I was wondering if you could come over to my place and help me move a chair."

"Umm yeah." Gerard replied "I'll see whether me and Frank could come over."

Eliza's smile disappeared then re-appeared "Oh well thank you. I'll see you around. Bye!" She waggled her fingers at him and walked away, wiggling her butt as she went.

Jasmine was processing all this when suddenly she spotted Aven on her bike. Aven got off her bike and wandered over to the large jungle gym. On her way over, she spotted Aven and frowned. But it didn't stop her going into the jungle gym. It didn't take her long to go all the way round and down the slide. When she looked over at the swings, Jasmine and Cameron were gone.

For a moment Aven thought they had gone home but then she spotted their Dad by the benches having a cigarette. Aven was a little scared though she wasn't quite sure why. Desperate not to be scared of Jasmine, she went back over to the jungle gym and climbed up the little ladder. Once she was up, it felt like she was alone up there. There were kids running about beneath her, but not up there with her.

She walked slowly across the bridge between her and the slide. Cameron ran underneath the bridge, making Aven gasp and feel even more scared. She took a deep breath 'It was nothing...' She thought to herself 'Stop getting so scared about nothing.' Aven continued across the bridge until she was in a small hut.

There was a small slit in the hut, just big enough for her to get through which led to the slide. She walked over, glancing quickly over her shoulder. There was no one there. So she poked her head out of the slit, wondering whether to go down the slide or not.

Suddenly there was a loud shout behind her. Aven whipped around and saw Jasmine running at her. She screamed as Jasmine shoved her as hard as she could. Aven fell through the slit and to the side, hitting her leg hard on the edge of the slide. She shrieked as she hit the floor, wiggling around in pain. One of her legs was bent out at a weird angle.

Cameron looked down at Aven then up at the top of the slide. Jasmine was looking down at Aven with a smile on her face. She stood there for a second or two before turning around and walking away.
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