Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > MCR go to Hogwarts.

Chapter 3

by raytorosfro 4 reviews

Frank finds out about magic.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-02-02 - Updated: 2012-02-02 - 752 words

A/N YES! I have got another chapter up. Ok so I have written the next couple of chapters I just need to type them up. I hate typing so much and ideas come to me quicker if I write. ANYWHOO I am still taking suggestions for pairings!!
So far I have 2 for a Frerard. YOU CAN SUGGEST ANY PAIRINGS. You can suggest more than one if you want. ANYWAY ENJOY RATE AND REVIEW?!?! PLEASE?!?!
~Transmission Exploder xoxo

Chapter 3

Frank's P.O.V

I made my way into the kitchen where I found an envelope. Being the nosey person I am I looked at who it was for. I was shocked to see it had my name printed on it. I flipped it over and started to open it. 'Frank.' I heard my mother call from the doorway and I turned to look at her. 'There is something I need to explain before you open that. I think it would be best if we waited for your father to come home as well.' I just nodded and looked at the clock. He should be home in about ten minutes. I pulled out a chair and sat patiently waiting to know what my mum could possibly have to tell me and what the hell it has to do with the letter laying in the middle of the table.

Fifteen minutes later dad walked through the door. 'Darling can you come to the kitchen please?' mum called to him. He walked in and sat down looking very happy. 'Ok there is something I need to explain. It may take a while for you two too believe me but... Oh to hell with it. That letter...' she started whilst pointing to the middle of the table ' Franks acceptance letter into Hogwarts.' We both gave her a confused look.
'What on earth is Hogwarts?' I asked and she sighed.
'Hogwarts is a school for witchcraft and wizardry. Frank I'm talking about magic and potions. It's not just fairy tales. It's real.' I burst into giggles.
'Nice joke honey.' Dad said after he chuckled.
'I'm being serious'
'Right mum. I'll believe you when pigs fly.' I said then stuck my tongue out childishly at her.
'Fine.' She smirked 'follow me.' She led us outside to Betsy. The family pig. 'Ok Frank, this will possibly be the first spell you learn just so you know.' She explained as she pulled a stick out of her boot. 'Wingardium Leviosa.' I stared in shock as the pig began to lift of the ground. She was being serious. I was going to learn this stuff.
'Mum freaking out a bit here.' I said then I looked in dads direction. He has his mouth hanging open and has paled slightly.
'I always knew there was something different about you. Why did you not tell me?' Mum looked down in shame.
'I was afraid it might scare you off. I thought you might not love me if you knew.' She explained after gently lowering Betsy to the ground. Dad walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.
'Nothing can stop me from loving you.' He said and kissed her forehead.
'Ok enough of this mushy stuff' I whined and they chuckled at me. 'Mum I can't go to Hogwarts.' I said after realising one thing. The guys. I just can't leave them. Ever. We need to stick together. I got a confused look from both of my parents.
'Why?' Such a simple question. Is the answer as simple as I think it is?
'I can't leave here. I need to be here with them.' she nodded in understanding but then smiled.
'Honey. The Ways are a well known family among witches and wizards. I also know that Bob's dad is a wizard so there is a chance he will get in as well. As for Ray...' she hesitated 'the odds are a million to one' I sighed. I knew the others will agree with me when I say... If one doesn't go, none of us do.

Not to long after. I was on my bed reading the letter again and the phone started ringing. 'Frank honey Bob is on the phone.' she called about five minutes after. I got up and made my way to the phone. I wonder if he did get a letter after all.
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