Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Save Me From This Hell Hole

These Scars Never Wash Away

by ShakeyHatred 0 reviews

The guys confront Jenn about what she said the other day.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-02-03 - Updated: 2012-02-04 - 580 words

The sound that I dreaded to hear. The sound of six slow, quite footsteps making their way over to my tree. I closed my eyes and thought of the possibilities that could happen in the next few seconds. One : They could walk right past me and forget about me. Which I doubt would happen. These guys are different the understand outcastness, the understand pain and the understand forgiveness. Two : They could sit by me and not say anything. There is a possibility in that, but one of them will want to say something. I've known them long enough to say that probably Frank would say something. Either say something sweet, caring and loving. Or, ask me questions about when, why, how, where and how long I've been cutting and such. Those were the questions I've been dreading the most. And thirdly, they may confront me about it. Ask those questions I listed, and try to help me. Scratch that, they'll help me either way.

I opened my eyes and saw six pairs of sad, caring eyes staring down on me. I sighed and looked up, my eyes locked with Frank's and a single tear ran down my cheek. "M-my aunt. always wants me home at 5:00. D-dinner is always at 5:00..." I said trailing off. The guys sat down next to me and Mikey quietly said "You left the coffee shop at 5:30. How far away do you live?" "About t-ten mi-inutes" I said looking down to try and hide the tears that poured down my face. "Fuck. That's 40 minutes late. Jenn. What. Happened?" Storm said pointing to a bruise on my left cheek. FUCK! I never noticed that. shit shit shit. They know. I have to tell them. I love these guys. They are my life. Okay here it goes...

I lifted my hand up a brushed my fingertips over the bruise. I winced, ouch that hurts. I whispered practically inaudible. "She...b-beat m-mee" I said curling into a ball on the ground, knees covering my face. I didn't care if the muddy grounds would stain my hideous sweat pants. They grey colouring slowly would turn into a gross brown colour. My aunt would yell and probably beat me for staining them. Another beating, another cut. More like 6 other cuts. Deeper cuts, and Deeper cuts, and Deeper cuts. I felt myself being lifted off the ground by strong, sturdy arms and carried. I didn't hear a door open so maybe we were...going away from the school? Good. As long as I'm not at the hellhole, or at hellhole #2 people call a home. I grimaced as I thought of the word home. Home - A place of happiness and joy. Fuck that, my "home" is long gone. My "home" was with my parents in Canada. My home was happy, it was joyful. But than drunk old uncle came and killed my fucking parents. Great. My aunt. That is a place I will never, ever, EVER call "home".

I was placed down on a soft surface that I recognized as a bed. A large bed to be exact. I felt six small kisses on my forehead, and than a door open and six quite footsteps leave, followed by a quite shut of a door. I pulled the covers up over my chin and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

[*Sorry for the short, terrible, and odd chapter. Felt like I needed to update. My update tomorrow or Sunday, maybe not. Love you guys
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