Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Save Me From This Hell Hole

If It Feels Good How Can It Be Bad?

by ShakeyHatred 0 reviews

Jenn tries something...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-02-17 - Updated: 2012-02-18 - 345 words


Waking up in a different bed. Oh, yeah this is Ray's house I think. I sat up and scratched my head. I looked a the clock 4:56 a.m god damn it. I quietly got up, and walked over to the window. I stopped and thought for a second. If I leave, where will I go? Home - No Fucking Way. Find a drug dealer? - Possible, probably. Get booze? - most likely. Overdose on purpose for suicide? Maybe. If I stay, I would have to face the guys. I would have to answer questions, and I would be forced to eat. They know I'm bulimic. I made up my mind - pills - not to overdose, but to relive my pain for at least a little bit. I know the side affects, I went to health class, fuck I got an A in health class. I know everything about drugs a 16 year old could know! I slowly, carefully, quietly opened the window, climbing out and shutting it slowly. I ran, down the back allies hoping to find a dark figure hidden in the blackness on night. I turned down a close by ally way - and hooray for me found that dark figure I was looking for. I had $100 in my pocket that I stole from my aunt. I was planning on running away...but now I have drugs. Sweet, sweet drugs.

I handed the figure the whole $100, and I received a bottle full of tiny pills with smiley faces on them, and a bag with white powder inside. Ecstasy, and cocaine, perfect. I smiled and thanked the man before running to the park 10 minutes away from my house, and 20 minutes away from Ray's. I opened the bottle and pulled out a yellow pill with a happy face on it. I quickly popped it into my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt so good, I actually felt...happy. I knew so many terrible things could come out of this, but fuck you, and fuck it. If it feels good, how can it be bad?
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