Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord


by lordmaurya 0 reviews

Harry's early introduction to wizarding world with an mytical power and his 'aunt' at his side. Harry/multi. Lemon from 6th chapter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Petunia Dursley,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 821 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Now Betaed by everyread123

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.

Summary: The alternate and early introduction of magical world in Harry's life. It's consequences on magical world. His path to power. Alternate Universe!

Introducing: Baghera, a magical creature as bonded companion. Bond-fic! Harry/Many! Multi-ship!


It was a simple summer day, there was nothing out of ordinary for the world to see, yet in the smallest room of 'house' No. 4 Privet Drive, there was this Boy.

People would be hard pressed to find anything out of ordinary in this house, because this house belongs to Dursleys, who crave to be as normal as humanly possible, yet the abnormality that they have in their life, which they abhor with their whole being, ridicule with every intention, lives with them...

This abnormal person in their life, in their house was in fact their own blood relative. You see the abnormality of this boy was a way of life for some. Yet the boy knew nothing about this way of life. He was actually quite ignorant of that, not by choice or lack of curiosity but due to lack of Knowledge.

The abnormality of this boy was his heritage, his powers, his magic, his destiny, because the boy was aWizard, not any wizard but a powerful and famous one. Famous for something he didn't know, for he was a mere toddler at the time to remember. But that was about to change, because he was about to encounter a being which was quite rare even for this hidden world.

Chapter 1: The Unnatural Day

The sun was streaming through the lane of Privet Drive, the air was whistling and people were starting to wake. The same was happening in No.4. A Couple was sleeping in their bedroom. The man, a very fat one with resemblance to an infant elephant was drooling in his sleep while dreaming about riches of others but the woman was quite acontrast to the man; she was very thin, if she was to lose anymore weight she would look like walking skeleton. Her neck was longer than normal and the dream she was having is as ambitious as her husband's yet it was totally different. She was dreaming about being the most famous among the ladies in her upcoming tea party, of achieving the unsaid title of 'The Gossip Queen of Little Whinging'.

In the next room their son was sleeping while dreaming about an unnatural amount of food not to mention unhealthy. He was his father's son; he had the same built, the same mood swings, the same cruelty, the same greediness & the very same domineering personality.

But the story we are heading for, is centered toward the last person sleeping in the house, the almost eight year old boy, with massy black hair, malnourished body and cello taped glasses. He had an aura about him even while sleeping; he had jades like green eyes, which shown every major emotion he was feeling and a lightning bolt scar on his head, which he had received at the night where it all started. He was dreaming about abeautiful redhead woman, flying motorcycle and bright green lights for the last an hour while rolling from left to right and back again on his stiff cot for abed in the least expected place of the whole house. For his room was not like others, he had a cupboard under the stairs as his bedroom.

He was awaken from his restless sleep by the sound of his door banging and his aunt's shouting for him to come out & cook the breakfast, hence starting his normal day for summer holidays. After making & serving the omelet, pancake and bangers as breakfast which was sufficient for a small army battalion but barely enough for the Dursleys. He was given a small amount for himself, due to his uncle's 'good heart' as the fat man said to him. After Breakfast his uncle ordered him to start weeding the garden.

And that's why he was working on garden despite the heat from summer noon. While he was working like any other day, their was something different he was 'sensing' this day; it was afeeling of being watched or observed may be the right word; this feeling had served him well in the past, while escaping his cousin and his goons. He had scanned his near about many times but he can't see anyone watching him close by. So he was scanning yet another time for anyone watching him when his emerald gaze fell on the bushes across from him & came in contact with aset of golden eyes. As the mesmerizing golden eyes met his green eyes, he knew no more...

A/N: Its my first story, so the start is a 'tad bit' short....

Until we meet again,

Lord Maurya.

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