Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord


by lordmaurya 0 reviews

Enter Leona...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 1118 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.

A/N: As some may have figured out, the baghera here is somewhat similar to the fictional character'Bagheera' from 'The Jungle Book' or 'Moghli' series but the 'Baghera' in the Story is a mixture of myths, stories & some realities from India. These Bagheera in India are common in some villages, they are a Cross of tiger and panther. They have black or black dotted yellow-brown fur; golden, brown or green eyes and are similar to leopard in size. But as the story is magical the henceforth referred 'Baghera' will be magical.

The length of chapters will be increasing as ideation takes solid form. It will be around 1k+ per chapter.

Chapter 2: Leona

Harry for his age was quite smart, for you have to be smart to survive 'living' with the Dursleys, he was always ahead of his peers in school but you can't prove it if you have to because he had toned his smartness and learning ability or as his uncle referred'freakiness' after the first report he got from school. He got beaten& locked in his cupboard for doing better than Duddykins the Dudley-whale by some 'freakiness'. But for all his smartness and knowledge (a greater part from local public library) he can't figure out where he is. You see for he was weeding the garden at No.4 to 'earn' his food as Vernon had said. But now he was not at No.4 front garden and he didn't know where he is yet he doesn't feel any danger toward him, he felt safe, there was a welcome feeling about this that he can't describe, it was a feeling he could only compare to being watched by parents. For all the security or safety he was feeling his curiosity got the better of him and he took a look of his surrounding, he was standing on an endless field there was nothing here as far as he can see, the light that illuminated this place was not coming from any source for there wasn't a sun, but the whole 'sky' was shining with golden halo. Now that he had a good look around he can only compare this place for how it would be like on top of a cloud.

After searching for an exit for few minutes, he thought that it seems like a dream and it would after a time and he would awake by his uncle yelling at him for sleeping in the garden. But there was this presence, the same feeling of being watched from the garden here and his entire search was turning fruitless but at last he saw the golden eyes again, observing him from a distance. Gathering his courage, he cautiously started to move toward the eyes, as he covered some distance he could see that the eyes belonged to an animal, his instinct was of fleeing from the creature but he knew that this creature will not harm him. So he continued to move and began to observe the creature which who was sitting still and observing him, at first glance he thought that the being was a dog but after this long observation he could see that this being resembled to great cats like tiger but with black coat fur. At last his green eyes traveled back to the golden eyes he had first seen. But unlike the first time he didn't faint, this time he felt a presence in his mind& a moment later a voice which was melodic and powerful at the same time,"Greetings Sodalis".

"Who are you?" Harry asked in a measured tone to the great feral cat.

"My name is Leona, I am a Baghera" said the being.

"Hello Leona I am Harry, Where are we? And how are you talking to me?" Harry asked.

Leona took few seconds to answer "We are in kalpanik plane and I am talking to you through a mental link."

"Kalpanik? Mental link!" questioned Harry in confused tone.

Leona seems to be searching for the right word before answering to him "Kalpanik means imaginary & the mental link is a link between our minds."

"Why are you doing this with me and for that matter how are you doing this?" Harry asked the simple and most important questions first after thinking a moment or two he asked, "If we are in this 'imaginary' plane so wouldn't my relatives will miss me?"

"No your relatives will not miss you as time in the imaginary plane is equals to just few moments in reality and before you ask, no you didn't faint. As for how, the answer is magic." answered Leona, after waiting for few seconds she again started,"As for why, It's a long story."

"Magic... It's real!" Harry spoke while thinking about it. It would explain all the weirdness around him Harry thought, 'Turning teacher's hair blue. While running from Dudley and his 'marry band' suddenly founding himself on top of school building. Growing his hair overnight after the horrible haircut his aunt gave him.'

"Yes it's real and you are a magic user like many other. Your kind is called wizard" answered Leona enthusiastically.

"Wizard!" breathed Harry with some relish. "I don't know why but I believe you. So what's your tale?"

"You see few moon ago" began Leona her tale:

"My brother Leo and Iwere taken from India, our birthplace while our mother was out hunting for us by your kind. We are twins. In our species mothers take care of their like yours and teach us about our magic. We draw our power from our family and because of absence our mother we weren't able to defend ourselves and thus easily abducted. We were moved from east to the here and were contained in some magical cages which were weakening our remaining magic in a store called Borgin& Burkes. We were able to escape when the keeper was moving us from the cage. While escaping we were separated due to wizards who were chasing us. After running for a long time while hiding I smelled blood of our kind and thus came for help."

After listening and processing her tale Harry asked, "So why are you here? I don't think there is any other of your kind here."

"Yes you are right but wrong at the same time. You see the smell of blood led me to you, for you are awizard but your blood smells of our kind." answered Leona.

A/N: Here ends the second chapter Hope you like it and share your views......

Until then,

Lord Maurya

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