Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord

Of Blood and Bonds...

by lordmaurya 0 reviews

Leona explains... and iniates the bonding ritual...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 1757 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.

Chapter 3: Of Blood and Bonds

It was night time in Surrey, after the bizarre day Harry was laying on his bed with his eyes closed, he was thinking about all the things that led the end of this strange day. For even an eight year old, he knew that the today's happening were extra ordinary; he had discovered that magic was indeed real and to top it of he was a wizard, not any other wizard but unique one with a mystical legendary creature's blood (whose race was rather extinct). He had met a Baghera that had come seeking help from her kind but got him instead & can talk to him magically through amind link /(which he will apparently share with her)/.

Now that he thinks about it, his reaction to hearing her say that he had Baghera blood flowing through his veins was rather hilarious.


"What? How can I have your blood in me when I didn't even know of you before today!" a rather confused Harry asked while shaking his head about the very notion.

"No you are misunderstanding; you don't have my blood in you but blood of another baghera, a powerful one for I could smell it from a long distance." answered Leona.

"But how could I have Baghera blood in me?" said Harry

"I am not sure how you have a Baghera blood in your body but I think one of your forefathers had done some favor to our kind, it's like one of them saved an elder's life or something, for the blood's smell to be this powerful it had to be an elder. And let me tell you one thing, an elder is one of the most powerful being, nowadays they are few and far but their tales are legendary." Said Leona while looking at him with awe and something else he didn't comprehend.

"Ok, lets say that I have Baghera blood from some ancestor; but I don't understand how that would help you? and ... and I don't know any magic!" Harry slowly said, he didn't know Leona for long but she was talking to him and for him it was a rare occurrence and he didn't want her to go.

"You don't have to do any magic to help me. You see I am not matured enough yet to have control over my powers, that's why we weren't able to save ourselves. Our powers were tied with our mother and would have been for some time if we weren't abducted. But due to long distance the bond between us didn't sustained and it broke. Because of no ties to my magic it would go wild & become chaotic and it will explode. This magical backlash will kill me." explained Leona.

"But what can I do to help you & how could your magic explode when it didn't for this long?" Harry asked again.

"It will explode, it didn't turn wild during my captivity because of the cage we were held in, the cage was suppressing our magic." after pausing for Harry to understand she continued "There are some rituals that are done for anchoring a Baghera's magic. In some cases, when a youngling's mother die; the elder chooses aguardian for the youngling and binds the youngling's magic to the guardian with old ritual of bonding."

"But how will it help you? I am not aBaghera and don't know the ritual" said Harry.

"But you have Baghera blood and I know the ritual, I think a variation of it will work." said Leona cryptically then turning to Harry she said, "Will you help me? Will you do the ritual?" asked Leona pleadingly.

"Of course, I will help you but what will this ritual do to me?" Harry curiously asked.

"The bond will bind us like family, it will form an outlet for my magic, our magic will flow through the bond, you will get a power boost to your core and a mind link will form between us. But Idon't think you will be harmed by the ritual." said Leona cryptically but Harry didn't notice it for he was thinking about the outcome of ritual.

"So how will we do it?" questioned Harry?

"The ritual is two fold itself; firstly we would have to mentally accept each other fully. Our mind will be open for the other. The second part is hard. You see for our magic to accept the others, we would have to share blood. I will explain the details later."

"When should we do it?" asked Harry while thinking about Dursleys.

"We can do the first part now, if you are ready?" asked Leona.

"Ok, what do I do?" asked Harry.

"As I said before we are in an imaginary plane, here we are representation, a halo of our mind, to merge our with each other all we have to do is think of the other, accepting the other and approach each other till we join." said Leona.

They simply looked at each other for a while. Where Leona knew the consequences of bond and accepted them, for Harry it was the biggest thing he had ever done. Slowly they started to approach the other ending the last few feet of distance between them while holding each other gaze the whole time; while Leona had a look of decision, Harry's expression was of determination. At last they met, Harry's hand approached Leona's head absentmindedly where Leona leaned toward it. The hand passed the head like it was water and at last the two projection of mind was one. As they merged with each other, they both felt like something missing was coming back to them.

And the next moment they were back at the Privet drive. Harry was on his back in the front garden while the only proof of Leona's presence was her golden eyes shining in the bushes across him. After looking around him Harry heard Leona's voice in his head, "Harry?"

"Hun?" asked Harry.
"Someone is coming." He turned around & came face to face with Aunt Petunia.

"Boy, come with me!" hissed Petunia quietly and turned back toward the entryway, Harry following behind after signaling for Leona to wait for him. As soon as they were in the house and away from any prying eyes Petunia turned back to him, "Boy, We are going on abusiness trip for 2 week. We means 'we' not you, your uncle got a big deal in France. You are not coming with us. Mrs. Figg will act as your caretaker and will give you something to eat. We will be leaving at evening; you will not leave the house in our absence. You hear me boy?"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." answered Harry in a quite tone.

After the departure of Dursleys, He walked out of house and toward the bushes where Leona was hiding.
Looking at Leona he thought, 'Can u hide yourself?'
'Yes' came her amused answer.
Turning to look for the cause of her amusement, he found that she had shrunk her size to one third of its original and now her size was similar to that of ahousecat.

After she explained the reason for being able to use her power, which was simple apparently now that she was in his presence, she could do some magic .

*Flashback Ends*

So that's how they were in his cupboard cum bedroom.
After a while Harry opened his eyes he looked at Leona and asked, "When will we do the second part of ritual?"

'The second part could be done at any time, but it will be most effective at midnight.' answered Leona.

"Then we will do it at midnight." confirmed Harry and after setting an alarm on the old rickety handwatch (which Dudley had thrown away) he laid down on the bed. Leona settled on his foot, within seconds he was asleep while dreaming of running in a forest as aBaghera, Leona at his side. He awoke to the sound of alarm and an impatient Leona's voice in his head, 'Wake up! Harry.'
After rubbing his eyes for a minute he turned to Leona "So what do I do now?"

'You would need to remove those things from your body.' answer Leona.

"What?" shouted Harry "Why would I have to be naked?"

'Because clothes will come in ritual's way.'said Leona.

Shyly Harry undressed; they waited on his bed for midnight. At midnight Leona said 'This will hurt' and in a swift motion slashed Harry's upper thigh in a swift motion with her paw, eliciting a cry of pain from him and then in a second sudden motion she had slashed open her left paw.
'Repeat with me' Leona said in pained voice:

/'Blood is magic,/
Blood is life,
/Freely given, mine to thou'/

"Blood is magic,
Blood is life,
Freely given, mine to thou"

'Merge this blood,
Merge this life,
Thy to mine,
Mine to thou'

"Merge this blood,
Merge this life,
Thy to mine,
Mine to thou"

'So I Said. So It Be!'
"So I Said. So It Be!"

As she said the last part she pressed her slashed paw to his slashed thigh, cut to cut, there was a football size light from the joint cuts & then the cuts were healed.
The next second Harry fell to his knees, his hands clutching his head to somehow ease the sudden agonizing pain, a black mist emitted from his scar with a scream of anguish and he blacked out.

As he came back to the land of living, the first thing he noticed was, he was on his bed with Leona on top of him lapping his forehead, her size slightly smaller than normal.

'Sleep my Master' said Leona.
He gave a content sigh and drifted back to sleep all the while holding the neck of Baghera in his arms.

A/N: Here comes the third chapter, it is longest so far. The bonding is done & for those who are wondering, yes part horcrux is destroyed as its result. Here the Horcrux magic was like aforeign agent in Harry's body (acting like a leech) but Harry's magic alone wasn't able to get rid of it. The bonding ritual enforced his magic & thus making it possible to get rid of it.

As for language and grammar, English isn't my main language.

Hope you like it & share your constructive views....

Until then,

Lord Maurya.

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