Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord

Without Dursleys...?

by lordmaurya 0 reviews

When you remove the Dursleys out of equation...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 2224 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.


'Mentally Talking'

/Parseltongue /

A/N: This one will be long.

Chapter 4: Without Dursleys....?

The next day when Harry woke up he felt refreshed and energized like never before, he took few moments to gather his thoughts. Firstly he thought that the whole thing was a very creative dream on his part but after a movement he discarded the dream idea. For one, he woke up without being shouted at (for making breakfast) and second he was still naked from yesterday night as he was exhausted and fell asleep without putting some clothes on and Leona was there in her slightly-larger-than-housecat form. Sometime during the night Leona had slipped down from his embrace, 'which he now remembers locking her in' and had made herself comfortable between his lower thighs, her preferred position for sleeping had his face blushing crimson. For he was a young boy and the idea of sleeping naked and then awaking with a female in a his current position was very naughty & embarrassing for him, whether the female was a girl or feline being wasn't any difference to him.

After few minutes, he gently shook Leona, who was purring and drooling very close to his member for his comfort. Making anoise like a growl, which in her current form sounded like an equivalent of grunt, she shook herself and stretched her body, opening her golden eyes she looked at Harry and greeted him, 'Good morning Master!'

"Eh... Good morning! Leona would you... move off me?" Harry said awkwardly.

Looking at him amusedly, Leona did as he said. After putting some clothes on, which were decidedly three times too big for him. He got himself upstairs to bathroom door (the only other door which wasn't locked except the kitchen and his cupboard) he brushed his teeth and tried to comb his hair, which he failed spectacularly. While doing his daily morning routine, he thought to Leona: 'Umm... Leona?'

'Yes Master.' returned her voice in his head.

'We will be going to the Mrs. Figgs' house for breakfast and you will have to stay in your cat form. Would that be Ok for you?' asked Harry.

'Yes Master, now that we have done the bonding ritual my powers are grounded, I can stay in my current form as long as you wish.' said Leona.

'Leona, why are you calling me master? Now that I remember you did called me master yesterday after the ritual too.' Harry said.

Leona was quite for sometime so he got back to living room, where Leona was waiting for him. She looked up at him from His Uncle's rest chair where she had sat herself and answered hesitantly,"Well Master... you see before the bonding you were simply a 'wizard' to me but now you are my mate.'

"Mate? Mate means friend, hun? So what's the difference?" asked Harry in normal voice.

'No master, a mate for our kind is the one to whom, we choose to belong, the one to spend life with, who fathers the young once.'

'But.... But how could you have chosen me as your mate I am not Baghera, whether Baghera Blood or not, I can't be... the choose... & I am too young to think for young once. I am not your kind.'stuttered Harry while thinking about fathering as she referred.

'Master I am sorry, but as I had told you before the ritual we have done was a different from the one of guardianship ritual. You see, the guardianship ritual couldn't be done without an elder to perform it. The ritual we have done is the one where, if a female Baghera finds a powerful male she initiates the Bonding process. When I had found you, your blood smelled of power like that of an elder, the power was intoxicating to me; it was like a pull for me, the only thing on my mind was to be with you. As for young once, the thought didn't even cross my mind.' answered Leona distressfully while looking toward the floor.

"So, you lied to me about the whole thing of your life being in danger because of your magic turning wild." stated Harry in a quite but strong tone feeling betrayed from the one he considered friend.

'No, Master!' said Leona in a horrified tone, he could feel through the bond that she was appalled at the very thought of tricking him; she continued after a while, 'I didn't lied to you, my magic was turning wild, if you didn't bonded with me it would have been exploded in aweek at most & I would have died. Master, I am sorry I didn't even consider your choices and treated you like a Baghera. I will take any punishment you give me but please don't think that I betrayed you; my mind wasn't clear, Iwasn't thinking, your power was like rush to me, it was intoxicating for me.'answered Leona and then waited his judgment.

After thinking clearly, Harry could see that this really wasn't Leona's fault; he could feel her sincerity and fear through the bond, she was thinking he would abandon her. Harry said in a calm and soothing voice," You are not at fault Leona. I will not leave you. And as for punishment I will forget it, if you will call me Harry instead of master, I may be your mate but first of all you are my friend."

'Yes, Mas... Harry' corrected Leona happily.

After the misunderstanding was out of the way, Harry walked to Mrs. Figgs' house, Leona following two-steps behind him. As they walked down the street his thoughts turned to old lady, for Mrs. Figg was an old woman who have lot of cats; she had named her cats like Mr. Tibbles, Snowy, and Mr. Paws. Harry always thought that she was quite eccentric; she treated her cats like people, her house smelled of cat food and her clothing attire was a housecoat which looked like a century old with carpet slippers as footwear.

But for all her abnormalities, she was like asafe heaven for both Harry and Dursleys; for Dursleys because whenever they wanted the freak out of their house, she was up to babysitting and for Harry because at days like Dudley's birthday, the elder Dursleys would pamper Dudley whole day and it would remind Harry of being an orphan, so he would happily go to Mrs. Figg where she would show him all the pictures of every cat she'd every owned. Despite the smell in her house or her love for cats he liked her house better than Dursleys. She was always kind to him & she was a heavy sleeper, always taking nap at odd times while leaving Harry to his own devices whenever he was there.

Mrs. Figg was waiting for him at her front gate. She led him to her living room where at the table a breakfast of omelet was waiting for him.

As he sat for the breakfast, for the first time Mrs. Figgs' eyes fell on Leona, "And who you might be?" she said while stroking Leona's black fur lovingly.

"She is Leona Mrs. Figg; she followed me the other day when I was returning from school and has been following me. So Inamed her." answered Harry while observing that at Leona's presence all the other cats have made a distance from the trio.

"What a beautiful name? Aren't you beautiful" she cooed to Leona.

'You will call me beautiful; when you see my real form you old bat.' thought Leona to him.

'Well, you are beautiful in all your form'thought Harry cheekily. Leona kept her quite after that while Mrs. Figg fussed over her. Harry returned to his breakfast, ignoring the ever present smell of cat food the house was always emitting; after all he had spent quite sometime here.

After finishing the breakfast Harry was about to leave when his eyes fell on the local newspaper, there was a photo of apanther like animal lying on the road, the first thing he noticed was its resemblance to Leona, but unlike Leona his far was like that of an tiger and he was bigger than Leona. He picked the paper; the date was 21 July, 1988. The headline was:

Panther killed By A Truck AT Magnolia Road

In an accident yesterday evening a young panther was killed by a load carrying truck. After investigation it was discovered that the panther was unaccounted and ran across the truck. The animal control authorities believe that the panther was rogue one for the local zoo hasn't reported any missing animal.

Harry stopped reading, for if he wasn't mistaken the animal in question was Leona's twin brother Leo. He laid the paper on floor and thought to Leona, 'Take a look at the picture' after looking at the paper her voice responded in his head, 'Its Leo'.

Harry thought to her in sympathetic tone, 'He was killed yesterday, while running he came across a vehicle.' 'No' came her chocked voice as she leaped from Mrs. Figg's lap to his. Mrs. Figg said,"I think she is ready to go back". To which Harry just nodded his head.

Scene Break: 10 days later.

After that first day, a routine was set where they will go for their meal to Mrs. Figg's house and at the rest of time Leona and Harry would talk about each other and get to know the other. For the first two days Leona was sad kept mostly to herself, at night she would snuggle to Harry (in her slightly larger than cat form) like she was afraid that he would disappear. It was hard for her; she had lost her whole family. but the third morning she had greeted him like almost normally, when he asked, 'How she was?'she had said that it would do no good to hold on the dead but she would care for the living and after that her whole time was solely focused on Harry. In this time she had told him about basic magical theory, which was all about intent, will and magical power; she had taught him how to clear his mind, she had said a clear mind can achieve anything & it would be useful in controlling his magic. She had reveled that she could see magic and that if she had any other ability, it has yet to be gain as her power hadn't fully grown yet. She had also said that there was something off with Mrs. Figg, her cats have magical halo around them, while Mrs. Figg herself have taint of magic in her aura.

So that's how the time got away and he was yet again on his way back to Dursleys house from Mrs. Figg's house after having another lunch, Leona on his wake. It was his birthday; he was now an eight year old now. But his quite days was about to end, because the Dursleys were to return in four days & he would have to go back to the dreadful Dursleys'normal' routine. As he entered the house, he had expected it to be empty like the last ten days, so he was quite shocked to find his prim & proper aunt sitting on the tea table with a hollow look in her eyes, bags lying at her foot. As he got near her, he was expecting to be shouted at with some scathing remark about the house condition, but she didn't even acknowledged his presence.

"Aunt Petunia?" said Harry but getting no response he gently shook her shoulder and tried again, "Aunt Petunia. Where are uncle Vernon and Dudley?"

This time he got an answer from her, her voice was so quite he had to lean closer to hear it say, "Gone."

"Gone, where?" again asked Harry.

Whatever Harry was expecting for an answer, his aunt's answer was totally unexpected, "Gone. They are Gone. They Died. The Accident. They have died." answered Petunia in a hollow tone like she was trying to make herself believe the same her voice chocking with dry sobs. Then she broke down, and for the first time he could remember his Aunt hold him in a hug, but it wasn't a hug like he ever imagined, it was a hug of desperation, of need to hold someone. First he stiffened at the unexpected physical contact and didn't respond but Leona's voice broke through his shock,'Hold her and let her cry it out.' He did as he was told. She was crying, her tears were streaming on his shoulder, her mouth was closed to his ear as she held him for dear life, he could hear her murmuring to herself again & again words like dead, gone & accident.

A/N: So here is the fourth chapter. Forgive me for the Language or grammatical mistakes.

Yes, the Dursleys are dead or at least Vernon and Dudley are. Unfortunately same can't be said for Marge. This Chapter is the longest yet, I was gonna break it in two parts but that didn't worked out well.

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Until then,

Lord Maurya.... Over & Out.

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