Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord

A Grain of Truth

by lordmaurya 0 reviews

When the truth comes out...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 2457 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.


'Mentally Talking'


A/N: While the story is moving toward Harry/Petunia pairing, it will only contain the required amount of graphical details of their relationship. The idea of incest will be maintained but very low explicit content will come out of this relationship, partially because writing a smut scene between them & making it real will be hard to do. This paring plays a major role in further advancing the story and more involvement of Petunia in Harry's life, because I think Harry will not be very accepting his 'aunt's' suggestions, that relation is a sour point in his past but the new relation of lovers will further 'bond' them to each other and Harry will be more inclined toward Petunia's advice in near future.

Chapter 6: A Grain of Truth.

It was August 16; Aunt Petunia was out of house meeting a solicitor about finances. Harry was sitting on the floor of now deceased Dudley; his Aunt had given him this room saying that he was getting too big for cupboard and as this room was vacant anyway. But he didn't spend that much time in this room anyway; he now always sleeps with his aunt and spends most of the day in living room. He was meditating with Leona as his guide, currently his eyes were closed and he was in his mind-land which Leona has helped him envisioning, his mind-land was lot like Privet drive number four. He was organizing his memories like Leona had taught him, he had stored his good memories in the living room in the voids behind photographs, his memories of bad time with Dursleys was carefully stuffed in the cupboard the underneath the stairs, which he had carefully shut down for later sorting while his innermost secrets, desires and every thing about Leona was on the backyard of house in a underground room which was only accessible through the tree's trunk. He had almost sorted most of his memories and was arguing with Leona (who was present in his mind) about the remaining memories. "I am not going through those today Leona." he said in exasperated voice.

"But Master, you should organize all your memories it will help you attaining a clear mind." said Leona addressing him as master only because she was becoming annoyed with him. She only addressed him as her master when she was angry or annoyed at him or when she wanted him to do something.

"Yes, but we could sort them tomorrow." said Harry.

"Yes Master we could but you have been forestalling them for four days."

So after loosing another argument with Leona he was sorting his bad memories or Dursleys memories as he mostly referred them. He had thought that it would be hard for him, but the memories didn't affect him as much maybe because he knew that now they couldn't make his life miserable. He had just completed his work when he felt a pull toward the lower corner wall of cupboard, it was the same pull he sometime felt at odd times, it had started when he first organized his mind, he had told Leona about it but she didn't know anything like this. So he cautiously started to move his hand toward the section with Leona at his side, but at the last moment as his hand was about to touch the wall, the wall just disappeared like it was an illusion, where once was the low wall of cupboard now was a big black hole, like someone had made it with a big matchstick, between the hole was a bright white crystal which seems to illuminate with a pulse. The movement his hand made contact with the crystal, he was pulled in a fast stream of memories, but unlike other times, these memories weren't his.

In these memories he saw: about a 5 year old boy getting bullied by three older boys, he saw the boy learning to control fire through his hand, he saw the boy burning the hands of the other three older boys, he saw the boy meeting a an middle age man telling him about magic, holding a stick no wand, entering a castle, meeting others like him, studying magic, talking to snake, studying more magic, opening a chamber, killing a family, leaving the castle for the last time...

The memories started to move fast as the boy becomes a man while working at a shop, moving around, learning different magic, killing more people... at last the flow returned to normal pace this time the man was walking toward a house, he blasted the front door, aman with glasses and black hair stood before him, he yelled something with desperation but another flick, a green light and the man with glasses fell to floor, his face with an expression between fear and surprise, the intruder again started to move this time he ascended stairs and entered a room that looked like nursery, there stood a redhead woman with green eyes protecting achild in a crib with her body, the man said something to her but she stood her ground and fell to the same green light that claimed the black haired man's life, at last the man turned toward the child in the crib, he had similar eyes like that of now dead woman beside him, the man turned his wand toward the child and again the green light shot from it... and then everything turned black.

When consciousness returned to him, the first thing he noticed was his head throbbing like he had banged it on a wall. When he opened his eyes & found himself back in his new room lying on the floor with Leona hovering above his head in her cat form. He knew that he had seen his parents' murder. 'Leona, my mums eyes were like mine.' he thought the first word that came to him. He said out loud, "Did you see them?They were murdered. My parents didn't die in an accident. They were murdered."

He was brought back from the shock of discovering the truth about his parents' death by Leona's alarmed voice in his head, 'HARRY!' he turned to look toward her when he caught the sight of his aunt standing at the open door with ashen face and wide eyes. He moved toward her and led her back to the bed in the room.

Her voice was filled with shock as she asked him, "How? How... do you know? What did you see?"

Looking toward Leona for few moments Harry said to his aunt in a quite tone, "I saw my parents' death."

As she looked toward him he continued, "You knew they were murdered. Didn't you?" it was obvious from his tone that it was a statement not a question.

Petunia seems to be conflicted about something but after a few moment of decision she held his gaze and started, "Yes I know they were murdered... I don't know the details but I always knew they were murdered... and then she told him about how she had found him on their doorstep in a cold November morning, about the letter and her decision for taking him in. "But you have to understand that your mother and I had some bad history... at the time of her death I all but forgotten about her, our lives were different she chose different world while I remained here, her world was of magic and wizards where I was only a muggle".

"Magic! It's real?" Harry asked in a fake surprised tone because for all the nice changes Aunt Petunia was going through, he didn't expected her to know anything about magic or at least he didn't expected that she would tell him anything.

"Yes it's real, I will tell you about it but first let me finish it is long due that you why you were treated so wrongly here." After pausing for a second she continued, "I hated magic, it had taken away everything which was dear to me; it had robed me of my best friend, it had taken away my beauty, my parents were killed by some lunatic wizards and at then it had taken away any hope I ever had of reconciling with my best friend, my sister Lils. And then you were left with us from this magical world which has taken every good thing from me, & I hated it for that. I don't hate you, I never had. It was the magic that I hated, it was easy for me to forget that you were my ward instead one of them. So I went along with Vernon, never standing up for you. I knew what I was doing to you was wrong but I was weak; I didn't know what Vernon would do to me if I spoke against him, he was always jealous of your parents' wealth, so I cowardly stayed aside while deep down I always knew that I cared for you but I didn't wanted to admit it.

But it was all in the past now I have a second chance to right my mistakes and I promise to you that I would do everything for you. I am not asking for forgiveness because my actions or inactions are far greater for that."

Harry stayed quite for awhile thinking about what she said, he had always wondered why she hated him for he could understand that Vernon wasn't his blood relative, but now that he knew her reasoning he could understand her, but it didn't mean that all the misery she had caused him would just go away. When she said that she would do everything for him he had felt a sensation in his body which he knew was his magic some how responding to her words. As he looked at her he could see that she was waiting for him to say something.

"But Aunty" he said to her addressing her as aunty for first time, "You are saying that, you will take care of me, you would do everything for me. Wouldn't it be hard for you as you hate magic?"

"Yes it would be difficult for me to cast aside my prejudice but you are my family and I will do it for you." saying this Petunia scooped up Harry in her arms with tears of regret flowing through her eyes. Harry was tired from seeing all the memories and within few minutes he was asleep in her arms and after few minutes Petunia followed him to sleep while holding him in her arms. Both unaware of the consequences today's happening and their action will result.

What, Petunia didn't know when she was saying that she would do everything for him while vowing in her mind, that she would devote the rest of her life, fulfilling his every need was that she had just sealed a vow which was magical in nature and her personality would change to fulfill it. You see before Dumbledore had left Harry here; he had cast an ancient pureblood charm on Harry thinking it would amplify his aunt's love for him thus enhancing the blood protection. But Dumbledore didn't understood the charm very well due to its obscurity; that the charm was not meant for relatives but a betrothed couple, it was done for enhancing the engaged female's feeling and loyalty toward her husband

After waking from the short nap Petunia explained of how she had come to know of magic, his mother being awitch, about magical world, his defeat of a evil dark lord, possibility of him being famous, Hogwarts and all she could think of at the time. "But why would Ibe famous?" asked Harry.

"You would be famous for surviving and defeating this evil lord." Answered Petunia and then asked her own question, "Harry would you answer a question for me?"

Thinking what his aunt would ask he cautiously replied, "Yes Aunty." Smiling at his form of addressing her she looked toward Leona who was lying on the far side of bed and asked, "What is she? I know for a fact that she isn't a common cat. I have seen you talking to her sometime and she seems to be answering somehow. And today, it was like she told you that I was standing on the door step. How is it possible?"

Sheepishly Harry too looked toward Leona and answered in a soft voice, "Yes she isn't a common house cat she is a Baghera and as for her talking to me it is because of Magic." When his aunt looked at incuriously with some disbelief, he explained to her how he had met Leona and then how he became her mate to save her life, her mental link to him. At his urging Leona leaped out of bed and transformed to her original form. His aunt stood at the corner of bedpost with her jaw hanging open, looking from him to Leona and back again. After sometime she closed her mouth and said,"She is beautiful." She cautiously approached Leona and touched her fur, Leona made a pleased sound. After a minute of admiring Leona she stepped back and Leona changed in her cat form. "So let me get this right. You are magically bonded to Leona and share a mind link with her. You are her mate, next what? Can you transform like her?"

"I... I don't know." answered Harry while thinking about its possibility.

Petunia asked again in a soft tone, "Is there any other secret that I should know of? I can't do magic but Iwill try to help you with any problem you have." After some time he told her about how he was doing meditation and all about the foreign memories of aperson who had killed his parents.

After listing to this new surprise, Petunia carefully said, "I think it had something to do with the night when your parents were murdered. We could benefit from these memories, as I don't know that much of magical world but you are very wealthy and famous in that world, people will try to take advantage of you and these memories could help prepare you for that." 'Only time will tell...' she thought to herself.

A/N2: The charm didn't work before now, because the dark magic of Horcrux was negating its effect.

Please tolerate the grammatical errors as English isn't my main language.

Hope you will like it and would share your ideas and opinion via reviews...

Till we meet again,

Lord Maurya.

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