Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "Be My Detonator"

Chapter Twenty

by CosmicZombie 35 reviews

Over-inflated breadsticks, quivering postmen, and the abomination of flowery boxers....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-02-10 - Updated: 2012-03-01 - 6964 words

A/N: Hellooo there, my lovely readers! God, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to update, but I’ve just been completely swamped with schoolwork after having missed a year and a half of school and having exams in three months. Scary stuff. I might be repeating the year now, but that’s unimportant- here is chapter twenty. I’m guessing you guys have noticed that little warning for sex at the top? xD hope it’s okay and fits okay with the story…I’m quite nervous about posting it! thanks a million for your utterly amazing support on the last chapter- seriously, you guys keep me going. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Right, here’s chapter twenty…read, rate, review and…ENJOY! xD oh, and sorry it’s like, really long :/

Chapter Twenty

Sadly, I do not open the front door to a stark naked, sweaty, writhing Frank Iero sprawled enticingly on a giant Monopoly board, begging me to fuck his brains out.

Which, in all honesty, is a little disappointing. But what is even more disappointing is the fact that there isn’t even a full clothed Frank Iero standing on the doorstep in the sweltering summer sun, ready for all my frothy-mouthed, pink-knicker wearing little brain cells to start licking like there’s no tomorrow.

What there is, standing on the doorstep, is a violently quivering postman.

A postman who is not Frank and I want Frank and I want him now and this is not fair. I don’t care about the mail. I just want sex.

Um, and when I say I want sex, I mean I want Frank. Because seriously, Frank actually is sex on legs- like, seriously. Even lesbians would want to fuck that dude until he stopped breathing.

But he is not the postman, and it is the postman standing on the doorstep and I don’t care about the postman. He can get stampeded by angry herds of bloodthirsty meese and vengeful unicorns for all I care.

He’s in a very dangerous place right now, because he’s not Frank. And my brain cells want Frank, not the postman.

Did mention that I want Frank?

“You’re not Frank!” I cry accusingly, staring in despair at the trembling postman.

He promptly quivers so much he drops the mail to the doorstep.

“Well observed, fuckface,” Mikey rolls his eyes from where he’s standing beside me in the doorway. “This is the postman.”

“I can fucking see it’s the fucking postman!” I snap angrily.

“Well then you know that he’s not Frank,” Mikey points out. “So stop getting your silly little flowery knickers in a twist, you homosexual dingbat.”

The postman looks ready to break down by this point. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so utterly terrified for their life. I bet even I didn’t look as scared as the postman does right now when I though Jamie was going to amputate the scarily prominent part of my body doing a very good impression of a morbidly obese banana this morning. And fuck, that was scary. I really thought it was the end.

“My knickers aren’t flowery,” I growl. “They’re glittery with cupcakes, get it right, you unicorn humping freak.”

The violently trembling postman’s eyes widen.

“I do not hump unicorns!” Mikey protests. “You’re the one with a friend that molests his own fucking cat! No wonder she has such a bizarre eating disorder.”

The postman’s eyes widen further.

“That’s not the point!” I say snappily. “The point is that you should know I do not wear such things as flowery boxers. They are an abomination! They’re what’s wrong with the world, they’re sick and repulsive and disgusting and worse than massacres and rape and torture and wars- they’re from hell!”

The postman’s eyes widen even more.

“Dude, I think that’s taking it a little far,” Mikey says reasonably. “And this is coming from the dude who had a boner bigger than the leaning tower of fucking Pisa over his stepsister’s boyfriend this morning.”


The postman’s eyes are dangerously wide by this point. In fact, I’m not even sure they’d be classified as eyes anymore.

“They don’t. I just thought I’d bring that up to embarrass you because Frank is standing behind the postman,” Mikey grins evilly, looking even more devilish and satanic than Jamie.

I blink in horror. My knees go numb.

Oh dear snail slime. Please, please let the evil little fucker only be winding me up. If he’s not…I’m dead. I mean, I just yelled about my cockular activities which were compared to the leaning tower of Pisa by my conspiring, skinny little brother, who, incidentally, I will assassinate with a herd of extremely angry, bloodthirsty snails.

Although I guess he’d escape, seeing as snails are possibly the slowest moving things on the planet. Perhaps I need to rethink my assassination army.

But ohmyfrankingfuckingmolestingofmanlyparts, I am going to die.

“W-what?” I whisper, utterly horrified, blinking rapidly as if that will somehow transport me from the scene and to my peaceful death as a little snail.

Mikey just grins that horrible, evil grin that destroys lives.

“Howdy,” Frank pokes his head out from behind the postman’s back right on cue, looking as if he’s having serious difficulties biting back a huge grin of amusement at the look of terrified horror on my face.

Oh. Moose. Poop.

I want to die. Please, let some very large asteroid come whizzing from the sky and exterminate me from existence or let Jamie come and remove all my organs in alphabetical order and then feed them to me. I’m not particularly sure why I chose that as one of my ways to die. I must actually even more fucked up than I thought.

Please, if there is a god, LET ME DIE!!

No answer comes apart from the hyperactive, girly squealing and giggles inside my head at the pure ecstasy of laying eyes on Frank Iero.

I turn to Mikey, who’s sniggering away like the little life-destroyer he is.

“You…you…” I stutter, seething with rage and embarrassment and excitement from my lunatic brain cells. It’s actually quite an odd combination. It makes me want to slaughter my own brother, die, and then somehow rape and endlessly molest a certain Mr. Iero in my next life as a perverted snail.

Hey, I did say I was messed up in the head.

Frank is by this point unable to hide his amused grin, which only makes me blush further, becoming so red I can practically see steam coming off my own face.

“I will…I will break your straighteners, you little piss brain,” I hiss at Mikey, ducking behind my freshly styled hair and giving him the Glare Of Death. Which is a little harder to pull off when you’re wishing you were the one who was dead.

Mikey blanches. “Dude, you will not.”

“Watch me,” I snarl menacingly.

Well, menacicngly-ish. It’s kinda hard to look terrifying, intimidating and menacing when everyone knows you’re wearing a pair of pink glittery boxers, your face might as well be Rudolph the red nosed reindeer’s face with a couple of blobs stuck to it, and you’ve just yelled out to the world about an alarmingly sized and over-inflated breadstick resembling body part.

But hey, I try my best.

However, perhaps it’s not terribly effective; Frank chuckles as I narrow my eyes to fiendish slits and glare unblinkingly at Mikey.

“You will not, or I’ll tell Frank about the captain of the football team,” Mikey retaliates, apparently completely unaffected by my glittery Glare Of Death.

I gasp in horror. “You wouldn’t.”

“I would,” Mikey says grimly.

“Ooh, what happened?” Frank smirks interestedly from where he’s still standing behind the gobsmacked, terrorised looking postman, who appears to have frozen in fear on the front doorstep, quivering uncontrollably.

“Nothing!” I snap, glaring at Mikey. “You can leave now, by the way,” I add to the postman, who blinks and gratefully scuttles off down the path, bringing Frank Iero into full view.

My knees are suddenly absent, and I find myself flailing around wildly for the nearest object to cling onto for dear life so as I will remain upright and not sprawled in an unattractive splat of uncoordinated, hormone-crazed Gerard at a sex god’s feet. The object I latch wildly onto just happens to be my beyond evil younger sibling’s intensively straightened mousy brown hair.

And for some bizarre reason, he doesn’t look overly thrilled about the fact he has an insane, drooling older brother hanging onto his head for dear life.

Perhaps it’s just as well that Mr. Iero is not extremely lacking in clothes and casually sunbathing suggestively on a giant monopoly board on the front doorstep after all. He looks brain-destroyingly, hormone-devastaingly and cock-combustingly hot enough in a simple black sleeveless shirt and that pair of lethally tight black skinny jeans.

I hate to think what a more than slightly naked Frank would have resulted in.

Rape jumps to mind.

And death.

And ravaging. Lots of ravaging and drooling.

Like, sexual ravaging.

But yes, I think, for the sake of the citizens of earth, it is a very, very good thing that Frank remembered to wear clothes and not lay alluringly on a giant Monopoly board in front of my brain cells lust-crazed little goggle eyes.

However, perhaps it’s not terribly effective; Frank chuckles as I narrow my eyes to fiendish slits and glare unblinkingly at Mikey.

“You will not, or I’ll tell Frank about the captain of the football team,” Mikey retaliates, apparently completely unaffected by my glittery Glare Of Death.

I gasp in horror. “You wouldn’t.”

“I would,” Mikey says grimly.

“Ooh, what happened?” Frank smirks interestedly from where he’s still standing behind the gobsmacked, terrorised looking postman, who appears to have frozen in fear on the front doorstep, quivering uncontrollably.

“Nothing!” I snap, glaring at Mikey. “You can leave now, by the way,” I add to the postman, who blinks and gratefully scuttles off down the path, bringing Frank Iero into full view.

My knees are suddenly absent, and I find myself flailing around wildly for the nearest object to cling onto for dear life so as I will remain upright and not sprawled in an unattractive splat of uncoordinated, hormone-crazed Gerard at a sex god’s feet. The object I latch wildly onto just happens to be my beyond evil younger sibling’s intensively straightened mousy brown hair.

And for some bizarre reason, he doesn’t look overly thrilled about the fact he has an insane, drooling older brother hanging onto his head for dear life.

Perhaps it’s just as well that Mr. Iero is not extremely lacking in clothes and casually sunbathing suggestively on a giant monopoly board on the front doorstep after all. He looks brain-destroyingly, hormone-devastaingly and cock-combustingly hot enough in a simple black sleeveless shirt and that pair of lethally tight black skinny jeans.

I hate to think what a more than slightly naked Frank would have resulted in.

Rape jumps to mind.

And death.

And ravaging. Lots of ravaging and drooling.

Like, sexual ravaging.

But yes, I think, for the sake of the citizens of earth, it is a very, very good thing that Frank remembered to wear clothes and not lay alluringly on a giant Monopoly board in front of my brain cells lust-crazed little goggle eyes.

Those hands-

“Gerard,” Mikey hisses suddenly, jerking me from my slightly too pleasant reminiscent thoughts of yesterday’s little activities that took place in the family bathtub, which, I’m pretty sure Mikey will never use again after learning what happened.

“Mmm?” I sigh dreamily.

“Get a grip, dude. You’re drooling,” Mikey sighs despairingly. “And would you mind removing yourself from my hair?”

“Um,” I mumble, flushing bright red and hastily wiping my damp chin as I realise Frank Iero, god of sexiness, knee-melting smiles, and molestation, is smirking at me.

“Hey there, Tumbles,” he smirks at me, raking a careless hand through his rebellious hair and making all my little brain cells melt or start skipping over-excitedly down in the direction of my crotch, squealing and giggling.

“Eoregow,” I gasp, clinging even harder to my evil sibling’s head.

“How’re you?” Frank asks, looking unfairly sexy and amused.

“Uoegnwsniwpgssioger,” I reply intelligently.

“Sorry?” Frank grins, actually looking like sex.

Hehehee. Sex.

Shut up.

Sex with Frank.

Shut up.

Sex! Sex! Sex!



“Um, I meant, uh…” SEX! SEX! SEX! “Uh…I’m slate,” I mumble dazedly, clinging harder still to Mikey’s hair and blinking rapidly in the bright sunlight that seeps in through the open front door, but sadly, for the sake of his own life expectancy, does not blur Frank from my vision at all.

“Uh, ‘slate’?” Frank repeats, looking amused and unbearably sexy. And just so god damn…lickable.

My brain cells are flexing their overly excitable little tongues.

“Oh, sorry, I meant sex,” I say hurriedly.

Beside me, Mikey groans and tries more frantically to release himself from my clutches as if I’m going to contaminate him just because I happen to be drooling like an escaped mental patient.

And oh meese shit, did I just tell sex that I’m sex?!

“Sex?” Frank repeats, a dangerously cheeky smirk playing across his lips.

“Yes please,” I reply, and then realise in horror what I’ve just said.

Oh god, if I was wishing for death before, it’s nothing to how I’m feeling now. I mean, there seems to actauyllly be no limit to the amount of times I can completely mortify myself and wish for a quick, painless death in front of Frank Iero.

Frank grins widely, while Mikey is even more frantically pawing in terrified desperation at my hand clinging to his hair as if he’s worried I’m going to start fucking Frank on the doorstep without letting go of my younger sibling’s hair.

Heheheh. Frank sex.

Go away.

We are.


Yes, there are only a few of us left in your skull now.

Oh, thank you for actually doing what I ask for once.


…Wait…where are you going?

There’s a bit of a party going on down in your baby-making area.

I violently facepalm. Little perverts and life destroyers. They clearly will never be happy unless they’re embarrassing me to death or licking a sex god.

“I meant-ohfuckingducklings-uh-well, what I meant-I didn’t mean, I just-oh shit-uh, I meant to say that uh, I’m great,” I stammer, face burning more than a tomato left in a sauna and trying very hard to imitate a charred beetroot. So yes, something very, very attractive. “Um…you?” I wince in embarrassment.

“Fantastic,” Frank beams at me, eyes twinkling. “I thought about you, Tumbles,” he leans forward, dangerously close to my burning face and frothing mouth, voice going wonderfully husky and ragged as he whispers my nickname.

All my little brain cells are trying to get their frantic, drooling little tongues on him; whether they’re pressing themselves desperately against the front of my skull, moaning loudly and melting, or all trying doing similar things in my manly parts. Thank god I’m wearing skinny jeans.

Frank smiles mischievously at me, moving away slightly and making all my little brain cells cry out in pure despair and start hacking manically at their little wrists or swallowing lethal amounts of sleeping pills.

Oh go, please just kill me.

That’s what we’re trying to do. Was that not clear?

Poor little Mikey appears to be thinking along the same lines. “For the love of coffee, LET ME GO!” he pleads, panicking slightly, eyes so wide behind is glasses that he looks disturbingly how he did that time he downed thirteen expressos for a dare, and had to be rushed to hospital, twitching ominously.

“Hey, fancy going out to get an ice cream, Tumbles?” Frank asks, breaking through my reminiscent thoughts of visiting Mikey with a bunch of grapes and being told he didn’t want something that looked like ‘mouldy, shrivelled unicorn balls’. He wanted coffee, but I was banned from visiting the hospital again when the doctor discovered me trying to smuggle coffee in.

“Empph, sure,” I breath dreamily.

“Cool, do you mind if I just come in for a sec? I’ve left my favourite sunglasses here a couple days ago and I’d like to get them before we leave,” Frank asks.

“Please do, then perhaps this moron will LET GO of my scalp,” Mikey growls pointedly, scrabbling at my grip round the hank of his fringe.

“Thanks,” Frank smiles, stepping past me, lingering dangerously close and filling my nostrils with his lethally alluring combination of scents that makes almost all my brain cells skedaddle down towards my crotch, grinning like the little lunatics the are. The remaining ones in my skull just press themselves desperately at the front of my skull, trying to press me into attaching myself to Frank.

He throws me one of those dangerously wide grins as he passes, and I suddenly find myself clinging onto the front door for dear life, finally relinquishing my tight grasp on my younger sibling’s hair, much to his elation and relief.

“You alright there?” Franks smirks at me, kicking odd his red converse and looking as if he knows exactly why I am suddenly a glazed, knee-less moron hanging onto the front door of my own house for dear life.

“Eekugsih,” I say wisely.

“Sorry?” Frank grins, raking a careless hand through his floppy black mowhawk and making my knees melt further still. I cling harder still to the door.

“Oegeropeomo,” I breathe shakily, while Frank continues to look unfairly sexily bemused. I wish I looked that sexy when I don’t have a clue what the hell is going on, but sadly, I just look more like an escaped mental patient from a gothic albino convention.

Mikey sighs despairingly at me, still smoothing his hair. “Would you like a drink, Frank?” he asks politely, throwing me a very disparaging glance that clearly conveys just how incredibly little respect he holds for me. As I suck a little stray drool from my lower lip, I perhaps take my younger siblings point of lack of respect.

“Sure,” Frank says easily. “Coming, Gerard?” he beams at me, showing off all his perfect teeth and stretching his full lips

I choke and gasp and cling to the door even harder.

“Come on,” Mikey rolls his eyes at my pathetic frame. “On you go, Frank.” Mikey adds, stepping towards me and closing the front door on the blue sky and warm, balmy sunlight.

I, however, don’t really take much notice of this- Frank currently has his back to me, bending over and unlacing one of his converse, showing a wonderful amount of lightly tanned, smooth skin at the same time.

My brain cells may be expiring.

I mean, I knew those jeans of his were insanely tight, but when he bends over…oh dear moose ejaculations.

Oh. I have just realised that I am closed into the door.

Because it’s shut and I’m still hanging onto it and-

Who cares? We can see Frank’s ass! And his boxers!


Actually, being closed into a door is a little more painful than I’d imagined. In fact, it feels like my fingers are being sliced off. Perhaps they are- Jamie could be standing at the other side of the door, sawing my fingers poking through the door off with a lovely little pneumatic drill, cackling madly.

“OWWWW!” I yelp. “Owwww, Owwww, OWWW!”

Frank whirls round, and Mikey bites his lip, a look of slightly worried realisation creeping across his face as he realises he may have just shut his older brother into the front door.

“Shit, dude, you alright?!” Frank cries, coming over and looking up worriedly at me with those amazing eyes and soft skin and mango scented breath and-

“He’s got that vacant, glazed, mentally drooling look on again,” Mikey sighs, and starts off in the direction of the kitchen.

“Um, Mikey?” Frank calls after him.

“Yep?” Mikey turns round.

“I think Gerard’s stuck in the door.”

“I know,” Mikey looks back at my glazed, frothy mouthed face and sighs heavily again, waving a hand dismissively and continuing back towards the kitchen. “Just leave him there.”

Frank looks amused at my evil younger sibling’s departure, but quickly opens the front door and frees me from it, smiling slightly at the idiotic look on my face.

“Okay?” he asks gently, as I stumble slightly due to the fact I’m trying to stand without any knees.

I nod shakily, knowing forming a coherent reply is way beyond me at this stage.

“Cool, let’s go then,” Frank smiles.

I nod again, feeling more than slightly glazed and stupid.

“Oh, wait, my sunglasses,” Frank says suddenly. “Uh, is Jamie out?”

“Um, yeah,” I stammer, blushing like the moronic moron from moronsville I am. “Why?”

“Well, I left my sunglasses in her room, and I’d kinda like to get them back without having to see her, especially after yesterday,” Frank smirk at me, and I melt a little more at the memory, hoping to god I’ll be able to repeat the incidents again soon.

If I don’t, my brain cells will actually lose the plot they never had.

“Um, do you think we could go up to her room quickly?” Frank asks.

My jaw drops. Go to…Satan’s lair? Without permission?!

Jeez, is the dude fucking suicidal or something? Of course he is. He dated the fire-breathing bitch.

“W-w-why?” I stammer, seriously hoping his reply will somehow incorporate the words ‘endless, violent fucking’.

“Oh, it’s just that I left my favourite pair of sunglasses up there a couple days ago and I’d really like to get them back without seeing her,” Frank replies, and I suddenly remember him saying something about sunglasses a few minutes ago before I got sandwiched into a door and was drooling over a sex god.

“Oh,” I try and hide my disappointment while all my brain cells start bawling their sexually crazed little eyes out. “Um, yeah, that’s fine.”

Perhaps it’s just as well he didn’t suggest we go up there and fuck like rabbits. I mean, if Jamie had returned, it would have meant death. And I am in no way exaggerating.

“Cool,” Frank grins at me. “Coming?” he asks, holding out his hand.

I just stare at it for a moment, wondering whether he’d mind terribly if I licked it.

Coming to the conclusion that he might, I just continue to stare like a gawping imbecile.

Instead, Frank grabs my hand and drags me along the hall and up the stairs, my heart pounding right the way out of my chest the whole time because, ohmyreincarnatedsnails, Frank Iero is holding my hand.

Yes, we may have done a little saliva swapping yesterday, but still- there is a sex god holding my hand.

He glances back at me as we stumble up the staircase, grinning, eyes twinkling with wild mischief that makes my stomach flip inside out and my stomach tingle excitedly as we stumble onto the landing.

We pause for a second outside the closed door of Jamie’s room, panting slightly. My stomach is for some reason still going a little crazy, and an alarming amount of m brain cells seem to be scuttling happily down towards my cock.

“Dare I?” Frank grins, looking round at me, eyes glinting.

My stomach does a double flip and I try very hard not to focus on the fact that his hand is curled round mine.

Before I can reply, he twists the handle and stumbles inside, pulling me behind him.

I blink, totally taken aback. In fact, I’m so taken aback, that for a split second, I forget that I am holding hands with a sex god as I stare around the room in shock.

This is Satan’s lair. I was expecting lots of red and pentagrams, fires, tortured people and possibly even several dismembered fluffy animals.

Instead, it’s light and clean and airy, with warm, golden sunlight streaming through the window and onto the soft, fluffy carpet.

“Ah, here they are,” Frank says, making me jump slightly. He bends over and scoops up his sunglasses from Jamie’s bedside table, showing off an incredible amount of flesh that makes me stumble wildly and crash into the wardrobe by the door with a nasty bang.

Frank turns round to see me rubbing at my forehead and looking disorientated and moronic.

He grins and I stumble again, knocking a whole load of make up off Jamie’s dressing table.

To my intense astonishment, Frank lets out a soft moan and drops the sunglasses, eyes clouded with the same kind of dark lust from yesterday.

“Why,” he murmurs, advancing slowly towards me in a manner that makes my stomach jump and flutter and twirl crazily and my heart beat wildly. “Why are you so god damn irresistible when you’re clumsy?” he whispers, getting closer and closer.

I stumble back into the door so as it slams shut and I’m flattened, gasping slightly against it, clinging on for dear life as the very small space of air between Frank and I gains that wonderfully tempting yet lethal electricity again, and my heart pounds wildly in my chest, the atmosphere getting thicker and thicker and laced with more and more lethally tempting energy.

Frank steps closer still, his breath uneven and tingly on my lips, making my lower belly turn inside out and all my brain cells to melt. My knees are trembling so much I seriously doubt I’m going to be able to remain upright for much longer.

“You’re so…adorable,” Frank whispers huskily, drawing so close our noses are practically touching and I’m breathing in nothing but his slightly quickened breaths of heady mango and sweet tobacco. “So, fucking…hot,” he murmurs, trailing a teasing hand up the inside of my thigh.

My knees wobbly dangerously, and I stumble sideways into the dressing table, blushing furiously and feeling just about ready to spontaneously combust.

Frank lets out a low groan, and before I can stammer moronic apologies, he’s suddenly crashing into me, arms crushing me into his beating body, groaning as he pushes me forcefully back onto the dressing table, showering the floor with Jamie’s make up and shattering the little bottles of pink perfume as he leans down over me, his wild, dyed black hair flopping wildly into my face, gasps brushing my lips, heady and enthralling and mango scented, potently mingled with pure, pulsating lust.

He looks at me for a fleeting second, eyes blazing, chest heaving against mine, looking at me so as I can feel the electricity zap through my body and turn my lower stomach inside out before he finally drops his dilated gaze to my lips and smashes his mouth reckless into mine.

On the fiercely soft contact, my stomach turns inside out with pleasure, shuddering and sending tingles all over my hypersensitive body as he presses his body desperately onto mine. I can feel every bone of his ribs, every frenzied palpitation of his heart, every pant he stifles against our frantically meshing lips.

Heart pounding erratically in my chest, I haphazardly grab at his back, pulling him closer still and scratching up his spine, lingering on his ribs and I feel him groan softly onto our furious lips. In response, he pushes me further back onto the dressing table so as I’m half lying on it, his slim, muscular body crushing me into the wood and making more bottles of perfume smash to the floor as he kisses me fastly, furiously, lips frantic and urgent so as I can almost feel the frenzied beat of his pulse on the soft flesh of his furious lips, the smell of sunshine and mango shampoo on his silkily reckless hair making my heart race.

As his tongue snakes out recklessly into my mouth, I let out an embarrassingly loud groan, all my little brain cells currently melting and dying so much they can’t even scream obscenities. But they don’t need to. All they ever asked for is happening right now.

Finally, Frank breaks away, panting raggedly, hair flopping across my face as he breathily kisses his way down my neck, his breath hot, lips wonderfully moist and hot, working at the tender flesh of my neck and making my lower belly flip and turn and shudder wonderfully. At last, he looks back up at me, pupils dilated wildly with recklessness, and a fresh surge of hot arousal shocks through me.

Frank grabs me and kisses me again and again, even more urgently than before, deep and hot and sloppy, hands wandering down my tingling, burning body, under my t-shirt and pressing his hands desperately against the soft skin of the small of my back, clambering onto the dressing table so as he’s straddling me, lips furious, deep and rhythmic and reckless against mine, tongue devious, hot and moist and wonderfully devilish, making my pulse race and my heart stammer as I kiss him back eagerly.

As he does a particularly devious flick of his tongue, I can’t seem to help thrusting my hips up into his needily, groaning softly into his soft, warm mouth surrounding mine.

I gasp at the contact, heart practically detonating. However, my response is nothing to Frank’s, who groans loudly and raggedly, and grabs me upright, lips still connected and meshing furiously as we stumble into standing position and he crushes our bodies flat together, making my insides melt and tingle and my skull completely empty of all brain cells.

Panting against my swollen lips, he slides his hands down under the waistline of my jeans, crushing me into him, hands on my ass as our lips mesh so desperately and erratically they keep fumbling out of sync.

My pulse throbbing hotly, I lick my way all the way down from his lips to his neck where I start to suck at the warm flesh of Frank’s jugular, lust seeming to have eclipsed all my self-insecurities as I gnaw and suck at the smooth skin, making Frank moan out gutturally into the room, and finally grab my face and smash our lips back together.

The contact makes my lower belly throb and tingle and sparks of tingly pleasure shoot all over my body like electricity, and I kiss back deeply and furiously as I feel Frank’s heart rate increase against my chest, until he shoves me in the direction of Jamie’s bed, both of us still locked in fierce combat with tongues and lips and hands, so as we stumble wildly across the room into the bookshelf, and several books fall to the floor with dull thuds, although we take no notice.

Much to my disappointment, Frank pulls away all too soon, panting onto my lips, hair dishevelled, lips swollen. However, before I can slam my mouth back into his, he grabs the hem of my t-shirt and yanks it off, over my head, leaving me shirtless and, well, suddenly pretty god damn embarrassed.

I mean, I’m paler than an albino vampire. And that’s not the most attractive thing. Suddenly, all the wild, reckless lust that ad eclipsed my minimal self confidence, and I blush furiously, not meeting Frank’s eyes.

However, Frank seems to sense my discomfort, because he puts a finger under my chin and gently tilts my head up to meet the softness and kindness in his russet and emerald swirled eyes, mixed in with that wonderful, dark lust.

My stomach jumps, and all my insides start tingling again. Without breaking our gaze, Frank grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it off, chucking it carelessly to the floor, the dark lust intensifying in his heavily lidded eyes.

I wouldn’t be surprised if my jaw drops. And all my little brain cells are very definitely in my crotch now. Skipping. And squealing.

And god damn, I don’t blame them.

Frank and I just stare at each other for a few moments, and I can gradually feel my heart rate increasing and my stomach tightening and see his chest heaving irregularly as he gazes at me. The air between us is practically fizzling with electricity and silent gasps and lust.

“’re fucking hot, Gerard,” Frank whispers huskily, looking me up and down and then fixing his gaze back on my face, making my stomach somersault wildly as he gently reaches up and trails a finger down my cheek.

It’s all too much. I groan again, sounding embarrassingly like Ray’s cat, and slam my lips into his once more, gasping slightly as our bare chests and soft skin collide. It feels as though every nerve on my body is a live wire, as if my skin is on fire; it’s as if the pleasure before was dulled by the fabric between us, and now it’s alive.

The kiss this time is like none before; it’s wild and deep and crazed, hands grabbing handfuls of hair and trailing down bodies, hearts pounding and tongues dancing. It rapidly gets even faster and more furious, so as we’re both stumbling blindly, still kissing desperately, hands still roaming erratically, over to Jamie’s bed, where Frank pushes me down and straddles me once more, never breaking the kiss.

As our tongues start to dance more madly, and heat builds between our lips and our chests, Frank slides his hands down to my hips, making me go crazy as he grinds his hips down into mine and we both groan and gasp into each other’s mouths. By this stage, my whole body is tingling and smarting with the electricity fuelling us and consuming us.

I kiss him desperately, lips meshing into a crescendo of frenzied passion, working relentlessly and recklessly against each other’s, until Frank breaks away, gasping for breath, hair completely messed up as he kisses his way down my chest, lips furious on my burning skin until he reaches the waistline of my jeans and looks devilishly up at me, eyes darkly dilated with lust, smirking fiendishly.

I feel as though I might actually combust.

Taking me look of wild craziness to be a god sign, he dips subtly lower and undoes my jeans button with his teeth while I desperately grab at the bed sheets and try not to explode. Once it’s undone, he recklessly drags down the zip and then eases my skinnies from my shuddering hips, chucking them uncaringly over his shoulder so as I’m left, more turned on than I’ve ever been in my entire life in nothing but a pair of glittery pink cupcake boxers with a sex god straddling me.

Frank grins widely.

I gulp.

“Nice boxers,” He smirks huskily, while I blush ridiculously and wish I was dead.

“Ehjogrnpeoppojwpeot,” I breathe, finding that it’s even more difficult to form speech than usual. Probably cause there are no brain cells left in my head.

“Hey, they’re cool,” Frank whispers huskily. “Wanna see mine?”

Oh dear moose poop.

Without waiting for an answer, he pulls off his wonderfully tight skinny jeans to reveal a pair of skull and crossbones boxers that actually might make my mouth water a tiny little bit. Well, more than a little bit.

Okay, so there might be drool running down my chin.

Before I can stutter some ridiculously stupid and incoherent reply, Frank’s back on top of me, lips smashing into mine, hips grinding down on mine. Both of us let out funny, breathy little sounds at the contact, and I feel ready to actually spontaneously combust and die.

Frank’s lips mesh frantically against mine, translating his lust with furious lips and mango flavoured tongues as he continues to grind his hips down on mine faster, sweat starting to form on our warm skin, my lower-belly going absolutely crazy.

I groan loudly, snapping my hips up needily against his as my stomach turns wonderfully inside out with pleasure, tension building inside my lower belly as my whole body tingles wonderfully at Frank’s smooth, hot skin and muscled flesh and his fiercely soft lips against mine, kissing deeply and passionately, frantically.

We continue to grind our hips together, shocks of pleasure shooting through my body, sweat making our bodies move more easily and our lips continue to mesh and tangle faster still to the extent that they keep stumbling out of sync with the frenzied pleasure and desperation. Frank’s hands are tangled deep into the depths of my ebony hair as he grinds his hips down on mine and lets his hot tongue sloppily and sexily devour my mouth.

My heart’s pounding, skin tingling, pulse throbbing, lower-belly somersaulting endlessly, as Frank breaks the kiss and licks his devious way all the way down my neck, along the contours of my ribs, over my feverishly palpitating heart, down, swirling the tender flesh round my navel, and then swiping devilishly lower, lower, lower, until he’s reached the hypsersensitive stretch of skin of the waistline of my boxers, his breath hot and musky on my flesh.

Then, smirking slightly from between his tangled tendrils of dishevelled hair, he dips his tongue under the waistline, onto the hot, burning flesh beneath the material, and my heart pulsates frantic pulses all through my shuddering body. I groan slightly raggedly, and clutch desperately at the sheets, biting my lip to try and control myself as he simultaneously trails a teasing finger up my inner thigh.

Definitely smirking now, Frank drags my glittery, pink boxers down with his teeth, all the way down my thighs, and then licking his way back up to my crotch, teasing, taunting me with the devious flicks of his tongue all around my cock, until I moan impatiently and thrust my hips up pleadingly.

Frank smirks even more, and before I can do anything else, he leans down and envelops my cock in his hot, wet mouth, sending sparks shooting violently all the way up it, and down my spine as my vision becomes blurred and I gasp out silently.

I don’t really think it’s possible for Frank to smirk right now, but if he could, I’m pretty sure he would be. Instead, he recklessly starts sucking at the soft, pulsating flesh of my length in his mouth, and gripping my tingling hips with his hands while I flail and gasp and moan in a writhing, sweaty mess on Jamie’s bed, trying desperately not to thrust my hips up as he flicks his devious tongue over the head, sucking harder and faster so as I have to close my eyes and grip the sheets tighter still, concentrating on the heady smell of sweat and lust.

Then, just as Frank starts sucking so hard I feel just about ready to explode, sparks exploding in front of my eyes and all over my trembling, sweaty body, there’s a loud bang across the room. My eyes snap open, and my heart just about dies.

There’s someone standing in the doorway.

Frank, apparently hasn’t noticed, and is still sucking harder and faster, taking more and more in of my cock with his hot, sloppy tongue and consequently giving me a very weird combination of sheer ecstasy and terror; shocks of fear in my chest, sparks and tingles and somersaults radiating all over my sensitised body from my throbbing cock.

However, Frank seems to sense my tension, and glances round without stopping the wonderful things he’s doing with his tongue on my pulsating flesh.

When he sees someone standing in the doorway, he shoots away from me, sadly, on the way, managing to lick over the slit on the head of my aching, tingling dick, and I feel a dangerously familiar shuddering sensation in my lower belly, sparks erupting and combusting all over me as my lower stomach goes insane.

And then, before all hell can break loose, I let out a funny squeaky groan, my lower-belly shudders wildly, and I come copiously all over myself, Frank, and Jamie.

Well…what did you guys think? That was my first ever sex-ish scene, so I’m really sorry if it was absolutely terrible- I was really nervous about posting it! Let me know your thoughts? I’d really love to know! Sorry it was left on a bit of a cliffhanger xD but, yeah…rate? Review? Pleasies? It took a lot to get this chapter up when I’m so busy with school and shit, so I hope it was okay. Sorry if it was kinda longer than normal. Anyway…THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!! I LOVE YOU :D shall update as soon as I can xD

CosmicZombie xo
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