Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan Re-Write

Cameron took out her hearing aids and placed them on her little bedside table. When she went to sleep she obviously didn't need them. Gerard smiled at her sweetly and watched her get into bed. He stood in front of her 'Don't worry. Jude's going to be fine.'

Gerard sat down and Jasmine came into view. Cameron huddled underneath her blanket, trying to edge away from Jasmine. Gerard didn't notice this, just looked at Jasmine. Jasmine smiled and walked over to Cameron 'Sweet dreams.' She put down and kissed her adopted younger sister on the cheek. As she did so, she put one hand on Cameron's bed and used the other to pick up Cameron's hearing aids. She cluthced them in the palm of her hand, waved goodnight to Cameron and walked out of the room.

For a moment Gerard stared out the door after her then turned to Cameron 'Close your eyes.' Obdiently, Cameron shut her eyes. But as Gerard left the room and started shutting the door, Cameron opened them. What was Jasmine planning to do tonight?

Gerard went downstairs and picked up the bottle of wine that Frank had brought the other night. Everything was just falling apart. Two of his family members were in hospial. His brother thought he was crazy for staying with Frank. Cameron was a nervous wreck. At least Jasmine was okay.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Was Frank actually starting to make sense? If the orphanage Jasmine was 'raised' in had never heard of her, then where had she been raised? But it was impossible for Jasmine to have come from an insane asyulm. Aside from the fact that she dressed weird, Jasmine was perfectly normal! Wasn't she?

Upstairs, Jasmine in Gerard and Frank's room. She'd been going through Gerard's wardrobe. There a couple of dresses in there that had been left behind by Lyn-z when she left because she no longer wanted them. Jasmine selected a long black one. She stood on top of a chair in front of a mirror and put the dress against her to see what it would look like. Perfect.

Jasmine jumped down off the chair and started cutting up the dress so that it was the right length for her. It wasn't like Lyn-z was going to come back and claim it any time soon.

Gerard poured the last of the wine into the glass and drank it all quickly. He couldn't bare to be sober at this point. Although he'd been critizing Frank for having a drinking problem last year, he himself had had a drinking problem. 'You never put your childs life in danger.' Gerard reminded himself sternly.

Once Jasmine had finished preparing Gerard's bedroom for tonight, she pulled on the dress and did her make-up. As soon as she was finished, she went downstairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and started walking into the living room.

Gerard didn't notice her at all. His vision had started going a bit funny. He was seeing three of everything and it was slightly wobbly. "Hello Daddy." Jasmine greeted, placing the knife and a small chopping board of cheeses and strawberries on the coffee table in front of him.

"Hello..." Gerard replied, trying to focus on his adopted daughter "What did you- What are you wearing?"

"Do you like it?" Jasmine asked, sitting next to him on the sofa. Extremely close.

"What is- What did you do to your face?"

"I don't want to be alone." Jasmine told him, avoiding the question. She leaned against Gerard.

Gerard simply sighed, running his fingers through his hair one more time. Jasmine started to grow bored of this "I love you Daddy." She told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ungh... You too Hun."

"I really love you." Jasmine kissed him on the cheek again.


Jasmine blinked at him then decieded there was no more time left to waste. She leaned right over, kissed his neck and whispered into his ear "Gerard... Let me take care of you..."

Gerard leapt away from her "What is this!? What are you doing?" Jasmine looked at the ground "What has gotten into you?"

Jasmine's eyes filled with tears. She leaned back on the sofa before turning to look at Gerard "You said you loved me."

"Oh my god... You are so confused. I don't love you like that Sweetie. That's the way Frank and I love each other. Do you understand?"

Jasmine stopped crying "I don't see that." She told him.

"You have to respect Frank."

"I do!" Jasmine cried "I just feel like I'm alone sometimes in respecting you. I don't think anyone ever thinks about what you might be feeling."

Gerard blinked at her for a moment before leaning back on the sofa and starting to cry "It's just... It's just so hard..." Jasmine leaned forward and started stroking his hair. Gerard didn't mind "Everything's just starting to fall apart! And oh my god, I'm so worried for Jude!" He hid his face in his hands.

Jasmine edged closer to him "You're a good person Gerard. You're a great father. And a handsome man."

Gerard sat there for a moment, processing her words. Then he jumped up, stormed round the coffee table and glared at Jasmine "Oh my god! Just stop it! Stop talking and go upstairs! Go to your room!"

Jasmine stood up, furious "Don't talk to me like I'm a child!"

"I'm phoning Sister Abigail tomorrow and we're going to have a long discussion about your future in this house young lady because I just... I can't do it anymore!"

Jasmine glared at him "Fine." She ran upstairs.

Gerard sighed "Jasmine..."

But Jasmine ignored him. She ran into her room and threw herself on her bed, not bothering to hold back any tears.

At the hospital, Frank was woken up by his phone ringing again. He picked it up off the bedside table and answered "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Frank Way?" Frank sat up slowly, clutching his head "Hello?"

"Umm hello, yes it is."

"I am from the Saarne Institute." The male told him "I just got the picture you sent me... Of the little girl."

"And do you recognise her?"

"Where is she right now?" He asked, sounding rather serious "Is she someplace where she can hear you?"

"No, she's not with me, she's with my husband..." Frank swung his legs over the side of the bed, listening to what the man was telling him.

"Call your husband and tell him to get your family out of the house! Then, call the police."

"He won't listen to me." Frank told him.

"Then tell him that the little girl in the picture is not really a little girl."

"W-What?" Frank asked, getting out of bed "No. That picture is of our adopted daughter and she's nine years old."

There was a deep breath on the other side of the phone before he told Frank "No she's not. She's in disguise. According to our records, Esther Pawlak, that being her real name, was born in 1978. She's 34 years old. She just looks like a little girl." Frank started getting dressed "Esther has a rare hormone disorder called Hypopituitarism."

Frank was soon dressed "This is crazy. This has got to be some kind of mistake."

"I hope so for your sake. Does she have the scars?"

"I don't know... What scars?"

"Esther was one of our most violent patients." The man explained "While she was here we had to keep her in a straight jacket to stop her from hurting any of our stuff. But she was constantly fighting to get out of it. It dug into her skin leaving her with scars around her wrists and neck."

"The ribbons!" Frank exclaimed, storming out of the hospital room and down the hospital corridor "Why was she at your hospital?"

"She's dangerously ill. She killed seven people that we know of. Here in Poland she tricked a family into adopting her and taking her to America. When she failed to seduce the husband, she killed him. And his entire family."

"And then she burned the house down!" Frank cried, pushing the button for the elevator frantically.

"Yes! How did you know?" Frank didn't have a chance to reply because the guy said "If it's really Esther, you don't have much time."

Frank hung up the phone and gave up waiting for the stupid elevator. He hurtled down the stairs of the hospital and straight to his car. How much time did he have left? Frantically, he reached for his phone so he could call Gerard.
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