Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Mafia

Wet Tuxedos and Hospital Visits.

by Ballroom_Blitz 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-02-17 - Updated: 2016-05-26 - 796 words

Gerard’s P.O.V

As soon as everything at the house was sorted I went straight to the hospital. It was almost killing me not being Mikey’s side. Ray phoned me to say that the bullet had pierced Mikey’s side and lodged in-between his ribs. It made me feel almost nauseous to thinking about it. When I was driving there I almost felt out of control and I’m pretty sure I did one or two...more like five illegal manoeuvres. As soon as I arrived I ordered Ray back to the house. We still had two broads that needed protecting after all.

Mikey was lying perfectly still on the hospital bed. His pale skinny arms were above the blankets; one had a heart monitor attached the other had a needle in it. I flinched when I saw the I.V drip. I hated needles. His eyes flickered open when he heard me talking to Ray.
“Hello little brother”, I said, taking a seat next to his bed.
“I’m sorry I failed Don”, he said, not actually looking at me but staring at some point in the distance.
“You did your best Mikey, that’s all I’ve ever asked”.
“I should have done better...”
“Be quiet Michael! None of the blame falls on you. It falls on no-one. We tighten security and we get out associates to keep their ears to the ground”. Mikey just nodded, I could tell he was mulling everything over. Eventually it would all sink in.
“Is everyone....?” Mikey trailed off, I knew he was almost afraid to ask for the answer.
“Everyone’s just fine. Panda passed out but she’s a marshmallow, so no-one’s surprised by that.” Mikey smiled a little.
"You should have seen how angry she was, Gerard. She's got some fight in her, I just don't think she knows how to let it out." I nodded, trying not to think about that day she argued with me.
Silence fell between us, only the dripping from the I.V and the beeping from the heart monitor could be heard.
“So...”, Mikey began. “When are you going to tell Scarlette you love her?”

Frank’s P.O.V

It was tough waiting for Panda to wake up. She looked as if she was in a very peaceful sleep. I gently stroked her cheek, willing her to wake up soon. I needed her to know the truth...the truth about what happened with that stupid ex of mine.

Pandora made a small mewing noise and her hand twitched. I jumped a little, my heart beat starting to rapidly increase. I still wasn’t entirely sure what to say to her. I knew she was going to be pretty mad at me. I wanted her to stay here forever but the way things were going right now it didn't look likely. I was dreading the day that we stopped Urie once and for all. It would all be over. Sure I had thought about her pushing her away but when it came to putting it into practise it proved to be impossible. I worried about her safety and probably even more so after tonight. It was impossible to keep the two sides of your life separate. No matter what you do your Mafia life always bleeds into your personal life and takes over.

Pandora moved again, her eyelids flickering this time. I watched with slight panic as she started to come to. She opened her eyes, blinking a few times, her blue eyes almost unfocused. She gave a few hard blinks before stretching a little and sitting up.
“Hey”, I said softly, brushing some hair from her face. She looked at me a little confused.
“Yes cara mia, I’m here”. Her eyes narrowed before she slapped me.
“Ow, what the-“. I couldn’t even finish my sentence before she slapped me again.
“Ow, jeez!! Is this always the way you thank someone who saved your life?”. I rubbed my cheek, it really did hurt.
“Thanks” she mumbled, looking down at the duvet.
“That’s okay…”, I shivered a little. I hadn’t changed out of my wet tuxedo yet. Pandora looked at me with a frown before rolling her eyes.
“You didn’t get changed”, she stated.
“I wanted to talk to you first”. I shivered again.
“Later Fra- Mr Iero. Right now you gotta get changed before you get sick...I’ll even make you coffee”. She smiled a little and I couldn’t help but smile back will shivering once again. She unbuttoned my tux jacket and slid it off my shoulders before pushing me a little.
“Go!”. Pandora got off the bed and left the room without a backwards glance.
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