Categories > Original > Romance > How did i get so lucky?

How did i get so lucky?

by WishUWereHere 0 reviews

first part of my first attempt. Sam meets her fantasy Jared Leto and gets very lucky indeed.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-02-19 - Updated: 2012-02-19 - 846 words

My best friend Casey and I are spending our Saturday shopping. 'Oh look at those black heels'. 'They're perfect, I'm buying them' says Casey. 'Don't you have like 20 pairs of black heels' i responded with. 'No, only about 12' she hissed at me. 'And anyways Sam you were the one who wanted to come shopping so shut up and let me have my damn shoes'. 'Ok, fine' i said.

'Hey Casey how about we stop for lunch i'm starving'. 'yeah, me too actually' she replied. 'Wanna go to Fresh Bamboo they do some amazing vegan meals' she suggested. 'Mmmm yes i have not been there in ages'

There are usually some cute and occasionally hot guys who eat there so we try and stop here whenever we get to the city. Were both single so a great meal and a great perv is always enjoyed.

We get seated and place our orders. While i'm waiting for my ginger nectar (oh how i love that drink) i look lovingly at my phone. Jared Leto stares back at me from my screen. 'Lost in Leto land again are we' Casey says with a grin. 'Oh yeah' i reply in a dreamy tone. Casey laughs.

I look up just as the waiter is approaching with our food and all of a sudden i am frozen. 'Hey Sam, isn't Thirty Seconds To Mars supposed to be in the city this week?'says Casey. No reply from me. 'Sam', 'Sam are you ok'

Casey looks over to where i'm looking and says 'no way', 'tell me that's not Jared Leto'. 'You so have to go over and say hi to him Sam'. 'What' i say with horror as i finally hear her. ' No way' 'what would i say that didn't sound stupid'. 'I don't know' she says how about 'Hi Jared, my name is Sam and i'd like to fuck you senseless' 'Oh my god Casey does your mind ever come out of the gutter'. 'Oh, come on girl look at him he's not my type at all but, i have to admit he is fucking hot'

'Oh shit, i think he's coming to the table next to us" Sure enough the waiter seated Jared only about 2 and a half feet away. My darling best friend was grinning like a cheshire cat at me and noding in Jared's direction. 'No' i mouthed back at her and then she did the unthinkable to me. She pushed my phone off the table and onto the floor. And wouldn't you know it the damn phone landed right at his feet.

Jared picked up my phone and as he turned to hand it back his face lit up my screen. He looked up at me with those dazzling ice blue eyes and smiled. 'So is this your favourite picture of me' he says still holding my phone. 'Uh no, i mean yes, maybe' 'Oh God someone stop me before i have a case of verbal diahorrea. Jared just sat there smiling that adorable smile of his waiting for my answer.

'Sam has tons of pictures of you on her phone' says Casey. I give her a death stare before looking back at Jared who now has a grin from ear to ear. 'Really, Sam is it' he says. 'Uh yeah my name is Sam and this horrible person is my friend Casey'. 'Nice to meet you both' 'Especially you Sam' he says

Oh my God i could feel my cheeks starting to blush and i knew he saw. 'Better give you back your phone hey' and he handed it back and made sure his hand slid across mine 'or you won't be able to answer when i call you'.

A shiver ran through my hand where he touched it and i'm sure he noticed.

'So do i get your number Sam. I mean if you want me to call you sometime'. 'Yeah sure' i said and handed him my number. Jared put my number straight into his blackberry i couldn't believe it. How on earth did i get this lucky.

It was at that moment that Shannon and Tomo arrived and pulled up seats. I got more nervous now there was three of them. I looked to Casey who was giving Shannon a look of approval. 'my type' she mouthed to me as she lifted her glass. I smiled back at her and winked.

Then i get an elbow jab from Jared. 'hey Shan and Tomo meet my new friends Sam and Casey' he says. 'Hey how are you' they both said in unison. 'Great' i say and then my bestie decides to say 'oh come on Sam, it's better than great now you've met your fantasy man' Oh i could just kill her right now for saying that.

I glared at Casey and then looked at Jared who had a mischevious look in his eyes. 'So i'm you fantasy man.' he says grinning and licking his lips the way he does. I could have crawled under a rock right then and there.
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