Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)

Chapter 2

by early-sunsets 4 reviews

Frank's new neighbour is mighty fine. Here it is, as promised :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-02-22 - Updated: 2012-02-22 - 1665 words

I blink in rapid succession, trying incredibly hard not to fling myself in lust at the guy stood in my doorway. Shit. He is gorgeous. Tall, with raven black hair skimming his chiselled jaw line, deathly pale skin making him seem ethereal and, wow, hazel-coloured eyes that I could simply get lost in. And oh man. Tight (and I mean tight) black jeans, an Iron Maiden t-shirt and black All Stars. I stare up at him open-mouthed and gormless, no doubt freaking him out a bit, but he just looks at me right back, apparently waiting for something. That’s the moment I realise he actually has a purpose to coming here, other than to just be mind-blowingly attractive and render me and my legs completely useless.
“Um, I’m here to er… welcome you to the neighbourhood, I guess. My, um, mom thought you might want these…” his voice is high, but rich and alluring. Mmm. He holds out something in his hands, a box of peanut butter cookies.
“T-Thanks.” I finally manage to mutter, then before I can stop myself, I ask “You wanna come in?” suddenly embarrassed, I promptly study my shoes, as if they are as fascinating as the stranger’s amazing eyes. God, I must sound so desperate, what if he says no? Oh crap-
“Well, why not? I guess you probably need some help, huh, kid?”
Ouch. He just called me a ’kid’. Kid. As in child. Am I that much of a midget? What if he thinks I’m, like 12 or something? Why don’t I just go and die in a hole of shame?
I jump when mom appears behind me suddenly, probably having heard me invite him in.
“Oh, hello. I’m Katherine, and this is my son, Frank” she gestures to me and continues, “please, come in and have a drink will you? Oh gosh, are they cookies? You didn’t have to…”
“Hi there, I was sent over here by my mom, we live opposite you in number 69.”
Heheh. 69.
“Yeah, they’re not much, but Jersey can be kinda unwelcoming to strangers… I can help you move some boxes too, if you want.”
“That would be just swell, err…?”
“Gerard” Oh fuck, is that French or something? This guy even has a cool name, why was I cursed with such an ordinary one?!
“Gerard, thank you so much, come in” she turns and walks into the kitchen, with me and Gerard following, “I think I underestimated how tiring unpacking can be, and my little Frankie here hasn’t been much help.”
Somebody please, hand me a knife (or any other sharp object) so I can stab myself. Death would be better than this humiliation. Ugh, even if I was dead I bet this blush would still be lighting up my cheeks. For fuck’s sake, I must look pathetic.
“Would you like a drink, Gerard?” asks mom, frowning when she notices the death glare I throw at her.
“Black coffee please, if it’s not too much trouble” well, it’s official. He is incredibly sexy, lovely and all-around perfect.
“I-I’ll have the same, mom.” I stutter idiotically, just wishing the ground would swallow me already.
Gerard turns to me, smiling timidly and says “So, Frank, what school are you enrolling at? I go to Belleville High, I’m a senior.”
“Er… ughhiermmerrr” PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. “uhh, yes, that’s where I am going, and I’m a senior too.”
Gerard raises his eyebrows slightly, no doubt shocked that someone my height is over 10 years old.
“Really? You’re a senior?” he doesn’t even try to hide his surprise, blinking at me with his large eyes.
Well, fuck my life. This blows. This fucking sucks.
Oh my GOD, brain. Are you really making blowjob references at this moment in time?
What? I hadn’t even thought of that before you pointed it out.
Oh shit I am actually talking to myself.
About blowjobs too, you sick bastard.
Shut up okay? He just asked me something. What did he say?
Well I can’t remember, you were too busy talking to me about blowjobs, remember?
Easier said than done, my friend.
Leave me alone! It’s hard not getting turned on just LOOKING at this guy, without you making me think about sex. Jesus.
Oh fuck. He is staring at me like I have gone mad.
Which you have.
Somebody call the men in white coats, pronto.
In an effort to make the voices in my head shut the fuck up, I shout at Gerard, “Um sorry?! What did you say?!”
“I asked if you were really a senior, no offence, but you are really err… small.” his cheeks flush pink, (which makes him look even more gorgeous than before, if that‘s even possible), and he averts his gaze to my mother and accepts his coffee graciously.
“Yeah, I am. And, hey, I’m not that small.” Is it me just hoping, or do I see relief under his surprise? To prove my point, I draw up to my full height, which is still only just above Gerard’s shoulder. I sigh, defeated, and return to my slouch.
“Alright, I believe you.” Gerard teases lightly, winking at me.
Well. My knees have suddenly decided to make a swift exit.
I have to hold onto the kitchen counter for dear life or I will fall to the floor in ecstasy.
He just winked at me!
At me!
A mischievous grin makes the corners of his eyes crinkle, and woah, he really is adorable, while somehow managing to be knee-meltingly sexy at the same time.
Mom interrupts us, rather rudely, to ask if Gerard would help me carry my boxes up to my room, he agrees heartily and follows her out to the hall, throwing me a smile over his shoulder. There are still a load of boxes strewn everywhere even after 2 hours of being here, and we all pick up ones with ‘MY ROOM’ written on them. I gesture for Gerard to go up the stairs first leading off the hall. Not that I want to check out his ass or anything. Which is, by the way, utterly squeezable.
What is wrong with me?!
I’m fucking infatuated, that’s what’s wrong with me. And he only lives across the road, oh man. I’m in the shit for sure.
“Uh. Frank? Where’s your room?”
“Oh, it’s up here…” I gesture to the door in the ceiling and I blush like the complete pussy I am, when he smirks and realises I can’t reach the latch. I am thankful when he undoes it without making fun of my size, and starts going up with his box. Mom looks knowingly at me and mutters something about more coffee, while shimmying back down the stairs.
I follow him quickly up to my room, failing again not to look at his ass, and I also note he has great thighs. They’d look excellent wrapped around my-
“This is so cool, man. Bigger than mine.” Gerard gasps, putting down my box gently and twirling around slowly, much like I did when I first came up here.
“I know- wait, bigger than your what? All the houses in this street are identical.”
“My room, it’s in the attic too but my parents sectioned off part of it to fit in a boiler last year, needless to say, I was so pissed off.”
“I would be too, shit dude, I am actually starting to feel glad I moved here.” For some inexplicable reason, my cheeks decide to burn at this very moment, making me look like a fucking tomato in front of the hottest guy I have ever seen. Who cares anyway? He is no doubt as straight as a mother-effing ruler, and even if he was bi or something, why would he go for me? I’m just the weird new kid from across the road who his mom made him help.
Gerard is striding over to me, swaying his hips slightly, looking at me through thick, long eyelashes. Shit, I’m sweating like a pig, a quick hand to my forehead confirms my suspicions, my hair is stuck to it with perspiration. Fucking brilliant.
“It’s real hot up here, huh?” I chuckle nervously, praying he hasn’t noticed that I could fill a swimming pool with the sweat I’m producing right now. He is inches away, I can feel his breath on my face, it’s an intoxicating mix of cigarettes, coffee and mint. I sigh and moan unintentionally, my eyes locked on his, he tucks a strand of lush black hair behind his left ear and purrs, “You’ll get used to it. You know Frankie, I’m also kinda glad you-”
At that very second, when I am hanging onto his every word, anticipating the next syllables to pass his smooth, pink lips with every cell in my body, his phone rings, instantly diffusing the mood.
“Oh fuck, it’s my mom. Sorry. I gotta answer this…”
“That’s…fine.” I whisper, not even trying to hide my disappointment, but he is already half way down the ladder, leaving me stood alone in my room, his intoxicating scent disappearing into the air around me.
A/N Yep. That's it. Any bits you liked? Didn't like? Feel free to tell me, I can only try to improve after all...
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