Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)

Chapter 3

by early-sunsets 1 review

Alcoholic mothers, sex-crazed little brothers, and ridiculous nicknames.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-03-04 - Updated: 2012-03-04 - 1391 words

A/N: OMG THE LAST ONE WENT '1 FUNNY' I LOVE YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH IT PROBABLY ISN'T HEALTHY. So yeah. Here is chapter 3. It's Gerards POV and I absolutely hate it. Please bear with me, the next one is better I promise. (Btw, idk if americans use this term or not, but MILF means mum I'd like to fuck. Okey-dokey?)
I scramble down Frank’s ladder stealthily, holding the phone to my ear, listening to mom on one of her drunken rants.
She is almost always drunk these days.
“Michael, your FUCKIN brother, has a girl in his room again, I lost it. Gerrr…” she slurs off and I hear some crashes in the background. My heartbeat quickens in fear when I try to figure out what she means by “lost it”.
“Mom, calm down, I’m just over the road, I’ll be there in three seconds, okay?”
“Hurry up you piece of shit.” The line goes silent.
Panicking now, I fly through number 70’s front door, shouting some excuse at Katherine for my sudden exit.
I can’t help but think of him. Frank. I never really thought I could ever fall for anyone so suddenly, just minutes after meeting him. He’s just so...
Oh GOD, I cant stop thinking about him. Small, (thank the heavens I had the foresight to ask his age, might have been a bit awkward if he was 12) with a toned upper body practically straining against his tight t-shirt, the cutest little ass I’ve ever seen, and I could run my fingers happily through his flawless hair for eternity. Only someone with a face that beautiful could pull off that hair style. He looked Italian, his hair black, with smooth tanned skin, and an indescribable smile, and just thinking about it makes my own mouth tip up at the edges.
Even if he was a complete asshole, I would still want him like crazy. But he’s not. I find his shyness adorable, and even the weediest of kids at school bully me as soon as they sense I’m a fucking fag. No doubt he could tell I was gay, I was giving off so many signs, but I couldn’t help it. Even so, he treated me as if I was normal. I have never met anyone like him before. Christ, I can’t think properly.
“Get in here Gerard.” Hisses my mother, stinking of alcohol and cigarettes, grabbing my collar and dragging me into the house. She slumps on the couch and I groan at the sight of our sitting room, empty bottles are strewn all over the floor, a bottle of Jack Daniels has been smashed against the wall, half of its foul-smelling contents staining our cream carpet.
I rush across the hall, shouting for my brother, leaving mom in the sitting room passed out, finally, in front of the TV. “MIKEY! …MIKEY? Are you alright? Mom said she-”
“Calm it Gerard,” Mikey sighs, wandering out of the kitchen, “I’m fine. Jenna, however, understandably freaked out when mom started screaming at her, ran out, and I’m pretty sure she never wants to see me again.” He takes off his glasses, sighs, and rubs the bridge of his nose. You wouldn’t guess it, what with his weedy figure, glasses, straightened hair and awkward demeanour, but Mikey is a total man whore. Girls around here eat that shit up.
“Sorry, man. If I knew she had alcohol stashed somewhere I never
“It’s fine Gerard. Anyway, why did I see you rush off over the road after school? And… did-did you have cookies?” Oh for God’s sake. The last thing I need is him confronting me about this, but he persists, frowning at me while I avoid his gaze. The only excuse I can come up with is weak, but he is still staring at me, so I’ll have to use it.
“I- well, I saw some new people moving into No. 70 and I wanted to make them welcome, you-you know? It can be hard moving h-houses especially to somewhere as scary as Belleville, s-so-” I inwardly facepalm myself for babbling on like a lunatic.
“Alright G” Mikey chuckles, holding up his hands for me to stop, “I believe you! I made some pasta for Jenna and… seeing as she left, you can have it.”
“Thanks” I mutter, sloping off to try to digest his ‘cooking’.
Of course, I couldn’t tell him the real reason I went to help out at No. 70. I come home from school, see an incredibly fucking sexy, moody guy with amazing hair unloading boxes from a removal van with his glorious muscular arms and I just-
“G? Err… you’re elbow is… in your pasta.” I jump violently when I notice Mikey is leant against the door frame, smirking. And sure enough, I have somehow managed to drop my elbow onto the plate, the hot sauce burning my ridiculously sensitive skin.
Oh. Fuck.
“Come on, what’s going on? The only time I see you look like that is when-”
“Look like what?” I snap defensively while lifting my elbow out of my dinner and going over to the sink to wash it, my cheeks flushed.
“-is when you are looking at your Misfits poster, you know? The one with Glen Danzig on it? Your eyes go all glazed-over and you get a dreamy smile on your face, I mean, you didn’t even notice me walk in! And not to mention the body parts dipped in food…” He trails off when he notices the glare I am directing at him.
Nothing. Is going on. Nothing.” I shake my head and grit my teeth, waiting for more interrogation.
“Alright, fine. But… I think I know who is making you go all gooey” he teases, smiling knowingly. Damn. He is younger, but infinitely smarter than me, and he knows it. But he won’t win this time.
“It’s no-one, okay? No-one.” How could he possibly know anyway? Frank only moved in literally 4 hours ago… “just let it go, Mikes. Please.”
“Well, sorr-y, but while you were having a daydream here, I couldn’t resist a little peek out of the window, and I just happen to see one hot MILF over at No 70 there.” He sees me about to retaliate, but holds up a hand and continues, “but, I know you well enough to figure out it’s not her. Y’know, seeing as you like dick and all.”
Thank the lord for that. He hasn’t seen Frank… yet. I sigh in relief and smile down at my feet, I can’t to stop thinking about-
So... I figure it’s her son.” A triumphant smile crosses his features and he starts tapping his foot, so fucking pleased with himself.
WHAT!? NO!” I practically scream at him. No, no, no. This cannot be happening. I never tell Mikey anything, and there’s a bloody good reason. Once, when we were younger, I told him I urinated in the community pool and I was known as ‘Pee-Pee Gee’ by half the kids in Belleville for a good 7 years afterwards. Radio Fucking Mikey. If you tell that kid anything, you had better make sure you don’t mind the whole fucking globe knowing about it first.
I try to remain cool, and change the subject quickly, focusing attention on him.
“So, slut, what happened to Alice? And Cara? Or is Jenna the ‘one for you’ this week?” I make little bunny ears with my fingers like quotation marks when I say ‘one for you’, and roll my eyes to express my distaste. But, he just shrugs and sighs, “What can I say? You’re just jealous ‘cause I get more action than you.” Then he winks, and we can’t help laughing at each other. Me, the gay virgin. Him, the total man whore, with some new girl christening his bed sheets every week.
Joke time is over, though. Mum just regained consciousness, and she is not very happy.
A/N Yep. That's it. Sorry. Next one is Frank's POV again yay. R and R if you want? It would make my crappy month a whole lot better :3 LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU MILLIONS FOR READING.
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