Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Do I Run Into Your Arms? Or Do I Run Away Screaming

Chapter 11

by Sarahkilljoykid 7 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-02-22 - Updated: 2012-02-23 - 1075 words

Hey guys, sorry for the wait, and Kirrah, you are a whore, I could tell you this, as ou are sitting right next to me, but this is more amusing :P I love you!

Gerard’s POV

Those stupid mortal police, they had found the body, but they would never catch me, and even if they did, no human made cell could hold an immortal! But Mikey and Lizzie were getting suspicious… Lizzie knew I was alive, did she know that I had not disappeared as she has suggested? Did she know I was at her school right now? They would know soon… What was I thinking? I couldn’t go on like this! How was I meant to avoid Mikey and Lizzie much longer? They had almost seen me that many times already! What was I going to do? I needed to get Frank alone… Only one more class until Biology, I thought to myself.

Frank’s POV

Five… Four… Three… Two… One… BBRIIINNNGGGG! The shrill sound of the bell sounded throughout the school. Students hurried to pack up their things in order to get to their next class on time, some chattered with friends as they did so, but not me, no, I was dreading going to my next class… Biology… not so much because I would see Gerard, even though he scared the hell out of me, no, he was not the reason… the reason for my fear, my disgust and revulsion could all be summed up in one word… Dissections.

I could feel my stomach turning as I walked towards my biology room.
“Ah, Mr Iero, you have finally arrived, hurry up, take your seat and begin to dissect your cows heart with Mr Way,” said the teacher before he turned back to the rest of the class and instructed them as to what they would be looking for today.

Gerard looked up at me as I took small, shaky steps towards our table.
“You okay sugar?” he asked, actually looking slightly concerned, “you look kinda pale.”
“I-I-I’m a vuh-vegan,” I stuttered, my stomach felt like it was about to commit suicide and empty its contents out onto the cold, hard floor, oh wait, it was empty anyway… I hadn’t eaten that morning as I felt to nauseous just thinking about this lesson…
“Well how about I’ll do the cutting, you just draw the diagrams, okay sugar?” he asked with a small smile.
“O-okay,” I said, drawing in a shaky breath before going and sitting down next to him.

A horrible, putrid smell filled the room as the students of the class began to cut open their cow heart, squealing in a mixture of delight from some of the boys, to disgust from some of the girls. The science nerds sat up the front, leaning over their tables to get a better look at the anatomy of the cow heart. I couldn’t stand that smell! The smell of dead blood, of rotting organs.
“I’m gonna be sick,” I said quietly to Gerard before I got up and ran out the door and towards the bathrooms.

The light blue, tiled walls of the school bathroom seemed to spin as I gagged, my stomach trying to throw up its non-existent contents.
“Frank? Are you okay?” asked a sweet, strangely seductive voice from behind me.
“I-I can’t do dissections…” I muttered as I turned around, my face quickly turning a bright crimson from my embarrassment.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to do it, we can stay outside if you want?” he asked.
“You mean skip the class?” I asked.
“Yes.” He answered shortly.
T-together?” I stammered, more from nerves than my earlier revulsion at the dissection.
“Yeah darlin’ what did you think I was gonna leave you out here by yourself?” he said with a cocky smirk.
“Oh… okay then,” I answered,

Fear, excitement and… something else shot up my spine as he took me by the hand and led me towards the back of the school.
Soft light filtered through the large, dark green leaves of the oak tree that we sat under. We sat in silence for a while as I calmed down.
“So, what music are you into?” I asked once I could manage normal speech.
“Mozart, Beethoven, things like that,” he answered.
“Really? You’re into classical? I would never have picked that!” I said, genuinely shocked by his answer.
“Yeah, I haven’t heard much new music, what music are you into?” he asked.
“Uuuuhh, The Misfits, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, things like that,” I answered with a smile, “You heard them?”
“No, never heard of them,” he said.
“WHAT?!?!” I almost screamed in shock, “how could you not have heard The Misfits?! Here, you poor musically deprived child, listen, right now!” I pulled out my IPod and gave him an earphone. He gave it with a quizzical look, as if he didn’t know what it was.
“You put it in your ear?” I said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I knew that,” he scoffed as he slid it into his ear and widened his eyes at what he heard.
“Pretty awesome, isn’t it,” I said with a small grin.
“Wow, this is… different… I like it,” he said with a smile. We sat there talking about music and listening to The Misfits, as time went on, he got closer and closer to me until our thighs were touching. I felt so nervous that when I went to change the song I dropped my IPod, the earphones came out of our ears, but as I went to pick it up again, he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

“Frankie,” he whispered as he leaned in closer to me.
“Wh-what are y-you doing?” I stuttered nervously.
“What do you think?” he asked with a smirk before he pressed his soft lips to mine in a feather light kiss.
My heart raced as he deepened the kiss slightly, it was still soft and tender, but it had a little more passion in it now.

“Oh my Gerard… what do we have here,” said a sickly sweet voice from behind us. We whipped our heads around to see a pale skinned girl, with bright hazel eyes and messy, tangled blue hair smirking down at us.
“Evie,” hissed Gerard.

What did you think? Please R&R? pretty please witha Frankie on top?
-Sarah xx
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