Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Howl

Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster

by MCRmy_Chick 1 review

"Frank forced himself to calm down. Gerard had done nothing wrong, and the last thing he needed was to explain to Mikey why Gee had had a mental breakdown in the middle of the forest."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-02-24 - Updated: 2012-02-24 - 1209 words

AN: Alright, it's Friday. Update time. Get my game face on. (Or, you know, writing hand. Whatever.) If you don't know already, Allie, the previous owner of this account, has left to prepare for a family (Congrats to my Uncle Jamie on becoming a father. I know you're still reading this.) My name's Ben, I'll be your author for the foreseeable future. I also broke Allie's little title pattern here; I'm not that creative. So, let's get moving!


Frank Iero was floating.

Sunlight warmed his skin, filtering through the trees and dappling their bodies as they sprawled on the ground. The forest was silent, save for the breeze and the whisper of their breath. With his new heightened senses, Frank could pick up the scent of moss and damp earth. Of course there was also the musky scent of wolf and cigarettes, courtesy of the boy lying next to him.

Gerard grinned up at the overlapping branches, revealing tiny white teeth. Frank was amused to notice that his canines were a little bigger and sharper than the average human's. "Do you realise how perfect you are?" Gee whispered, his fingers linking with Frank's.

Frank felt his heart skip as a burst of electricity travelled through his body. Would that happen whenever Gee touched him?

"No," the other boy chuckled. "After a while, it'll stop."

Frank rolled his eyes but shifted closer to Gerard. He couldn't control when a thought slipped into Gerard's mind, but Gee himself seemed to be able to keep his thoughts in his own head. "How long is a while?" he asked.

No answer.

Frowning up at the sky, Frank propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at his boyfriend's face. "Gee? You okay?"

"I..." he trailed off, his eyes darting around nervously. "There's a... fuck."

"There's a fuck?" Frank echoed, smiling a little to ease the tension. No such luck.

Gerard squirmed uncomfortably. "No, but..." He swallowed, and Frank could see that it was difficult by the way his neck bulged. "I... haven't been completely honest, Frankie."

Frank's grin faded, his heart starting to beat a violent tattoo against his ribs. Gerard's thoughts were still hidden, but the panic was dominating his hazel eyes. Frank was beginning to panic, too, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling with fear. "G-gee?"

Gerard's sigh was heavy, weighed down by the secret threat that was about to be unleashed. "When I kissed you, I started something. Nothing bad!" he added quickly, seeing Frank's expression. "At least, I don't think it was bad. It might be. It depends. Anyway, um, wolves aren't exactly... we... we're a bit different to humans when it comes to, uh, pairing up."

Frank raised his eyebrows, the fear he had felt earlier mingling with a sense of intrigue. "'Pairing up?' As in: intercourse?"

Red flooded Gerard's face, mixing with the paleness of his skin and the afternoon glow. "Well, yes. Uh, wolves are sort of... bonded after the first kiss. That's why we can 'hear' eachother. Werewolf saliva is pretty powerful stuff."

Frank nodded. "So, what? I'm going to sprout hair and fangs once a month? Is that what you're worried about?"

"No," Gerard said, wetting his lips with his tongue. The blush was still rising in his face. "Not necessarily. If you decided you didn't want me," he winced while saying this, "then we'd stop kissing and the change would be reversed. The only way you would stay as a werewolf would be if I bit you, or..."

"Or what?" Frank demanded, sitting up. "Come on, Gee. You can tell me."

"Orifwefucked," said Gerard in one breath, immediately curling up into a ball after it was said. His scrawny arms were crossed over his head in a pitiful attempt to protect himself.

Frank stared down at him, flabbergasted. (AN: Isn't that the best word in the history of EVER?! ... Right, Benjamin. Shut up. Got it.) "If we WHAT?! The hell, Gerard?!"

Gee curled up tighter. "I'm sorry, okay! I'm not suggesting that we do it now, but I'm saying that we ever did-"

Frank forced himself to calm down. Gerard had done nothing wrong, and the last thing he needed was to explain to Mikey why Gee had had a mental breakdown in the middle of the forest. "Okay, okay," he muttered. "I'm not mad. I'm just... surprised."

Gee poked his head out of his arms, his eyes glinting apologetically. "I know it's a lot, and I'm sorry. If you ever need to, er, find another guy to have sex with, I'd understand..."

Silence settled between them like a brick wall. Frank's head was whirling. Was Gee serious? Did he actually... Jesus.

"... Frankie?" Gee whimpered, his head threatening to disappear beneath his arms again. "B-babe?"

Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ riding on a cracker.

"Are you-"

Frank's arm shot out and grabbed the front of Gerard's shirt, pulling the older boy forward with strength that definitely came from the wolf spit. They were nose to nose, angry green glaring into helpless hazel. (AN: Helpless Hazel... Sounds like a crayon colour... I want it! Okay. Shutting up now...) "Gerard Arthur Way," Frank growled. "When the time comes, I want you to be the one to screw me into a wall. Got it?"

There wasn't enough space to slide a card between them, and while Frank appreciated the closeness, it was awfully hard to seem angry when you were pressed into six feet of hot werewolf. Suddenly, that Bella chick wasn't all that blameable. Gerard must have also come to this conclusion, because Frank could hear the accelerated beating of his heart.

Gerard's eyes flicked to Frank's mouth and back up. Down, up. Down, up. "Got it," he breathed. Before he could look down again, Frank crushed their mouths together.

The shock this time seemed to be twice as powerful as the first few, sending tremors into Frank's hands as they knotted into Gerard's hair. Almost shyly, Gee snaked his tongue between Frank's lips and licked as his teeth. With a strangled gasp, Frank opened his mouth and allowed his boyfriend inside.

At fist, Gerard was content with just sliding his tongue along Frank's in a slow rhythm. Then Frank felt a groan pass between them, and the kiss became a frenzied battle for control. Frank wound up underneath Gerard, his back pressed against the warm grass while trembling hands found their way to Frank's stomach. After a while, Frank caught a moment of clarity and managed to detach himself from Gee's talented mouth.

"What... happened to... not now?" Frank panted, not really complaining. It was just that the ants marching underneath him were a slight turn-off.

Gee rolled off him, his face flushed and his mouth red. "Sorry 'bout that..." he gasped, grinning wickedly. "You're... so..." he couldn't finish.

Frank giggled, almost regretting it when it took up what little oxygen he'd managed to recollect. "Come on, Gerard," he whispered. "Use your big-boy words."

"Shut up and kiss me."

So Frank did.

AN: As I mentioned before, I'm not the original creator of this story. Please excuse me if this doesn't meet your standards; I'm not quite used to writing for these characters yet. Review!
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