Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Scribblings of a teenage rebellion.

Scribblings of a teenage rebellion.

by Thekidfromyesterday 0 reviews

Jade has been placed into a trial BL/ind town, but she knows something isn't right, she just needs to find four people that can help her.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-22 - Updated: 2012-01-12 - 1377 words

Jade woke with a start. She'd had a nightmare, but couldn't quite remember what it was about. She felt sleepy but the white décor in her room hurt her eyes so much she was soon getting up and making the bed. Her white sheets were still in pristine condition despite a month in the room of a teenager. But the fact is, Jade isn't a normal teenager. Jade is part of the 'lucky' few hundred people who were taken to test a new life. A better life. The company that run these tests is called Better living industries. The company had been fairly new when they had pitched the idea to the government, and Jade's parents had jumped at the chance. Jade's family had been living in cardboard boxes ever since they had moved to America from England, and the test world provided free housing to each family who participated. Jade had wished she was still in the cardboard box. She hated life in here. She was a lab rat. She was grateful, how ever, to be 17. Once you hit 18 you get taken once a month. Taken to try new drugs. Jade suspected there was something else going on, but she just had to get on with it.

Jade dressed in her black and white school clothes and put her hair in a pony tail. Everything in this testing zone was black and white. It was the size of a town, with a large desert surrounding it. All of the houses had no gardens and everything was perfectly neat. The whole town stunk of disinfectant She walked downstairs and said good morning to her mother before eating her breakfast meal. It was in a can and it tasted awful. Jade had told her parents this but had been showed a programme with it's nutritional values and told if she didn't eat it, she would starve. She had to eat it. She had to follow the rules. So, 10 minutes later, Jade headed out of the door to catch the public bus to BL/ind high school.

The bus arrived and Jade proceeded to take a seat on her own at the front. Her house was the last stop before the school and she was happy to be near the front so she could sit alone. She didn't have any friends to sit near anyway. There was a small sign above the driver that said:
No talking.
No eating.
No drinking.
Keep smiling.

Very few people in her grade stuck to the rules. They whispered to each other and giggled under their breath. She didn't speak to anybody here. She knew all of their names, but no one knew her name. No one noticed her. She did not know whether to be happy about this or not, it meant she did well in her studies. She was top of her class in every subject. The teachers at the school had often discussed the idea of moving her up a grade. She liked this idea very much. It gave her the chance to make friends, start again. Then again the people in the next grade up had always seemed a little, eerie. Silent, dull. They'd go into the start of the year like any other high school kid but then within a month it'd seem like they changed, perhaps they were being worked hard, she didn't know.

And that's what annoyed her more than anything else.

She'd always been curious. Even as a little kid.

Jade walked into the classroom, to be stopped by a bony arm. Miss Blanch, her form tutor. All the teachers were 'Miss' as it was against the rules to marry, or even date. Miss Blanch wore round, Black glasses with thick lenses and always had her long black her pulled into a pony so tight her whole face looked like it had been stretched.
Miss Blanch simply handed her a sheet of paper that read 'Room 317. Grade change. Jade Choman'.
Jade left straight away, she didn't have to be prompted further. She was so happy to walk away from that class. As she left she shuddered. Something about that teacher's blank expression seemed like she was a zombie. When she reached room 317 she gave a tentative knock and waited for the door to open.
A short, fat man cracked opened the door and peered at Jade. ''Miss Choman, yes?'' he asked in a cold, dull voice.
She nodded.
''I am Mr Fargher. Come in, we've been waiting for you''.
It didn't seem like it, only four boys sat in a row at the back of the room looked up to greet her. One boy with raven black dyed hair, down to just above his shoulders, one boy with a black shaved hair, one boy with a short length afro and one boy with swept back blonde hair and a perfectly structured face. All of the boys gave each other sideways glances - she could have swore the one with the shaved head muttered shit - before looking back down at their desks upon noticing Mr Fargher's eyes on them.
''Your student guide shall be...'' Mr Fargher looked around the room, before settling his eyes on the blonde boy ''Mr Way''.
He walked her over to the boy. ''You will show this new student the way around today. Understand?''
He nodded his head without looking away from his empty desk.
''Mr Iero' the shaved head flinched. ''Please make way for Miss Choman''. The Iero boy didn't move. The other three guys tensed up so hard you could practically hear their muscles groaning.
''Mr. Iero.''
''Yes sir'' The boy stood up and moved one seat along, letting Jade sit down.
The teacher eyed the Iero boy, and then returned to the front of the class and wrote something urgently down on a pad.
''You're a fucking idiot, Frankie'' the red haired guy muttered.
''Erm, Frank is it? I am really sorry about that'' Jade whispered to the boy.
He ignored her.
She looked to the blonde boy next to her, hoping for a hello, or something. Nothing.
Great, she thought, less than a minute and they already hate me. She tried hard to catch the tears in her throat, being lonely sucked. A small sigh escaped her lips as the teacher began writing things down on the board. She copied them down. An hour passed. The bell rang. She waited until everyone else had gone, and she left the room.

Near enough the second she'd closed the door behind her something grabbed her backpack and dragged her down the hall, into an empty room. The door slammed as she was pulled in.
The four boys stood at the door.

''I'm sorry, I must have seemed like a real asshole. Just they sorta clamp down hard if you talk to each other. And my name is Frank, by the way'' The shaved haired boy said.
Jade just nodded. She was clueless to what was going on.
''I'm, uh, Jade. Yeah, I'm Jade'' She stuttered.
''Hey I'm Gerard. Just call me Gee. It's what my friends call me'' the red head smiled. Jade smiled back. Had he just called her a friend?
''I'm Mikey. Nice to meet you'' The blonde boy almost whispered, a blush creeping onto his perfectly structured cheeks.
''Hey, I'm Ray!'' said the guy with the afro. ''Stick with us, and you should settle just fine''
''It's really nice to meet you guys, but what just happened?'' she asked.
''Welcome to the last lesson of your life, basically. You're in the last grade now, so you're gonna get treated 18. That means-'' Gee was interrupted by the harsh chime of the bell.
''I'll explain later. Mikey, better lead this one to her next lesson''
Mikey took the piece of paper Jade had been handed by Mr Fargher. ''Social studies, room 298. She's with us''
Ray grabbed Jade's wrist. ''Not meaning to be rude, but don't speak unless they speak to you, not even to us. I'd tell you why, but I don't have time. Just copy us, yeah?''
She nodded and followed the group to social studies, scared by Ray's warning.
It was school though. How unsafe could she be?
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