Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Barricade


by Thank_MCR 1 review

Ooookay, so this is a lot of fluff and a little about Roxanne's high school years.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-02-28 - Updated: 2012-02-28 - 1551 words

WARNING: Some Waycest in this chapter... just a little. And neither of the boys like it, okay? They ARE brothers...
“Ray Toro!” I yell excitedly as we walk onto the bus.
“Roxanne Toro?” He yells back, confused, “What did Frank do to you!?” He says, when he sees the dorky and happy expression on my face, “If he broke you I’m going to kill him.”
“Please, don’t kill my fiancé.” I say, “I love him and would like him to stay in one piece.”
“So what did he- Did you just say fiancé?” He turns to Bob, “I think she just said fiancé, did she?”
“I believe she just said fiancé.” Bob confirms.
“OH MY GOD ROX.” Ray squeals before hugging me excitedly, “You’re engaged!”
“I know Ray!” I squeal back.
“Call mom now or she'll kill me!"
“Yes sir!” I say and wrap an arm around my fiancé, who’s already pulling out his phone. We go into the bunkroom and call my mom.
“Frank?” She answers, “What happened to Roxanne?”
“Nothing, Aria. She’s fine. She’s right here.” He says and puts it on speaker phone.
“Then why did you call? You don’t call me to just talk.”
“Mom, you don’t give Frank enough credit. He might want to just talk.” I say and she laughs.
“Honey, I doubt your boyfriend is going to want to talk to your mother.” She says.
“Fiancé.” I correct.
“Okay, honey, I doubt your fiancé… wait, fiancé?” She vocally double-takes.
“Yes, mom. Fiancé.”
“When did this happen?” She asks pointedly.
“About an hour ago.” Frank says.
“That’s what we were calling to tell you.”
“Oh lord! Roxanne, you have to show me the ring! Send a picture or something!” She says excitedly.
“Okay...” I say, pulling out my phone and grasping Frank’s hand in mine, intertwining our fingers and snapping the picture. I send it quickly and smile at Frank.
“I love you.” He says.
“Love you too Frank.” I say, “I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you.”
“It’s beautiful!” She says.
“I know! My Frankie is good at picking jewelry.” At this, queue Frank’s bright, retina-detaching smile.
“He sure is.” She says.
“Hey, mom?” I say, still looking into Frank’s eyes.
“We have to go… get ready for the next show.” I lie.
“Okay. Goodbye honey.”
“Bye Aria.” Frank says. I press end call.
“We don’t have to get ready for a show.” Frank says.
“We’re in San Francisco for the night, correct?” I ask.
“Yeah. We were gonna get a few hotel rooms later.” He smirks.
“Good.” I say before crashing my lips against his, in the most graceful of ways. Not. I feel his hands go to my hips, pulling me closer to him, bodies flush against each other.
“Hey guys, we were going to go to the hotel if you’re ready…” Poor Mikey says, walking in, “Oh! Uhm… Sorry.” He mumbles and hurries out. Frank and I pull apart and I straighten his shirt, which had been halfway up his torso by the time Mikey had walked in. I kiss him chastely before standing up from where we were now laying and help him up.
“Poor Mikey.” Frank whispers into my ear, putting his hand back on my hip as we walk out to the living-room area.
“So, judging by the fact that Mikey is scarred for life… Frank asked you to marry him and you said yes.” Gerard says.
“Yes.” I say, “Sorry Mikes.”
“It’s okay. I just have to get the image… out of my head.” He breathes heavily.
“Oh puh-lease.” Frank says, “We weren’t having sex! You didn’t see her womanly parts! We were just kissing!”
“He’s got a good point, you know.” Gerard says, “You’ve seen him doing some sloppy kissing on stage. You can’t be too scarred.”
“I don’t even want to think about the fact that my sister’s had sex.” Ray states, “Frank. You sister-defiler.”
“That ship had sailed a while before Frank!” I say, “I’m the one who’s scarred for life. I walked in on you and BOB going at it like… gay guys!”
“That would make all the sense in the world.” Bob says, “That’s kindov the only way we can go at it.”
“WHAT ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT.” Gerard says, “Let’s just go to the damn hotel.” He grabs his suitcase and leaves first.
“I’m coming!” Mikey says, following closely behind. Seriously, those two were together 24/7. If I didn’t know fully well Mikey’s straight, I would think there was some sick Waycest going on or something. Sick!? That would be hot! They’re brothers! They’re both hot!
“Thinking about Waycest?” Frank asks in my ear as we walk the short distance to the hotel.
“WHA-? No…” I deny.
“Whatever.” He laughs once we’re safely in a hotel room, Bob having given us keys. “Hey! Guys, Rox was thinking about you two getting it on!”
“Shut up Frank!” I whisper loudly.
“Ew. Sick Rox.” Gerard says, “Mikeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Roxanne was thinking about us getting it on!”
“Seriously Rox?” Mikey says.
“It would be hot. Shut the fuck up.” I pout innocently.
“Like this?” Mikey says, grabbing Gerard and pulling him close, “Gee… I love you.”
“I love you too Mikes.” Gerard whispers dramatically, and kisses Mikey. Oh my lord, these boys are trying to kill me. That’s fuckin’ hot. Brothers! Is that Mikey’s tongue? I think it is. Okay, WTF?
“What the fuck are those two doing?” Ray asks, stepping into the room looking shocked.
“Giving Roxanne a show.” Frank laughs as they pull away from each other.
“Mikey, where the fuck did you learn to kiss like that?” Gerard asks.
“I don’t know.” Mikey says, taking a deep breath, “Okay, that was too weird.”
“Let’s never do that again. Ever.” Gerard says, "That felt really disgusting. Especially since you're a good kisser."
"Not ever happening again. Not even for Rox." Mikey agrees.
“Aww.” I groan.
“I need to brush my teeth. You licked them!” Mikey exclaims and goes to the bathroom.
"Don't blame me! You were really getting into it!" Gerard yells back.
Frank leads me out of Gerard and Mikey’s room and into ours, unlocking it with a key-card.
“Rox?” He asks.
“Sorry.” I say, snapping back to reality.
“Stop thinking about it. It’s not happening again.” Frank giggles, “You know… We’re alone again.”
“Yeah.” I say, sitting down on the cream bedspread.
“They’ll leave us alone tonight.” Frank smirks.
“They’d better.” I laugh.
“I’m going to take a shower.” Frank says, “First in a few days probably. Want to join me?”
“You had me at shower.” I say, kissing him fiercely.
Later that night, I lie down next to Frank in the warm bed, snuggling close to his now-clean and mango-scented chest.
“I still can’t believe it.” I say quietly.
“That I have you.”
“Why? Honey, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
“In high school I was bullied a lot.” I say, “I dealt with both anorexia and cutting.”
“I never knew.”
“It really hurts to think about.” I sigh, “Hurts even more to talk about.”
“Why did you get bullied?”
“You remember how I was in high school, right?”
“I remember it slightly. But remember, I was a senior when you were a freshman.” Frank says, “I just remember a girl with dark hair and band t-shirts. She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, but I never did talk to her.”
“Yes you did. Just not until years later.” I smile, tracing his tattoos, “I want to show you something.”
“Okay.” He says and sits up along with me. I pull my shirt off and he makes a noise.
“What was that?” I ask.
“You really are beautiful.” He says and kisses me.
“Honey, you’ve seen me shirtless before.” I raise an eyebrow and take his hand.
“What did you want to show me?” He asks. I move his hand to my ribs, moving his fingertips against the rough skin there, “What in the world?”
“Look.” I say, turning on the bedside lamp so he can see better. Now he can see them. The scars on my ribs from my skin being stretched tight against them. From when I would take shaving-razors to that area and cut the skin.
“You don’t anymore, right?”
“Not since high school ended. I did deal with bulimia for several years past high school though.” I admit.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says, “Scars and all.”
“I love you Frank.” I whisper.
“I love you too, Roxanne.” He hugs me close to his chest and turns the lamp back off. We lie there the rest of the night, listening to each other’s breathing and exchanging quiet kisses before drifting off to sleep.

I told you. Fluff.
And Roxanne's past.
And some Waycest.
That's never happening again.
It's too weird to write.
I doubt that the boys would do that, even for a friend who thinks it's hot.
[/Not happening again.

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