Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Underneath the Overpass


by Wicked_Lovely 2 reviews

Everything has beauty, you just have to know where to look.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-02-28 - Updated: 2012-02-29 - 2241 words

The rain had decided to pick up, pouring when we were halfway to Brendon's house. He mumbled a goodbye at his doorstep, I stopped him before he could walk in. "Are we dating now?" He stared at me, the same small smirk on his lips. It was good on him, making his almost childlike face fierce.
"That depends." He walked through the threshold of the door, closing it to leave me confused yet happy. He might have meant it as a yes, but more likely it was intended as a no. I figured he wanted to keep his options open, that he wasn't the type to just choose one. Which was pretty good considering the fact that I never really thought to choose only one person, either.
Spencer was sitting on the ledge of the small park, overlooking the things that had been thrown out of rage and broken on the ground below. He was soaked. I could tell that he had been sitting in the exact same spot since I left, and hadn't done a damn thing to get away from the rain. It had stopped, the pouring rain ceasing to a soft drizzle before completely dying out before I had made it back to where he was.
I made my way over to Spencer, sitting next to him on the wet cement. He didn't move, just continued to star out into space like a zombie. I smiled a little to myself. Some things never change.
"You look like shit." He almost laughed at my words, cracking a smile as he nodded his head.
"Yeah, I guess I do." He looked at me, and we were both soaking wet, confused, lost, and smiling.
"I was thinking about what we could do tonight." I said as I looked out at the clouded skies.
"Oh?" His voice was questioning, and I had to stop myself from laughing.
"Yeah." I grinned at him, and he beamed at me. "Absinthe?" He stared at me.
"We have school tomorrow, don't we?" I shook my head at his foolish question.
"Spence, we're young today. Let's live it up before we grow old and die." He nodded.
"So, absinthe?" I smiled and nodded.
"Absinthe." He smiled back.
The funny thing about the Green Fairy, is that she's not at all legal. Not to mention the fact that drinking plain alcohol is illegal for people our age. But, where's the fun in drinking something so insane when it's legal? There aren't many places that carry absinthe, and there's only one that doesn't check for ID's, something I always found peculiar, if you're already doing something illegal, why not take it a step further? The good news is, Spencer and I know that one place. It's small and hardly let's anyone in; wasted people who won't remember, locals who won't tell. Unlike most clubs, it only has about a sum of thirty people at one time. But it's nice, small and relaxing. Like a mini vacation.
It's a dusty shop on the edge of he city. A large thick black door at the end of an alley way with a single sign on it; Take A Trip To See The Green Fairy. And that's exactly what we were doing.
There was a small keypad by the handle, a series is digits that changed with the frequency of the setting sun. It gave me comfort, knowing that we were some of the few who always knew what the code was. No one else from our school knew, in fact, most kids our age wouldn't ever be allowed in this place. But the owner liked us. We were the life of the party. People come for the booze and drugs, and they would stay for us. I never really liked that fact as much as Spencer did.
I watched as Spencer punched the numbers in, the door giving a click as the key pad gave a green light, and we were in. Well, kind of. The outside door led us to a hall, with multiple doors. Different shops, underground and non, and the apartments upstairs. The door was the last one on the left. Spencer smiled at me as I opened the door, and he walked in first.
The bar was an amazing place. The floor was transparent with green lights underneath, the bar made of glass and silver. There were a few silver tables, bright green lights and dim white flashing lights being spread our enough to keep the room dim. There was only a handful of people, about seven dancing on the floor to the live music, two of the tables having three or more people leaning on them, and two girls at the bar. When we walked in the owner grinned at us, motioning at the redhead and blond. Not even close to being regulars. Pretty girls were never regulars.
"Redhead or blond?" Spencer questioned with a sly grin.
I grinned. "Blond, always."
Some might find what we're about to do strange, and maybe it is. I know that I like Brendon, and Spencer has never been known to like one girl for any real length of time, and neither of these things will change the fact that we'll both be taken home by these girls, and we'll both wake up before them to slip out forgotten in the morning. Like it never happened.
To be fair, I asked him if we were going out. He didn't say yes, so what's a night of fun going to do? Sure, I like him, but I also like blond girls with daddy issues.
Spencer and I sat down at the bar next to the girls and the owner of the place, David, grinned at us with a smile that showed some of his missing teeth. "Spence! Ryan! Haven't seen you boys in ages! How's life been treating you?"
David was a nice guy; we met him when he was picking up his trouble maker of a son from juvy. Spencer and I happened to be the kids he had decided to pick a fight with. Well, not Spencer, he was just cheering me on as I tried to not get my ass kicked. Needless to say, I ended up being put in the hospital for a head injury that should have killed me, or at least put me in a coma. The guy felt so bad about it he offered to pay for all of the medical bills and told us about his bar. We'd always be let in if we payed for our own drinks. From there, we actually got to be pretty close friends with David. He was a crazy fucker when he was our age just like us. Says we're destined to do great things.
"Pretty good man, what about you?" David opened a bottle of absinthe, and I smiled at Spencer. He was already feeling better.
"Just great! Some crazy shit's been going on, but it's still good." David was a short man with a scruffy beard and more than one battle scar. His shaggy brown hair was kept out of his face for work, though by nights end it would probably end up in his face. He had dark brown eyes that told a story like the small scar over his left brow. "You two look a mess, why don't you go change in the back room." I smiled at him, downing the bright green shot he had put in place before making my way to the back of the club and through a brown door that lead to a storage room. Spencer wouldn't want to change, he never does.
The storage room is a space that's almost like a second home to me. Whenever things got to rough and I wanted a place to crash, David would let me crash on a mattress that he kept in the room. I kept spare clothing in a crate next to a bunch of old wine bottles that were saved for a special occasion that would never come, one of many habits David has. I pulled out some clean clothes, stripping out of the wet clothing that I had been in as I thought about Brendon. Maybe I could take him here someday, and he could show me a place that's special to him afterwards. I smiled to myself. He really was the first boy I had. There have been countless girls, but he's my first for a lot of things. And I know there will be more to come.
I shrugged on the clean clothing, feeling The Green Fairy start to take effect as I started laughing to myself. I wandered out, finding that Spencer was already chatting up the redhead. So I went for the blond. We make a great team, him an I. We always have. Just like brothers. Tonight was going to be a good night. That much was certain.

Gloria had fallen asleep next to me, and I could only grin as I slipped out of bed, silently finding my clothing and a pack of cigarettes. I got back into my clothing, noting that it was almost time for the sun to rise. Part of the beauty of living in the desert, the sun was almost always up early. I walked out of the hotel room, thinking about my next move. I thought about calling Spencer to see if he was up for breakfast at a dinner, some place I could get something sweet with coffee, but then I remembered that he wouldn't be home and if on the off chance that one of his parents were, they would start to question what we do every night. Not the best thing for them to be questioning.
So I went to the one place that no one knows about. The one place that I can go to whenever I really want to be alone.
There's a hotel, nothing special in Vegas, just a place for rich people to crash for a night. But there is a part of it that is important, that is special to no one but me and a few of the workers. There's a garden on the roof of part of the building, a place that has a large brick wall where the rest of the building starts to go back up again. Fifteen floors off the ground it rests in isolation as a place where plants can thrive, and anyone staying in the hotel can visit. But they never do.
I have a key to this garden in the sky, something that I got for taking the blame for the owner. He was caught with cocaine while I was passing by, admiring the scenery of the lions inside cages next-door, and I pretended that it was mine. Kids don't really get in trouble for that type of thing here, especially when they look as homeless as I did that night. The man was so grateful he offered me anything; was willing to give me a huge amount of money, a hotel room for a month, a new guitar. Whatever I wanted, within reason. And I looked up at the hotel that he managed, noticing the small garden that's usually forgotten and asked to go up and view it. The man just stared at me when I asked before giving me a permanent key to get in.
I climbed the stairs of the hotel, going past each flight slowly. It's kind of funny, how being at the right place at the right time can have an impact on your life that you never thought would happen. If things were even slightly different, I think I would have gone mad already. I finished my way up, reaching the top of the stairs where I could look at a large door that had to stand in my way. Only a few gardeners that work for the hotel ever come up this far, so the door is typically locked. I placed my key in, turning it and walking out and into the fresh air.
The garden was beautiful. It resembled that of a classic Roman garden, with hedges bordering grass covered ground and flowers of red blue purple and yellow come up to decorate the light green with bright splashes of color. There were a few fountains, based off of Roman gods. There was one in particular that I loved, it was that of the Egyptian goddess Isis, standing tall and beautiful. There was something about it that set it apart from all of the other status and fountains that were scattered about.
I sat down on a concrete bench that had been put in place to face the edge of the building, giving a beautiful view of the city at dawn. All the clubs and bars had long since closed hours ago, and the buffets and diners were just starting to wake up as the rest of the city continued to sleep. I pulled out the pack of cigarettes I had stolen, pulling one out and lighting it with a match. For once, I felt for certain that things were finally going right. That everything was going great and would work perfectly.
And I couldn't help but smile out as the sun started to rise, blowing smoke out at a city that's awake all night and asleep all day, because everything has beauty, you just have to know where to look.
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