Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

Frank Iero..Broken, Lost, And Misunderstood, Can Gerard, The New Kid Who's Seems To Have Finally Gotten Sick Of Getting Pushed Around, And Frank Find Each Other In Time Before They Both Can't Find ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-02-28 - Updated: 2012-03-07 - 524 words

Chapter 1
Frankie’s P.O.V

I Sat, Letting the music come through finally escaping my own thoughts, thoughts that seemed to only hurt me far more than they should. I felt like I had nothing left before I had “home” back before my dad started drinking when it seemed our family was simple, loving even. But now after the long day and 7 hours of what’s called school, after all the shoving, looks and hurtful words thrown my way I had no one except for the music that flooded my ears. Deep inside I still have hope, faith even that things will change that I’ll even have friends someday but now I sit here on a bench near the park blasting Black Flag. “Fix me!! Fix my head. Fix me please, I don’t wanna be dead.”

But no, no one has took the time to even say a simple "hi, how you doing?" No one has or will. Well maybe they have but that was back in middle school now everyone seem so caught up in being “cool”. Speaking of, I see Xavier, the quarterback for our school’s football team, now a days if I ever told anyone he and I would go everywhere together, claiming we were bros’ for life, no one would believe me and I would possibly get beaten up even more for starting a “rumor” though he’d know it was the truth he’d never admit it.

Maybe it was all my fault during 8th grade I took up guitar, started getting into so many incredible bands; Black Flag, Misfits, Iron Maiden, Green Day, etc., that’s when things started changing by the time we hit 9th everyone started looking at me as a weirdo. The kid who’s one passion seemed to be music, and for that simple reason it made me a fag, and an overly emotional one, at least in their book.

My thoughts more of flashback was interrupted by a shadow suddenly coming towards me, I knew this wouldn't end well since it happened daily. Looking up I saw Tom, really I wasn't surprised not anymore. He simply stood before me, and it wasn't a pretty picture even through my long hair. He was huge, he always said he was buff not a fat ass, but everyone knows he is they're just scared to admit it. After a minute or two he became frustrated i didn't acknowledge his presence so he simply grabbed me by the shirt and threw me off the bench then came towards me again to spit in my face and walk away. And like nothing everyone continued whatever it was they were doing, like nothing had happened like they hadn't just attended the show that happened daily, a kid getting picked on, a kid they shared classes with, me, Frank Iero. But no, no one seemed to even care. That everyday it got darker for me every time Tom's shadow stood over me making it feel like the sun was going black and that once it was completely gone no one would be able to find me.
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