Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Two

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

Meeting Gerard...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-06 - Updated: 2012-03-07 - 664 words

Chapter Two
Gerard’s P.O.V*]

I walked along the park, getting familiarized with the place since Mom, Dad, Mikey, and I had just moved here, I’d be starting 11th grade at Belleville High School Monday, while Mikey would be starting 9th. It wasn’t such of a huge deal anymore, the moving, given that we’d been moving around a lot mostly cause of me. I sincerely could care less really, I was sick of trying, sick of saying it was going to be fine. That maybe this time it wouldn’t lead to me having to leave a school. Deep inside I really hope I don’t have to leave again but that of course depends on how the in crowed takes a kid with shoulder length midnight black hair, should be brown but I dyed it a few months back. But this time things time I mean it I’m not taking their sh*t not anymore not after what caused me to move here I’d finally fought back, but even after that my ex-principle considered it my fault that if they were bullying me to report them not to fight violence with violence and since there was no proof of it being self-defense I was expelled. After That I tried dropping out, and the first thing my Mom said was, “Think of Mikey.”

Mikey, my little brother, the only one you can say keeps me going, the way he looks up to me really. I have no idea why he does, I can’t even stand up for myself half the time, damn I can’t even look at myself in the mirror without wanting to break it into million pieces. Truth is that is exactly why there are no mirrors in our house. But anyway, back to Mikey, he’s a pretty weird kid but somehow he isn’t like me he is the kind of kid that stands out but was somehow is still in, even with those nerdy glasses. I guess you can say that’s something I’m envious of, that he’s somehow himself and everyone accepts him and me well I stand out but I’m more of a shadow whereas Mikey is like a leader.

I was about to head home when I saw some lonely kid listening peacefully to his iPod, he reminded me of myself somehow maybe because he had black ripped skinny jeans, and a Misfit hoodie over his school shirt which is probably something I can picture myself in. I think maybe that’s why I couldn’t walk away, but then again when, did I ever think about what I wore. I have no words to really explain exactly what keeps me here, staring at this guy with a fringe covering half of his face, utter interest I suppose.

I finally decide I can’t stand here the whole day so I turn to leave but as I do I see an extremely fat looking kid go towards him, he doesn’t seem the kind to talk to someone so jock looking, but who knows maybe I was wrong has happened before. I turn finally heading home until I stop when I hear a thud on the floor, I turn to catch a sight of the fat kid spitting on him. The fact that he did kind of makes me want to run up to him and tell him to back off but why on earth would I… No one has ever done it for me, so many have seen me hurt badly on the floor and I haven’t ever gotten an “Are you okay?” why should I?

But at that moment I realize that maybe if they had I wouldn’t be so mind fucked or obsessed with the term of revenge. So I decide to walk towards the poor cute...wait what? Did I seriously just think that? Man I have issues.
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