Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us

Chapter 5

by CO_toxicMelody 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-09 - Updated: 2012-03-10 - 941 words - Complete


Gerard's POV:

Free period...

Free period is my favorite time of the day because Its 45 minutes doing what ever the fuck you want to do. I usually go back to the smokers corner. Its pretty self explanatory. Its a group of teens that hang out over there and smoke. Teachers have a strict rule about smoking so the teens that need a drag go to the back of the school to the corner of the gate behind some dumpsters.

Teachers know about it and patrol the area often. But we have a watcher. They text us when they see a teacher coming. Usually they go for a smoke, but if they get caught, no one cares. But when a kid gets caught... all HELL breaks lose.

Once I get to Smokers Corner I casually wave to the other people and head to the far end. I look around at the people here. Some freshmen trying to be cool and impress the older guys. We let them around here for entertainment.

I don't really see anyone worth talking to at the moment so I sit down and close my eyes and slowly take a drag on my cigarette. I hear someone sit next to me so I open my eyes and choke on the smoke. Their eyes light up as the chuckle.

"You okay.. erm Gerard, right?" Frank smiles at me. My stomach flips and I let out a nervous giggle.

"Yup. You names Frank right, Frank?" I mentally punch my self.

"Haha! Nice one. And the one and only," Frank smiles which makes my knees melt. What the hell is wrong with me today!?

Frank pulls out a cigarette and places it between his lips. He slowly inhales and then blows out the smoke. I start to get hard so I look away. I feel shaky so I pull out a cig too.

"So how did you find this place?" I ask trying to be cool.

"Well.... I umm... I was just walking around finding a place just to chill and I ran into Smokers Corner," Frank smile at me and I can't help but smile back.
All of the sudden I see a teacher coming towards us looking pissed.

"Aww shit! We gotta run!" I yell and everyone takes off. Its only me and Frank right now. I grab his hand and sprint. The teacher runs after us and curse. Damn he can run fast! I push harder and run faster. Frank is still clutching my hand and it gives me butterflies.

We hid in the teachers parking lot and duck behind some parked cars. We are both out of breath and laughing. We have to slow our breathing or we will get caught. We see the teacher checking behind cars one by one. If we run now we will get caught. So we stay put until the teacher gets close.

"Fuck," I whisper and laugh quietly.

"Wow...," Frank smiles and blushes a little. I realize that I'm still holding his hand. I let go and put it in my lap. I wanted to do so much more to him.

What the fuck am I thinking!

Your thinking about fucking Frank.

But I'm straight!

So you think...

I have a girlfriend!

But do you feel the same way towards her as you do to frank!?

This time I actually do punch my self.

"wow! dude! Are you okay!?" Frank says laughing.

"Yeah. I'm fine," We both start laughing. A little too loudly and the teacher hears us.

"HEY! YOU TOO!" The teacher runs towards us and we run again laughing. This time he grabs my hand.

I direct us to an old janitors closet in the old gym. I pull him in and lock the door. I try turning on the light but it doesn't work. We both start laughing and I smile into the darkness.

We sit down and lean against each other. I realize that we are still holding hands again. I don't pull my hand away. I actually.... Like it. I give it a small squeeze. To my surprise he squeezes it back. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

"So...." Frank says. You can actually hear the smile is his voice.

"So..." I respond. I can't stop smiling.

"So...." Frank says again. Laughing. I giggle.

"Frank.... I have a question... Its kind of a stupid question but I just want to know if you," Frank cuts me off by slapping me playfully.

"Spit it out!" We start laughing and he strokes my head softly and I smile and giggle. I gather up my courage and ask.

"Do you like guys?" I hold my breath and he momentarily stop stroking my head.

"Yes..." Frank says quietly

"I mean its just a silly question. I mean you don't have to answer.. Wait... Did you say yes?" I look in his general direction and smile. I mean like GLOWING!

"Yes, Gerard... I like boys," he giggles,"Why did you ask?" He squirms a little. And I smile.

"I asked because.... I .. umm...," I swallow my pride and follow my heart, "Because I really like you and I was hoping you feel the same way..." I let go of Franks hand and let a couple of tears fall.

"Gerard!? Are you crying??" Frank asks a little worried.

"Yes..." I mumble

"Yes fucking suck it up! I really like you too. And I was scared that you wouldn't like me back," Frank laughs hold both of my hands.

I smile and lay my head back on his shoulder and smile. He kisses my forehead softly and we fall asleep.
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