Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If only they knew

Fuck it, you only live once.

by Thecreep 6 reviews

A teenage Gerard meets Mikey for the first time, under the influence of a lot of alcohol.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-03-11 - Updated: 2012-03-12 - 1979 words


"Mum," I murmured, leaning against the wall and keeping my head down. The black and white checkered rucksack on my back clinked quietly as glass bottles of alcohol collided inside it. I coughed loudly trying to mask the sound, staring at my black boots to hide my nervous expression. "I'm going out now."
Mum gazed up at me, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her eyes were narrowed and her expression distressed.
"Where exactly are you going at this time of night Gerard?" she questioned suspiciously,
"To meet a friend," I said calmly, bracing myself for her responce. She was crouched down on the carpet in front of the new TV, looking me up and down judgementally. I could tell that she knew I was lying. The volumised hair, too tight jeans and smudged eyeliner was a bit of a giveaway.
"Don't lie to me," she scowled, propelling herself onto her feet so she towered over me. I raised my head, trying to soften my expression in order to look as innocent as possible.
"I'm not lying," I began,
"You're going to that party aren't you?" she frowned, crossing her arms sulkily. "What did I tell you about going to that party?"
"But mum!" I protested,
"I don't know the area yet Gerard! I told you, you are not going to that party!" she yelled, her eyes blazing with fear and anger.
"NO!" she interrupted again, "You're only sixteen, it's dangerous!".
"If I'm old enough to fuck I'm old enough to go to one party." I huffed, ignoring her death gaze and walking towards the front door.
"Don't you dare walk out of that Door Gerard," Mum ordered. She looked like an angry troll. Her face had become flustered from the sudden raised heart rate and her hair was sticking up wildly. In her defence, she hadn't had time to work on her appearence due to the stress of moving house, but she was still a bitch, so I didn't feel bad insulting her in my mind.
"Mum, you know I've been having trouble making friends here, stop being so over protective and calm down." I told her bluntly, swinging the door open and stepping outside into the cold, bitter night. I looked back at mum, who hadn't moved from her previous position. She didn't say anything, only sighed in defeat. I grinned, slamming the door behind me as I trugged out into the starry night.

A few hours and many drinks later I was stumbling through a crowd of intoxicated teenagers trying to find some fresh air. A door, a window, fucking anything! If I didn't inhale some fresh-ish air soon I was sure I would vomit. I scanned the room, seeing only blurred, half dressed people drinking or dancing. Loud, dis-tasteful music pounded through my skull, vibrating the whole room, pumping through my veins. I had to get out, and quick.
"Hey Gerard," I heard a high-pitched voice call, I turned around to see a heavily made-up girl gliding towards me wearing nothing but a see through, rather short dress. Her dark hair fell in ringlets around her tanned face. I could hardly see her in my alcohol induced state, but I think she went to my new school.
"H-hi-ya," I stuttered, beginning to feel more dizzy and claustrophobic by the second.
"You look really hot tonight," the girl said, her voice was muffled by the speakers, but I could just about make out what she was saying.
"I-" I began, not being able to even conjure up a sentence before she smashed her sticky lips against mine. I didn't kiss back, only let myself be kissed messily. I could feel her lipstick sliding over my mouth as her tongue poked through my lips. Her hand tangled roughly in my hair and an un-pleasant taste spread on my tongue. I pulled away quickly,
"Got to get out..." I slurred, before pushing through a crowd of shirtless boys to find an escape.

Suddenly, to my left, a door! I didn't know where the fuck it lead, but I was up for taking a risk. I stumbled out, alomst falling through the door frame and into an icy wind. I could faintly make out a garden of some sort and it seemed to be deserted apart from myself. I sighed, inhaling the fresh, clean air as if it were a drug. I leaned my back against the wall of the house to keep myself steady and tried to sober myself up on oxygen. "You trying to escape too?" I heard a soft voice ask, I jumped almost out of my skin, my head turning frantically to try and find the person the voice had just come from. I could see a blured figure stood beside me.
"Huh?" I said, not quite sure what to reply to him,
"I've been out here for about half an hour now," the voice giggled. I let my eyes adjust to the person and I realised it was a boy who couldn't have been more than a few years younger than myself. He had mousy brown hair, glasses and a beautifully defined jawline. His jeans were even tighter than my own from what I could see.
"Yeah, got too much," I mumbled, "too drunk." The boy laughed to himself, slumping back against the wall next to me.
"Who's lipstick you wearing?" he smirked, pointing to my chin. I dragged a hand accross my face, picking up a thick, red residue.
"I don't even fucking know," I grinned, "Some hoe who decided to try and eat me." The boy laughed again, showing his interestingly pointy vampire teeth.
"I'm Mikey by the way," he said, extending a hand for me to shake.
"Gerard," I told him, grasping his hand and attempting to stand up and shake it properly, but stumbling in the process. Mikey grasped my arm, his leather jacket squeaking slightly as he steadied me. He laughed once again, his laugh was fucking adorable, like a litle kid or something. Our eyes met awkwardly as he held onto my arm, his were an interesting shade of hazel. His grasp only losened when he was sure I was fully steady. There was an awkward silence as we just stared at each other. Honestly I was admiring him, he just looked so, interesting, so different. 'God, how drunk am I?' I thought to myself. "Wow, I'm so fucking drunk," I blurted out, trying to make very strange conversation.
"I would love to be drunker actually," Mikey admitted, "I'm sobering up!" I glared at him, wondering why he seemed so intriguing to me.
"Got booze in my bag," I told him, "in the other room." He stared at my, waiting for an offer. "Oh, you can have as much as you want," I assured him. He grinned at me, baring his vampiric teeth again.
"Thanks," he said enthusiastically, "I'll try and find it, what does your bag look like?"
"I'll show you," I told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him through the door back indoors.

I couldn't help but notice that I was now holding his hand and dragging him through a sea of people. I also couldn't help but notice that everyone was staring at us. We slid silently through the crowds, my head spinning and my heart thumping along with the heavy music. "Here 'tis" I pointed to the checkered rucksack randomly placed in the corner of the room. I reached over to grab it, pulling it up and holding it out to him. He unzipped it, pulling out a quarter bottle of vodka. His eyes lit up when he saw it.
"Thank you, oh my god," he smiled. "Hold this." I dropped my bag without thinking and grasped the bottle as steadily as I could. He unscrewed the lid with his free hand, he hadn't let go of my hand yet. Mikey held out the lid like a cup, beckoning me to pour him a shot. Shakily, I managed to fill the lid. He knocked it back easily, wide eye-d and shaking his head afterwards. "'Nother," he ordered, I obliged, pouring him another shot, which he downed just as easily as the previous one.

"Let's drink the rest of this outside, kay?" he said, I nodded as he began to drag me back towards the door. People all around us were dancing, surrounding us, closing in on us. Mikey seemed too polite to push past them, he just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He turned back towards me,
"You okay?" I asked him, he looked confused.
"Yeah," he said, "just trying to figure out a way back outside."
"Just push past them, see, I'll show yo-" Just as I was about to get us out, the track changed. This song was much heavier, much more electro. A tidal wave of bodies filled the room, screaming in excitement at the song. I didn't even know what the fuck it was! But now we were trapped in here for good. We were pushed together in the tightly packed room, the bottle of vodka was still secured tightly in my hand, the lid in Mikey's, but our hands slid out of each other's grasp. Our bodies were pushed closely, chest against chest and our noses almost touching. I felt his hot breath on my neck as we both fumbled awkwardly to try and escape, but it was no use.

We met each other's gaze as the sea of people around us began to jump frantically. My head was jolted un-comfortably and now our noses were touching, our faces only centimetres apart. I could practically taste the alcohol in his breath, then we were jolted again, our bodies thrusted together, causing us both to hold back small moans. I could feel Mikey's lips moving closer to mine, my heart was pummeling my ribcage violently, my eyes beginning to close slightly. Then with one last jolt from the crowd, our lips were slammed together. They stuck there, sliding against each other eagerly. I kissed him back, straight away letting my tongue meet his in the middle. It was so strange, I had never kissed a boy before, but it felt so right. Our tougues fought for dominance as Mikey slid his free arm around my back, clutching me tightly. My hand stroked into his hair, grasping it, pulling slightly. Our bodies were rubbing together, making the kiss even more heated. we were pushed around by the drunk dancers, which only deepend the kiss.

Suddenly, Mikey pulled away. He looked shocked, his eyes were dazed and he snatched the bottle of vodka from my hand. "C'mon," he said, I followed as he pushed through the crowd with all his might. People were staring, clearly shocked by what they had seen. We got to the stairs and Mikey collapsed in a heap onto the first step, taking a huge gulp from the bottle before handing it back to me. His pupils were growing wider and mixed with the wild, messed up hair and the smeared, red lipstick, (from me) he looked drunk. Mikey grinned at me, his pointy tooth biting down on his bottom lip. It turned me on a little more than it should have. I mean, okay I made out with him, but I shouldn't be wanting anything else, he's a boy! Besides, I should really learn to control myself. "Let's go," Mikey smirked,
"Where?" I asked him, my voice coming out much higher pitched than I had intended it to.
"Upstairs," he said, turning to scramble up the stairs. I looked at the scene behind me. Half dressed girls and topless jocks dancing to shit music, then I looked back at Mikey. 'Fuck it,' I thought, 'you only live once.' I followed him upstairs, my head still spinning.
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