Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All I Want For Christmas Is You

All I Want For Christmas Is You

by MissFilthyDivineMCR 0 reviews

(Frerard) The holidays are here and Frank might get what he wants, as long as there aren't too many things in the way.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2012-03-11 - Updated: 2012-03-12 - 4143 words - Complete

Wrote this story on another username so here it is again! :)) Just wanted to say, Merry Christmas everyone! Happy holidays and have a good new year! Even though it's past Christmas, (which was when I was supposed to post this) I decided to post the start now since I got sick. :( I hope you enjoy it!

In about a week it was Christmas, December 25. The most stressful and crazy holiday out of the whole year, but surely the greatest. It is the time of the year that people get what they want. But it wasn’t always what had happened, especially for Frank Iero. For Frank it seemed like he would never ever get what he wanted, or who he wanted. It was times like this when he would think, always during a time the band hung out. “You alright, Frank?” Ray asked softly as he leaned over to him on the couch.

Frank suddenly snapped out of his train of thought. “Oh, yeah, yeah man, I’m alright.”

In his mind though he couldn’t help but keep looking over to his left where Gerard sat. The man to him was the most handsome person he had ever seen. Nothing could compare. His red hair was shiny in the light as it fell to the sides of his face, and his brown eyes contained a twinkle to them. “Frank?” Gerard asked.

“Um, yeah, Gerard?” Frank asked, not in reality still.

“Are you watching this movie or are you so fascinated with me you can’t take your eyes away?” His teeth glinted from the lamp on the side table.

Frank just couldn’t help himself but giggle at Gerard’s question, his cheeks tingeing pink. “Yeah, I’m watching the movie. I’m just…. erm… thinking about something.”

Gerard gave a questionable look but simply nodded his head and continued watching the television screen. Frank glanced over at Ray who gave him a wink. That was the good part about Ray, he was his best friend. He was someone Frank could trust with his life. He spilled his biggest secrets to him including the biggest one; Frank was conditionally head over heels in love with Gerard. “You know what? I’m going in the kitchen to get something to eat. Anyone want anything?” Ray asked, jumping to his feet.

Frank looked up at Ray, almost staring him down. “Ooo, I’ll come out with you.”

Ray walked in the kitchen, Frank following him behind, and spun around to clamp a hand over his shoulder. “What are you doing, Frank? Tell him. Tell him you love him.”

“But what if he doesn’t feel the same way as I do? I’ll be so embarrassed.”

“You just have to believe. Are you forgetting those moments? The ones onstage and off all those years?”

“I’ll never forget those,” Frank giggled. “But what if it ruins my relationship with him? Or the band?”

Frank looked down at his feet, Ray patting his back. “Trust me, he loves you too. More than you think.”

Frank looked up, his eyes bright with hope. “What are you guys talking about? All I heard was ‘he loves you too.’ Who loves Frank?” Mikey walked in asking as he grabbed out a drink from the refrigerator.

Frank also trusted Mikey with his life since he was such a sincere and genuine person. Even though he was Gerard’s brother, he never would tell Frank’s secret if he didn’t want him to. Ray signaled with his finger for Mikey to come over. “You know about Frank right?”

“Umm, I think he has a big crush on my brother. Is that correct?” He smiled.

Frank looked down again, “Yes.”

Mikey put his hand on Frank’s other shoulder. “It’s alright. You can like Gerard. I support you on that. What’s wrong though?”

“I just…” Frank kicked at the tiles under his shoes, “I’m scared. Sometimes Gerard is hard to judge.”

“Ahh, yeah. He can be at times, but do you really want to know something about Gerard and you? He thought about you a lot, all the time. Like nonstop, 24/7. He actually told me he liked you too. And to be honest, I don’t think his feels have ever changed about you.”

Frank looked up to receive a warm smile from Ray and a partial smile from Mikey. “Really? Why won’t he tell me then himself?”

“Because he’s like you, Frank. He’s scared you don’t feel the same way.” Ray explained and Mikey nodded. “So that’s why you should tell him.”

“O-okay.” Frank hesitated at first but then turned to grab something to munch on before walking out into the living room to sit beside Gerard.

“I was wondering what took you guys so long,” Gerard said as Ray and Mikey also sat down.

“Well, you know how Frank is, Gerard. He was asking us about the movie that’s on.” Ray lied.

“Aah, okay. Yeah, I’m not really sure what’s going on either.” He said and looked over at Frank.

Frank smiled back and felt the urge to just attack him with kisses and tell his feeling to him right there but that lump in his throat just blocked the words from coming out.

Ray cleared his throat loudly, Frank looking over. “What?” he asked.

Ray’s hands said it all, just pushing his hair over his shoulder. Frank reassured himself and took a big breath, turning back to Gerard. “Gerard, can I talk to you about something?”

“Yeah sure, Frank. You want to go somewhere since they are both watching this?”


Gerard began walking down the hallway to the front door as Frank followed, bursting a smile as he met Gerard’s gaze again. “So, what’s up?”

“Well…” he began, rubbing the back of his neck as he grew more nervous by the second. “After all the past years we kind of… umm… became more than… we are now…”

Gerard blinked, almost confused and wondering what he was trying to say. “What do you mean?”

“Well… we’re more than just,” Frank’s heart beat hard in his chest while his toes dug into the sides of his shoes, “best f-“

He got cut off by the doorbell ringing. “Wonder who that could be? Hold on a minute, okay?” Gerard said, grabbing the doorknob.

With a twist, Gerard opened the door to find a familiar face. “Oh shit!” Frank whispered as he noticed who it was.

“Bert! Oh my God! How are you?!” Gerard hugged him tight.

Bert still looked the same, long black hair including his favorite black sunglasses. “Hey Gerard!” He smiled, “Hi Frank! Long time no see!” He waved as he pulled away from the hug.

“So what are you doing back in New Jersey?” Gerard asked.

“Well, I’m back down here for my family, and I thought about your place so I had to stop by. Got to love Christmas.” He smiled.

“I’m so glad. Yeah, it is a very lovable holiday. Come in.” Gerard ran back to the living room, Bert following and leaving Frank behind. He scolded himself for not proving his love quick enough. “Guess who’s back?!?!” He called.

Frank entered the room as Bert jumped to Gerard’s side from behind him. Ray and Mikey both got to their feet and group hugged him, welcoming him back.

They all sat back down, Bert taking Frank’s seat beside Gerard. “What are you still standing up for? Get your ass over here!” Bert laughed. “You want to sit on my lap? How about his?” he pointed to Gerard.

Gerard’s face almost burned. “You can, I don’t mind.”

As Frank walked over to them, he passed Bert but he pulled him back down on his lap as Gerard grabbed his legs to lay them across his lap. Frank tensed and giggled but then relaxed as soon as he knew it was alright with them. His head lay on the arm of the couch where Bert’s arm rested. His mingling fingers grazed Frank’s cheek, then pulling through his hair. “You all look great. After so long ago seeing you, it’s just awesome to see you guys once again. Didn’t you have short hair, Frank? Like really short?”

“Yeah, I grew it out. I have to get it cut again.”

“That’s cool. It looks great. So, where are you going to spend Christmas?”

“This year we’re going to Frank’s house,” Gerard said, putting his hand on his ankle to give it a squeeze.

Frank smiled and nodded. “It was here last year.”

“Let’s go out. You guys want to go out and get something to eat?” Gerard asked.

Ray and Mikey tore their eyes away from the screen in a heartbeat. “Hell yes! Can we go to Sonic? I just saw the commercial and I really want to go.” Ray asked excitedly, Mikey shaking his head in agreement.

Gerard looked at Bert in question. “Sounds good to me. How about you Frank? Bert asked Frank.

“Love to!” He squeaked.


The place was packed since it was Sunday. Though Sonic was worth it for their delicious burgers, fries, and shakes. Usually the place only had a drive-in where you can order in your care like old times, but this one had a place you can sit down too. They all stood there looking at the menu for about 10 minutes, thoroughly making sure they were satisfied with their decision. “Everyone ready to order?” Gerard asked, looking individually at each of us.

Everyone nodded and Gerard pressed the button to order. Frank stood by the side with Ray and Mikey watching Bert stick beside Gerard. “Do you guys think he still likes Gerard? And do you think Gerard still likes him back?” Frank asked softly, turning around to sit at the table.

Mikey sat on one side of Frank, Ray on the other. “Nope. They’re just good friends.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, Frank.” Ray said after Mikey stopped talking. “You have a greater chance anyways. You’ve kissed too many more times onstage then they ever will.”

“I know but they pretend like they are in a relationship.”

“Stop over thinking, man. You’ll get him.” Ray snapped.

Mikey laughed at Ray’s slowly forming smile.

Bert and Gerard came over to the table and sat down. “What are you talking about boys?” Bert asked, clasping his hands together in front of him.

“We’re thinking about what to buy everyone for presents.” Ray answered.

Gerard looked down, biting his lip as he concentrated hard on something. A young brunette girl rolled out on her roller skates with a big tray full of their food. “Okay, so, veggie burger?” she asked, holding it out.

Gerard put his hand up like a kid in school answering a question. “That’s me.” She laid it on the table in front of him.

“Triple bacon cheeseburger?”

“Right here.” Ray pointed to himself.

“Double cheeseburger?”

Mikey looked up at her. “Me,” And she placed it down.

“Alright, and 2 spicy chipotle burgers.” She placed it down one in front of Frank and the other in front of Bert.

“We got the same tastes I see.” Bert said, and Frank laughed.

“Yeah, we do,” Frank looked up at Gerard who was staring at him, then taking a bite from his veggie burger.

Frank stared over at Ray and then blinked to Mikey before focusing back on Ray. “Yes, Frank. Do you have something to say?” He asked, chewing.

“Nope,” I swallowed hard.

For the entire time they stayed quiet, the only sound was from their chewing and sipping away from sodas. Ray was the first one done, “I’m going to get a shake. How about any of you?”

Gerard and Frank raised their hands as they took their last bites. “Get us blackberry though.” He winked at Frank, knowing he got his order right.

“Ray? Can you get me and Mikey one of those M&M sundae things?” Bert asked, wiping his face with a napkin.

“Sure.” Ray walked away to order.

“So… do any of you guys or Ray have a girlfriend?” Bert asked, pushing back his black sunglasses.

They all stayed quiet for a second. “Nope, not one of us. How about you?” Gerard answered for all of them.

“Yeah, I’m a loner on that too. How about a boyfriend?” This time he asked pulling out a box of cigarettes to dangle one between his lips. None of them answered. “C’mon, aren’t you guys like bisexual?”

“No, well, we have no clue.” Frank answered, not completely sure if everyone at the table liked guys beside him.

“Hmm, well, we should play a little truth or dare later to find out the answer to that question. Don’t tell Ray though, it’ll be a surprise.” Bert laughed.

A few seconds later they all laughed, thinking everything was a joke. They knew how Bert was though, he didn’t make anything sexual a joke, he was serious.

“What’s everyone laughing about?” Ray came back and sat down.

Bert took a hit off his cigarette and blew out the smoke. “Nothing. Just something we’ll have fun doing later.”


“Okay, so since we all don’t know the answer, let’s sit in a circle somewhere.” Bert said, standing in the center of the living room.

“Wait, wait, wait, what is the thing we need to find an answer to?” Ray asked, putting his hands up in confusion.

“You’ll find out.” He went back to explaining the instructions. “Once you sit in the circle there’s no turning back. You have to do everything. So where do you want to sit?”

“How about we go downstairs in the basement where I do my drawings?” Gerard suggested.

“Let’s go.”

They all ran down the stairs and sat in a tight circle so their knees could touch. The room was dark and very open containing the most of a desk full of art supplies and a chair pushed beneath it. Bert turned on the light in the corner of the room and finally sat down to complete the circle. “So… let’s start off by asking this. Has everyone in here at least kissed someone before?”

Everyone nodded and stared at Bert like he was the ringleader. “Alright, so we know that. Now Ray, you have sat in the circle. You cannot get up out of this trial and you cannot back out of our decisions. Are you comfortable with your decision?” He grabbed another cigarette out of it’s box in his back pocket of his jeans and lit it.

“Umm, I am, enough to understand what’s going to happen.”

“Good, good. So here’s how it goes. It’s not really a truth or dare, it’s a Christmas special game. My game. I have to tell you who to kiss in this circle. You may give suggestions. And Gee, you don’t have to kiss your brother if you don’t want to. But most of all let out your sexuality and enjoy yourselves.” Bert took another drag on his cigarette as they looked around nervously. They knew there was no escaping this now nor was there a second to protest. “So who do we start with?”

“Wait, are you also going to kiss one of us?” Ray asked suddenly.

“Yes, I am. Ummm, I’m feeling Mikey and... how about you Ray?” Bert smiled, his lips curling into a smirk.

“Are you serious? Mikey’s not the-“ Ray snapped.

“Don’t reject, Ray. Is there something about Mikey you don’t like? And what makes you think Mikey’s not okay with it?” He looked at Ray through his dark sunglasses with a twist in his words, then looked at Mikey. “Are you okay with it?”

Mikey nodded his head with a mix of a scared and anxious look on his face.

“Fine, then, I’ll do it. What kind of kiss is this we’re talking?” Ray turned towards Mikey on his right, who also face towards Ray.

“Well, it has to be a long kiss, not just a little one second lip smacker. You have to feel that person, get a taste of them and see if you like it. Trust me, you will enjoy yourself.”

Both Gerard and Frank fixed their eyes on Mikey and Ray, waiting for them to make a move. Bert continued hitting on his cigarette as Ray and Mikey leaned forward to each other, their lips only about an inch apart. They both looked tense, unsure how to react toward each other. Suddenly their lips met, pressing together lightly. Their eyes were closed as their lips moved slowly, fitting together perfectly as they opened and closed them in sync. As they both stopped to breath, Mikey traced his tongue on Ray’s lower lip, therefore leading to another open mouthed kiss. They pulled away from each other and wiped their mouths clean of their saliva.

“Very good. Wasn’t so bad now was it?” Bert asked pleased. “What are you guys thinking of who should go next?”

“Gerard and Frank,” Ray and Mikey said at the same time.

Frank cheeks turned hot and his heart beat frantic. “Mmm, you guys are perfect together. You should be a couple.” Bert agreed.

In Frank’s mind all he was screaming was I love you, Gerard! Kiss me! but he couldn’t say anything in case Gerard would freak out. Ray and Mikey looked hopeful and excited form where they were seated. Both Gerard and Frank turned toward each other, feeling nervous and stupid on what the either would think. But the moment had come; it had come for both of them.

“Well boys, turn us on. We’re waiting for some Frerard,” he laughed with his cigarette between his fingers.

Gerard looked down at Frank’s lips and inched forward to him, Frank doing the same. He placed his hands on Gerard’s legs, criss-crossed in front of him as he went all the way and caught his lips in a heated lock. I deserve this, I deserve this, Frank though as his lips worked with Gerard’s, fitting against each other’s the way Ray’s and Mikey’s did. Gerard soon responded as he snaked his tongue past Frank’s parting lips to touch his and massage it with his own soothingly.

He licked around his mouth as he trailed his hand up his arm into Frank’s hair to attach around his neck. Frank’s hands rested by his hip as they kissed even harder, trying to get closer to each other. “Shit,” Ray whispered, everyone watching intently at their makeout session.

Frank started feeling his jeans getting tight as he moaned into Gerard’s mouth. He then realized that he couldn’t go any further for the sake of losing his conscious and settling Gerard below him, making love to him as he always wanted to.

Frank slowed his pace and pulled slowly out of their kiss, Gerard kissing him one last time to show he enjoyed it very much. They pulled away smiling, still somewhat not pleased since the guys were there. They couldn’t continue if they were watching, but they had the thought of finishing one time or another. “Whoa! Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Bert laughed. “That’s really hot!”

Frank and Gerard grinned at each other and tried keeping their eyes off each other. Gerard soon had running thoughts about Frank, thinking back to all the times they kissed onstage. He never thought about it after those times in fear of risking their strong friendship until they kissed this moment. He began asking himself if he liked this man more than a best friend. He wondered if Frank felt the same way.

“Who’s next?” Bert said, putting out his cigarette. “.... I want to kiss Gerard.” He crawled over to him and forcefully pushed his lips to his. Gerard pulled back a little and then relaxed and kissed him back, their tongues touching and lips pouting around the others.

Frank felt disgusted as he watched Bert suck on Gerard’s lip then tongue. He wanted Gerard to himself. He didn’t want anyone to stick their slickened lips on Gerard’s soft ones. He waited so many years and so many Christmas’ for Gerard and for them to be together it was taunting, he knew this year they’d be together. He would make it happen, and Bert wasn’t going to be in the way.

Bert pulled away from Gerard and turned to Mikey who watched nervously. “Come over here,” he pat down where he sat, “And kiss Frank.”

Gerard’s heart fluttered as Bert spoke, almost glad to see from another perspective what it looked like for Frank to kiss someone, especially a guy, especially his brother. The thought was filthy to think of Frank and his brother but he felt as if he was falling for the sweet man. Falling more than he had in the past when everything was overcrowding.

Frank looked over at Gerard almost asking if it was okay. “Yeah, it’s fine... I’ll like it anyways.” He bit his lip.

Frank smiled and grabbed Mikey’s shirt to force their lips to crash. He worked their parting lips open more and more as their tongues also wriggled against each other. Gerard leant forward and whispered in Frank’s ear, “Kiss him really hard, kiss him real good.”

Frank wrapped his arm around Mikey’s waist, pulling him closer and then toppled on top of Frank, their hips exactly aligned. Gerard’s eyes wandered, flickering back and forth between his brother and Frank, his brother, and back to Frank. His jeans began to feel tight also, watching Frank run his hand up and down Mikey’s back while the other combed through his floppy blonde hair. Mikey ran his hands along Frank’s sides, his head full of lust. Gerard grabbed Mikey up from his laying position on Frank and attached his lips to his brothers, kissing him long and hard. Frank got to his elbows and kneeled behind Gerard, pushing his hair back to kiss his neck. He moaned against Mikey’s mouth, both brothers tasting each other as their tongues roamed. Bert walked over to Ray, catching him in a passionate kiss as the other three kept their spots. Mikey pulled back in an instant, “Guys, are we really doing this?”

Everyone stopped what they were doing and up at him. “Yeah, I feel like this is turning into an orgy.” Bert joked.

“It really is.” Gerard commented.

“Alright, alright. No matter how much we want to fuck each other right now, let’s try and think about our answer. So here’s the question. Do we like guys?”

They looked around at each other to see everyone’s response. “Yes,” they all answered.

“Problem solved. Do you want to fuck then?”

“Who’s fucking?” A familiar female voice called down the stairs.

Gerard’s eyes went wide and we all looked up to see who it was. Frank was the first to mutter "Son-of-a-bitch" when he saw the face of someone he though he’d never see again. “Well, well, well. Bert, Ray, Mikey, Frank, and Gerard. What are you guys doing down here at this time of night?”

They all backed away from each other, acting innocent as best as they could.

“What are you doing here?” Gerard asked.

Ray looked at her like she now knew everything. Mikey looked between his brother and her, scared of what might happen. Bert sat there very laid back out of all of them, pushing back his sunglasses and acting as if nothing happened. “I didn’t think Gerard would ever see you again. Where have you been?” He asked.

She smirked. “Hi Bert. Well, I’m back aren’t I? I’ve been with my family.” She looked over at Ray. “Hi Ray, you look scared.” Then she turned to Mikey. “Hey there, Mikey. Did you miss me?”

Mikey looked scared also. “Yeah, good to see you again.”

Great, now I have a new problem to worry about, Frank thought. "Hey Frank." Gerard looked at him and then up at her.

“Well, don’t I get a proper welcome?” She asked Gerard.

“Hi Lyn-z,” he murmured.

R&R if you like it! 2 more chapters to come so stay tuned! Thanks so much for reading! Once again, happy holidays! #LotsOfLove
Love, Sabrina
~Stay Beautiful, Keep It Ugly~
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