Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Bird and The Worm

Falling for a Silouhette

by Murderous_Music39 1 review

::Freard:: Frank is new to school and spots a mysterious boy who wears his heart on his... backpack? inspired by The Bird and The Worm by The Used

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-09 - Updated: 2012-07-15 - 1124 words

Sorry its so short:/ more soon:)
Murderous Music
He wears his heart safety pinned to his backpack, his back pack is all that he knows. Shot down by strangers who's glances can cripple the heart and devour the soul.

Cautiously, I approach the huge, iron gates. I feel my mom prod my back impatiently, most likely irritated that she has to follow me. The gates have a intracate design made of metal, with a giant lock in the middle. Off to the side is a large red button with a speaker beside it.

“Don’t press the red button!” I blurt out to no one in particualar. My mom glares at me and walks up to it. I personally jump toward the gates and begin to rattle them around, leaving my suitcases in the mud. My mom pressed the buttons just as I say ‘Open Seaseme.” The gates fly open, causing me to cling for dear life and squeal like a girl. Once they finish opening, I hop off and grab my bags, walking towards the entrance.

“That was easy,” I said under my breath. We step into the large, dark area just inside the gates, under a giant willow, bending and drooping. I look behind me and see the words ‘Run away while you can’ and ‘Fag’ graffitied on the stone wall.
“So welcoming,” I remark sarcastically.
“Why thank you, we try.” A fake yet venomous voice says from the shadows. A medium sized woman steps adorned in pinks of all shades steps out and smiles at us.
“You must be Mr. Iero, yes?” She asked, her over plucked eyebrows raising too far up on her forehead. I stifled my laughter and nodded.
“And his mother I assume,” She said, motioning towards my mama.
“Yes I am, nice to meet you...”
“Miss. Kuntz, my name is Miss. Kuntz.” She said with a straight face. I, myself, went over the edge in a fit of giggles earning glares from both adults.But I couldn’t help, i mean come on. Miss Kuntz? She was begging for it. Once i was able to gain control again, Miss. Kuntz led us up to the dorms. The paths are stone and have a ton of little green weeds growing through the cracks. A fat building, short and gray, sat to our left. With a sweeping gesture, she motioned me into the boys dormitory, the gray building.
“Your room will be on the top floor three doors to the left,” She told me, whisking my mom off to somewhere. Slowly, i drug my stuff up to my new room. Finally, after dying several times, I make up all 5 flights, and damn am I out of breath. I thought I was more in shape than this. I stumbled to my door and knocked.I heard foot steps coming towards the door and someone yell something unrecognizable..
“What the fuck!? You aren’t Mikey!” A tall man with a huge ass ‘fro screeched when he opened the door to me. I broke out in laughter as i realized that he was wearing a pink bikini and the Barbie theme song was playing in the background.
“Uh, dude, what are you doing?” I asked the stranger in between giggles.
“What’s it to you? And who the hell ARE you?” He replied angrily, wrapping himself in a blanket.
“I’m Frank Iero, your new roomie. And uh, since I am your roomie I think I have the right to be concerned.” I concluded.
“Oh..... i forgot you were coming... and i lost a bet to Bob, your other room mate,” He explained..
“M’kay... so can i come in?” I asked, walking in without being answered.
“Well I guess so. My name is Ray Toro by the way and that over there is my friend Bob.”He introduced them, motioning to a huskier guy with bright blue eyes, blonde hair, and a lip ring who was sitting in a Laz-boy.
“I knew you were coming. I thought I'd entertain you,” The other guy, Bob, said grinning and pointing at Ray.
“Thanks asshole,” Ray muttered under his breath as he walked to what I assume is his room. Shutting the door behind him, i stand in the middle of the room awkwardly. Which by now, I’m not so suprised by. I am terribly awkward.

“Well since puff-head can’t be bothered to show you around, I will.” Bob decided, getting out of the maroon chair, “Follow me.”

“Ok...” I agreed.He took me down a short hallway to the kitchen. The appliences were standard models that would be ok for cooking... if I cooked. But I don’t, not without burning it. Normally, if I make dinner, I burn everything and call it cajun. The window was open, but a faint scent of something burning drifted from the oven.Backing out of the small room, he took me to an even smaller room with a small single bed and dresser in it, along with a few other fruniture pieces..

“This is your room,” Bob told me. He showed me where everything was and how to work the clock and lamp then left me in my new room. I wandered over to the window after I carried in my bags and stared outside. Below me, jocks and sluts gathered around, probably deciding who was sleeping with who. I looked further out and saw a tall, lanky figure standing and, presumably, staring at my window. My breath hitched and i realized i couldn’t stop staring at him.I was intrigued, i didn’t know why though. I hadn’t seen his face, heard him talk, I wasn’t even positive it WAS a he. But i wanted to find out. For some reason, when I saw the silouhette outlined in the dusky, late summer sky I felt something click. Turning on my heel, I made a beeline for the door.

“Already sick of us?” Teased Bob and Ray.

“Nah, just forgot something,” I lied. I ran down the stairs, well mostly, and right outside. Pushing through the gaggle of students, i hoped i was going the right direction.

“Watch it midget,” Some douche snapped at me. Biting my tongue, i pushed forth through the crowd. Finally, i emerged and saw the boy, yes it was a boy, and he was heading in the opposite direction.His black hair swishing around the back of his head. In the small glimpse i got of him, one thing really interested me. On his back, he had a backpack with a frayed heart safety pinned to it. Determined to learn more, i headed back to my dorm. Hopefully Ray and Bob were big on gossiping.
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