Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Finally Free

Author's Note

by BurningCuriosity 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-13 - Updated: 2012-03-13 - 216 words

Hello guys,

Sorry about this, I bet you were expecting a new chapter and I deeply regret letting you down. I just wanted to leave a note to give an explanation on my short absence. I've recently seen The Used, Dashboard Confessional, The Cab and Cobra Starship. Asides my dedication to listen to them before the concert began, I also had difficulties due to my job application for a news TV station.

The TV station took longer than expected due to medical clearances being required left and right. With my current condition, it took longer than expected due to a series of tests. Honestly, it was so much work and left me completely drained, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Another and final reason for this absence was my wonder boyfriend who was confined in the hospital for a week due to his blood being infected from a wound. It tore me apart since he has always been my rock during panic attacks, and now I was the one who had to be strong for him.

I don't expect you guys to understand or forgive me, but I will try to update this within the week. Please don't think I've abandoned the story, it is far from over.

Thank you, for taking the time to care.

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