Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
18 reviewsUm hello? I'm new and I'd like some assistance, if it's not too much to ask...
(#) mychemicalbitchbot 2012-03-14
Hm... I'd suggest Hero by Shiwoggi (I can't link with my phone, sorry, but she is in my favorite authors if you wanna read he epic supernatural Frerard. That makes it sound like shit... But it is really good xD)
Hm... If you're into smut, I_am_a_graveyard or xxFrankieioeroxx... (that one might be wrong... Try searching Gold Digger. It's an epic Frerard)
Hm... If you look at the Annual Ficwad Awards by Admin Smada, those are the Ficwad favorites.
Hm... Back in the Day by Monstrice(there are three numbers here by I can't remember what they are...)
Cosmic Zombie is a good read, but personally not my favorite.
Hm... Sorry, I say that a lot. You could read some of my stuff?
Or xXLaylaXx. I really like her superman/Frerard story... When she updates. Anywho... Ah fuck I just said that...
Love_it_or_Leave it has some decent stuff... Let's see...
Cancer Darling by Sleeping7Beast....
If you're into the mental twisting stuff, some of the stuff by Crack.
If you're into torture. 100 ways to torture Gerard Way by theescapist. Actually, anything by that author is fucking epic. I know Memento Mori has already been suggested, but some of her old work is really good too.
I don't rember any good vampire!fics right now... Actually, my brain is kinda failing me...
The 20 Ways by scarlet_finch or whatever her username is...
Um... Unitedsuck007 is a good one... (cries in a corner)
Hm... I think that's all. I've exhausted my brain. Did I already say you could check out my stuff? I think I did. I believe it's decent, but hey, I'm the one who wrote it so... ~that awkwad Moment when you try to self advertise and can't remember if you've already done it~
(#) KelseyChem 2012-03-14
Hai there ! Welcome to FicWad :3
Would you like some advice ?
Because advice would've been nice for me when I first started...
Okay...So if you're anything like I was, this may be your first experience with fanfics.
And they will probably seem really weird.
"Are those two actually gay ?"
"Why did they just die ?!"
"But...that's not how they act in real life"
"Oh, so now they're just fucking ? Just in the middle of the stage, oh okay ?"
"Why is everyone a vampire ?"
" I didn't know the human body could do that."
You may be saying any of those (because I sure did) as you discover the wonderful world of ficwad :3
As for stories to read, it's been said already, BUT GO WITH COSMICZOMBIE ! Her schtuff is amazing.
And whatever you do, don't read my stuff.
Because my stuff is awful -.-
Also, do please write fics as well !
We all love reading new fictions, and except for a few flamers or trolls now and then, everyone will give you constructive critiscism and positive encouragement :3
We're kinda like a family here, and treat eachother right, so just be nice to people and we'll be nice right back !
Good luck and welcome :3Newbie...
(#) bloodbunny15 2012-03-14
welcome :)
you can read any of mine if you want
there's also some really good authors on my favouritesNewbie...
(#) xx_eddi_xx 2012-03-14
I'm the "Eddi" mentioned twice above. Hiya and hello! =)
My YouTube page (where I review fics; some of them are pretty fecking amazing):
Also, I'd like to recommend you read anything by the amazing ChloesGreenDay:
or AdnarimSmada (among her millions of random posts, there are actually really well written stories):
Hell, check me out, too, I guess:
Welcome to the site, kiddo.Newbie...
(#) raytorosfro 2012-03-14
CosmicZombie story's are amazing. Is finished and the the sequel (Not finished.)
Or go read any of mine if you want :)Newbie...
(#) ZombieSlayer13x 2012-03-14
WELCOME TO FICWAD!!! Hope you enjoy it!! Anything by XxlovefrankieroxX can keep you entertained for weeks:
And anything by unitedsuck007 will have you moved for the rest of your life lol:
Both authors write frerard :3
I was wondering if you could check out one of my stories maybe blushes
Well, hoped all that helped. Hope you have fun on here!! :DDNewbie...
(#) missfunghoul57 2012-03-14
Welcome to Ficwad! I would really appreciate it if you would check out my stories and let me know which one i should continue to update next! Thanks xoxo
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