Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)

Chapter 5

by early-sunsets 5 reviews

Fucking annoying little brothers, fruit bowls and embarassing reminders...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-17 - Updated: 2012-03-17 - 1437 words

A/N: YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you SO SO SO much for staying with my story! Gerard's POV again, and I PROMISE it gets more interesting in the next few chapters... ;D
I agreed to meet Mikey outside his music class before break, and he seems to be taking longer than usual. The last time he came out late, he had punched some jock in the nose for touching his guitar. God forbid anyone but him touch Trevor. When he finally decides to slip out of the door however, I know something is up when he smirks at me evilly, calling to someone to hurry up who is lingering behind him.
Someone who makes my heart race.
Someone whose grin I cannot help but return.
We just stand, staring into each other’s eyes for what seems like hours, yet it’s only a few amazing seconds. I can’t make out what he’s thinking, or why he is staring back at me. But I’m not going to protest, his eyes are the only things worth looking at right now.
“Guys? GUYS?! Can you stop staring at each other hungrily already and can we go? I’m supposed to be meeting Tabby in the canteen, like, now.” He’s still bloody smirking at us.
We both jump and tear our eyes apart, and I cannot believe I am fucking blushing.
We trudge to the canteen in near silence, Mikey interjecting comments about the crowds or his new slam piece, Tabby. If I could slap Mikey right now, I really fucking would. Hard.
The canteen is over-flowing with hungry and hormonal teens as always, and I feel the need to do a ‘Mean Girls’-style tour with Frank, but Mikey cuts to the chase and gestures over to our normal table. Occupied with a new girl almost every week, this week’s edition is a small, plain girl with pigtails and a nose ring. Sitting awkwardly beside her are Matt and Ray, staring down at their food. I apologise to them silently with my eyes, I hate it when Mikey lets a girl sit on our table, too.
“This is Frank” states Mikey, before turning his full attention to Tabby and proceeding to stick his tongue down her throat, oblivious to the rest of us sat around them. Where does he find these girls?
“Alright?” two identical, almost inaudible grunts come from across the table, Frank just nods and I gather up the courage to apologise on Mikey’s behalf and ask how Frank’s day has been.
“As good as a first day at school can be, I guess” comes the reply, he has turned to look at me and it’s all I can do not to press my lips against his when he smiles.
It looks like there is a hole on the right of his bottom lip, he must have a piercing. Oh my.
Oh shit. I have remembered the circumstances I left him in on Friday and groan inwardly, how… how can I explain?
“I’m so sorry about Friday, it was an emergency, I totally would have stayed longer if…”
“Seriously, no worries. I figured it was pretty important.”
A long and uncomfortable silence ensues, until the bell finally rings, I can blurt a goodbye and sprint to double art, ready to channel my feelings into a painting or sketch.
And two hours later, covered in water, paint and pen, I exhale heavily. The piece is of a couple, sitting on a bench under a lone street lamp in the rain, covered in blood. My art seems to centre around this same couple recently, a tragic love story with every piece getting progressively gorier, carrying on their tale. My projects always end up with some sort of storyline, and on the occasions I let Mikey look at my work, he jokes that I should be a comic book artist. I don’t know. These ideas just come to me, and I have to draw them or I get real anxious, thinking them over and over to the point I can’t sleep. My teacher, Mrs Ellis understands how I work and basically lets me do what I want as long as it fits in with the exam board’s criteria.
Fucking freak.” a hiss comes from someone walking behind me, and I know already that it’s Bill, a jock who disapproves of about 100% of everything I do. Partly because he knows I saw him making out with the football captain behind the bleachers (and he claims he is straight), and partly because I fit into the stereotypical persona that he and his disciples love to hate. In a moment of curiosity I turn to look at his work.
A bowl of fruit. How original.
I snort to myself and start to pack up, not even bothering to start another piece, still not sure of what happens to the couple next.
Mrs. Ellis reminds us that we have to choose a model to paint or draw for the next module. I guess Mikey will have to do, although it would be hard to get him to sit still for more than 3 seconds without him touching his hair, texting, or pushing those infernal glasses up the bridge of his nose.
A smile plays on my lips when I realise I’m going to see Frank again in mere minutes, and I promptly panic at the state of my reflection in the art room’s window and I scurry out of the door. A quick trip to the toilets to furiously pat down my crap hair, practise some smiles that don’t make me look like a raving lunatic, and re-apply my black eyeliner, and I am feeling a smidgen more confident.
My knees knock together as I stand shakily outside the front doors of the school, able to see Frank sat under an oak tree with Mikey, Ray and Matt sat with him. From this far away, I can really look at him.
He is perfectly proportioned, with muscles that aren’t too defined but, damn, I can see them under his t-shirt from all the way over here. He has the most beautiful grin, and a laugh I can hear clearly from here, the sort of laugh that is usually funnier than the joke.
Argh. Snap out of it Gerard.
“Hey guys” I sigh as I flop down in the space next to Ray, across from Frank in our little circle. I can’t help but notice Frank’s grin stretch wider, and I adjust mine to match.
Why does he do this to me?
“Anyway, Tabby’s not here because she has origami club Monday lunchtimes” Mikey carries on matter-of-factly, as the rest of us snort and laugh and I choke out “Wow, you picked a real winner there, Mikey”
“Hey, shut up,” he whines, accentuating this with a punch to my shoulder, “you and Ray went to chess club in your first semester! You can’t say shit about clubs!”
“Chess?” Frank asks, cocking a perfect eyebrow.
“Mhmm.” there’s no point in denying it so I nod slightly, currently plotting how to kill my younger brother. Violently.
We all start to eat in the silence that has fallen, I can’t quite grasp why it feels awkward though. I pray for someone to bring up a different subject, even Mikey yakking on about Tabby again would be better than this. My saviour comes in the shape of the big hair-ed guitar genius to my right.
“I’m gonna blatantly change the subject now” pipes up Ray, “onto something less embarrassing and invite you all to sleep over mine tonight for a horror movie marathon. I heard Frank likes them but has never seen any of the classics! So, what do you say? I know it’s a Monday, but what better to cure the Monday blues than a bit of Night Of The Living Dead?”
Everyone agrees, and we are going to be at Ray’s at 6 sharp, popcorn in hand. Ray’s movie nights are the best, but will I be able to enjoy it properly if Frank’s going to be there? I mean, of course I want him to go, but I… I’ll just have to deal with it.
I’ll take anything next to the alternative of going home.
A/N: So... yes. Anything you liked/ didn't like? Feel free to comment and rate and stuff. Virtual pizza for everyone that does :D THANK YOUUUUUU.
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