Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Doesnt have one

I would never leave you

by GiveMeYourHeart 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-20 - Updated: 2012-03-20 - 517 words

So Gerard are there any new kids at your school?
Yes mum, and he has actually become my friend.
Oh well that’s good. What is his name?
Frank Ireo.
That’s a nice name, you should invite him to dinner tonight.
Yes I will thanks mum. I smiled and got up from the breakfast table.
Well I’m going to school seeya
Bye Gee, have a nice day.
I yelled out to mikey and he rushed out to the car.
Alright lets go.
I then turned on my car and started the journey to school.
We arrived to the parking lot with ten minutes until class.
I looked over and saw Frank waiting for me.
Hey Frankie what are you doing waiting for me?
Well you are my only friend here. He gave me the duhh look and we walked into the school grounds.

So Frank what did you do when you went home yesterday?
Umm nothing really I just watched T.V and shit you?
I slept hahahaha I smiled like a complete dick
Hahahaha fun, he smiled too.
So Frank I was wondering if you would like to come to my place after school, you can stay the night or whatever?
Yeah sure my parents are out of town so I can just go there straight after school.
He said it rather enthusiastically.
The bell than went and we rushed to music.

The teacher told us that we will be doing one thing each for the whole year so that we can get better at that one thing.
She made us have a go at all the instruments, I failed horribly at all of them, but Frank was completely amazing at the guitar. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.
Good job dude I smiled.
Hahahaha thanks, he smiled back.
Then we went to go sing.
As I sung everyone was staring at me with a shocked look on there faces, including the teacher.
I then thought to myself “SHIT Gee you just humiliated yourself in front of Frank”
The teacher than spoke.
Wow Gerard that was incredible, your voice is amazing!
Wait! Really!?
Yes It was heavenly Said Frank this time smiling like a dick.
I then smiled again, I didn’t know I had a good voice.
The rest of music was fun, we learnt a smashing pumpkins song. It was pretty awesome.

Afterwards we both stated to walk to the gym when one of the jocks can up to us.
Yo fag is he ya fuckin boyfriend?
Oh fuck off Kevin I don’t want to start your bullshit!
You want to talk like that to me again?
He gave me an angry look, and I tried to get past him.
He shoved me onto the floor.
Than Frank went to say something but I quickly got up and socked him in the jaw.
His mouth bled quit a lot
Oh it’s on punk
He then tackled me to the floor, and started punching me in the face.
Everything started to go blurry and I blacked out.

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