Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Diary Of Ryan Ross

The Diary Of Ryan Ross

by CandyCaneEmmi 4 reviews

R for language. I felt we didn't see enough of what this is...full explanation inside. Read, review and rate please? You know you wanna. ;)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-01-31 - Updated: 2012-01-31 - 1575 words

A/N: Hey guys! This isn’t the story y’all auditioned for, but this idea have been floating around for a while, and I felt I had to get it out. It will be a multi-chapter, by the way. Now, I noticed in this fandom, there is barely ANYTHING but Ryden. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Ryden, but sometimes it’s good to have a bit of change, right? So, this is what it is—it’s a Rycer! Yep, you heard me, it’s Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith! This is almost completely, 100% AU. Oh, and I also don’t approve of some words used in this. I think you can figure out which words I mean. I only used them because I felt without them, this wouldn’t turn out how I wanted it to be. Enjoy! :)

Sunday October 2nd

So ma thinks she can just sign me up for counseling to get rid of me, and the counselor thinks he can make me write a diary, and that can be the reason ma is spending two hundred dollars an hour on this shit.

The pen I am using sucks ass.

Monday October 3rd

Sometimes, I would give my left nut to just make people go away.

I had to go to school today. Since we moved from home to this shit-ville Summerlin, I was able to bum a few days and chill at home. But no, today I had to go.

The history teacher pisses me off. Everyone looks at me like I'm freak because I have a reputation on me, because I'm just a tiny bit different from them.

I talk to a guy named Spencer, but he was just retarded. Smiled a lot at me, though.

This kid Brendon smiled a lot too. Weird-ass fruitcake. And this chick with freckles and another one with black lipstick wouldn't stop staring at me like I was odd or something. I hate this uniform.

Everyone in that school could use a swift foot in the ass.

Tuesday October 4th

Math teacher made me go up to the board and do a problem. I had a problem for him-the fact that I'm a retard when it comes to math. Something about quadratic equations and I damn near pissed myself.

Couldn't do it. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was straight pitiful.

Except Spencer, he is staring at me all smiling and shit like a pleased parent, glad I tried my best or something.

Heard a rumor that he lets this guy Jon fuck him. Something about him being a whore. I scowl at him but he still smiles.

Stupid little shit.

Wednesday October 5th

Had another session with my faggot counselor. He asked if I was enjoying this 'diary'. I told him to fuck off, he smiled.

I hate that fucker.

Thursday October 6th

I had a bowl of Captain Crunch today and then came to school and had to throw up. Turns out the milk was bad. Expiration date was two months ago. Ma didn't even notice.

That fag Spencer smiled at me as he passed me at my loner table in the cafeteria. He asked if he could sit by me.

"See if I give a shit." He just perked up and sat down and offered me his applesauce.

My stomach still hurts from eating that shit bowl of cereal.

Friday October 7th

Got sent to detention for fighting. I didn't want to go but I had no choice. Some kid tried to say I had a nice ass and I almost ripped his face off. Faggots. The whole lot of them.

Spencer was there, he sat beside me in the small classroom. I asked him what he was doing in detention. He grinned and said he was always in here for joking on people.

He's not that much of a dumb shit, once he gets to talking. He's kind of funny but he's too pretty. He's got girlish blue eyes and chin length brown hair that looks soft and he's smaller than me, his form is more curvy like a woman's and his skin is real smooth looking.

Put some breasts on him and you got the whole nine yards.

His lips are nice, too, the way they moved when he talked. I didn't tell him any of that but I kind of wish I had, maybe then he would have smiled real big like he always does.

Two of his bottom teeth are crooked but it's still a nice smile.

Saturday October 8th

Dad hit me again today, he hasn't done that in a week. Guess I got too cocky because I was acting a shit around the house, talking about how I hated it in this god damned place and how I just wanted to go back home where all my friends were. Dad said I was too loud so I'll probably bruise but it ain't nothing to worry about, one of my old girlfriends once taught me how to use make-up to cover things.

I got bored so I played my Xbox all day. There isn't shit to do around here.

Sunday October 9th

So I finish going to jackass counseling and hit the town for the first time, go into one of the shops and guess whose ass I see?

That fag Spencer, shopping at some fag store and waving goodbye to the cashier all happily before he sees me and grins like a motherfucking maniac. "Ryan, hey man!" Like we've known each other forever or some shit.

But that's not really what made the experience so memorable, nah, it had to be how Spencer was dressed. Some tight skinny jeans, a pink flannel shirt and sandals. I mean, what a gay wad. Why didn't he just get 'eat more cock' tattooed on his forehead or something?

Sad fact of the matter was that he looked pretty damn good. I told him he looked like shit though.

He just grabbed my arm and showed me around town and just kept smiling and talking and I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't smile back.

Monday October 10th

Ma asked where I got the bruise from. Told her I got in a fight at school. Damn nosy woman needs to fuck off.

I asked Spencer if he was gay at lunch today. He told me he didn't like labels.

Meaning he's gay. I knew it. First friend I make here is gonna be a fairy.

Tuesday October 11th

I asked Spencer another question today. "Did you and Jon actually fuck?"

He looked at me curiously, not mad like I expected him to be. "Tell me how you got that bruise on your cheek."

I growled at him.

"Dad got mad and just got me on the cheek, nothing special."

He nods. "We've fucked before."

My mouth goes dry and I don't say another thing the whole day.

Wednesday October 12th

Didn't have to go to counselling today, rescheduled! That's a win in its own, if you ask me.

I've been here for more than a week and only have one friend, but he kind of makes up for everyone else. We played a prank on my history teacher today, putting pudding in a zip-lock bag under his seat cushion. Funny as hell when that shit squirted out everyone.

"Eww, I knew he was pervert!" The freckled girl yelled, but it was obvious she knew it was just pudding too. "As much as I don't condone classroom pranks, nice one."

I smirked at her. She seems like my type of person. Apparently her name is Carrie. Spencer laughed and we both high fived. He's pretty cool.

You know, for a fairy.

Thursday October 13th

My counselor asked me if I made any friends. I said I think one, but maybe two. He smiled.

"So who are these two people?"

I shift in the office chair and peer out of the office window. A plane flies by. I like planes. They're really interesting, and being in one soothes me.

"This chick named Carrie always looks like she wants to strangle me but she laughs at my jokes sometimes and is always speaking to me. I mean, most people don't talk to me, so I guess she's kind of a friend."

"And the other one?"

I smirked. "Spencer is a fairy, you know, a real rainbow lover. He smiles all the time and is too damn happy. I wanna beat him up but he has some wicked pranks. He also has apparently been fucked by this guy at school before…"

The counselor frowns. "How did that make you feel, when you figured that out?"

I look at the plane again. "Bad. Made my stomach fuzzy. Like when I throw up or something." I stop talking and I see him write something down in his notes.

Wonder what he's writing.

Friday October 14th

Spencer told me how bad he wished it was Friday the 13th. I couldn't help but laugh at him, he looked totally serious.

That Carrie chick sat by us at lunch today and she brought the girl with the black lipstick with her. She's quiet but kept sending me side glances and would blush whenever I looked back. Can't remember her name.

She told me it twice but Spencer was talking to me both times so I wasn't really listening.
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