Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Do you want a personalized My Chem one shot?

Do you want a personalized My Chem one shot?

by fobprincess179 11 reviews

I just wanted to write people stories since I can't seem to write my own ideas. Don't be afraid to apply, I'll try my best to get to each and every one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-02-25 - Updated: 2012-02-25 - 265 words

I just wanted to write people stories since I can't seem to write my own ideas. Don't be afraid to apply, I'll try my best to get to each and every one! One catch if you do comment with your 'application' and I write the story for you: You comment on your story. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it means a lot to me so please take the time after to comment. Thank you!

i take like ten years writing them, so even if you do request one, you won't get a story soon.

Comment here and I'll try my best to write it A.S.A.P. :D

1. Name/Age
2. Your appearance & what you want me to highlight in the story.
3. Which My Chem members do you want included/Want to be paired with?
4. What My Chem Era are they from/look like?(Revenge, Black Parade, Danger Days etc.):
5. Plot? Is it in high school or during the van days. Are they a big band now or is it in a different universe where they are all nurses? Tell me what you want your story to about.
6. Should I or should I not include smut/sex scene? if so how?
7. Anything else that you want me to include/know?

If you want, you guys can pester me a little, sending me messages through ficwad or tumblr since my link is on my profile. It'll be fun writing these. Be patient because I really do want to do all of the reviews I might get.

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