Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Hurricane

Chapter Two

by echeloncookie 1 review

Jared and Skyla get close; Shannon voices his reason why he doesn't like Skyla.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-03-21 - Updated: 2012-03-22 - 1038 words - Complete

A/N: I don't own the title; it is a song written and performed by Jared Leto/30 Seconds to Mars.



Jared walked into the kitchen and got himself a bottle of water. He looked around for Shannon and noticed he wasn't there. He headed through a door connecting the garage to the kitchen and found him under the hood of a cherry red Corvette. He walked over quietly and leaned against the side closest to Shannon.

“Heard you talked to Skyla today. Bet it was tough huh?” Jared said loudly, scaring Shannon. He walked over to stand beside him under the hood.

“It was easier when I thought we had something in the future. Now that I know we have nothing, I don't really give a damn,” Shannon said through gritted teeth. He put the radiator cap back on and slammed the hood shut.

“She's still a human being. You being mean is not only affecting her, but me as well,” Jared told him. He left without another word.

Shannon leaned against the car as he wiped his hands clean; he thought about how he and Skyla were together all the time. He would text her and she would drop everything and come running. Maybe it was because of Jared being kidnapped, but once he escaped it was like Skyla only had eyes for Jared, and Shannon didn't exist. He balled the rag up and threw it against the wall.

“Hey, I'm back,” Jared told Skyla as he walked back into her room. She was looking through the books in the bookcase, putting them in alphabetical order. He walked over and put his hands on her hips and watched her finish up. “That book goes there,” he told her, pointing. Skyla removed the book and put it in its right place with a sly grin; she then turned around and gave Jared a kiss.

“Where on earth did you go?” she asked him coyly. She ran her fingers along his collar, tracing the outline of his 'PROVEHITO IN ALTUM' tattoo on his collarbone. He brought her closer, and she felt his hot breath on her neck. He kissed her neck softly.

“I went and talked to Shannon,” he whispered in her ear. His hands played with the bottom of her shirt.

Skyla leaned back and looked at him. “You did?”

“Yeah. He's mad at you, and now he's mad at me too,” Jared told her as he kissed her on her jawbone. He pulled her close. She looked him in the eyes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

“You tease,” she giggled as she ran her hand down his face. She leaned up and kissed him before going back to the plush black armchair. Jared followed her and sat down beside her in the same chair and pulled her into his lap; she giggled and ran her fingers through his hair.

I'm a tease?” Jared joked. He hugged her as he got up from the massive chair. “I've gotta run, but you'll be okay here?” he asked her.

Skyla's jade-green eyes stared him down. “I have books, a laptop, and an ignorant ass in the next room. What more entertainment do I need?” she said sarcastically.

Jared looked at her. “He's my brother-”

“Well I'm your wife!”

“-But that gives you no right to call him an ass. Only blood relatives and Tomo can... you can after six months,” Jared told her. He kissed her goodbye and left.

Skyla walked over to the bookcase and looked at the books she had put in alphabetical order. Was it just an hour ago? She sighed and looked at the books; she plucked the first book from the Lord Of the Rings saga off of the bookshelf and began to read.

Five minutes later, she felt someone nudging on her thigh with their shoe.

“Skyla. Get up.”

“Hmm?” She jerked awake.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Shannon said.

Skyla looked at Shannon. “Why are you being so nice to me now?” she said darkly.

“Jared's on his way back; he probably didn't think to get stuff you like so I went and got you something,” Shannon told her. “It's in the kitchen.”

Skyla eased herself off the huge armchair and walked into the kitchen. She noticed a large spread of grilled chicken salad, croissants, mixed fruit, and a loaf of freshly baked bread. She had some of the mixed fruit first, and then some of the grilled chicken salad, and baked bread before she got full. Shannon grabbed a few croissants and left it at that.

“When Jared gets here he'll just eat them all anyways,” Shannon told her with his mouth full.

Skyla just shrugged and went back to her room. She fell asleep on her bed for a few hours, and woke up next to a slumbering Jared. She looked at the clock- it was five in the afternoon.

Skyla decided to leave Jared to his nap and went back to reading on the book she had originally began reading, 'A Game Of Thrones.' She was halfway through one of Jon's (Lord Eddard Stark's bastard son) chapters when she realized it was past seven and she needed to wake Jared up so he can go and get in his own bed.

“Jared. Jared. Wake up!”she hissed as she shook him awake.

He lifted himself off her bed and yawned. “What is it?”

“I think it's time for you to go to your own bed,” she whispered softly.

When he stood up, he collapsed almost immediately back onto her pillows. “Jared!” she hissed again. He stood back up and put his arm around her shoulders. Together, the two of them made it to his room and he collapsed onto his bed and fell back asleep. She leaned over and gave him a small kiss on his forehead before eyeballing his bedroom.

Everything was in stunning black and white contrast. The massive, matching fourth armchair to her other three was exactly as he said, in his bedroom. She noticed his black bedside tables and white bookcases. As she stood there, marveling, she heard Jared let our a small snore and hurriedly took her exit.
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