Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Reviews

Round 2

by lefoutre 4 reviews

Demolition Lovers, Birthday Surprise! and Cancer Darling

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-24 - Updated: 2012-03-24 - 795 words

Because apparently this is good and I'm not just a raging bitch I think I'll continue. If anyone has any stories they absolutely adore, you can send them in for me to review. I really only read Frerard and Waycest, though. If you suggest to me one of your own stories, keep in mind that I will not go easy on you and will absolutely point out your mistakes and things I don't like. I don't believe in sugar coating at the moment. Oh, and I will try to respond to all the reviews with suggestions but I can't tell you for sure I'll be of any use.

Birthday Surprise!
By Monstrice901
"BS! (Oh dear... those initials...)":
In this fic, Mikey and Gerard are vampires. For Gerard’s 200th birthday, Mikey captures his friend, Frank, and gives him to his brother as a sex slave. It comes to light, in the first few chapters, that the vampire queen wants to kill Gerard. So, will Gerard kill Frank in an effort to escape with his life or will he end up falling for the poor chap? Read to find out.
Grammar and spelling is, for the most part correct, and monstrice901 now has a beta, so there have been fewer mistakes in the latest chapters. Hm… this is set at a very quick pace, and is a very sex-filled type of thing, but it’s well written. Some of the character’s could use some more rounding out, but other than that, it’s okay. It’s cliché in the vampire bit, and the only thing that really kind of annoys me is Frank, who’s just like You raped me yesterday? Oh, what are you doing with your…mmmm… oh, yeah, baby…”
8/10 (a common rating, it would seem.)

Demolition Lovers
By I_am_a_Graveyard
Gerard; the bad-ass kid that practically runs the school. Has a real lust for violence--yeah, you know the type. Frank; the straight A socially inept kid. Gerard takes an interest in Frank, and it’s only a matter of hours before they’re at Gerard’s doing the deed, the dance with no pants if you will. There’s a fuckload of secks, but there’s, in the newer chapters at least, the beginnings of a plot.
Grammar and spelling is overall great, sans the occasional awkward sentence and wrong name in the place of the right ones, occasional pronouns issues. Hm… The only thing that really bugged me about this fic was that Gerard got a tattoo. And Frank didn’t. It did help with the lovey feeling, but really? Needles are no-nos. They also had sex rather quickly, and that’s just a tad bit unrealistic, but it’s a fan fiction, thus, fiction. Meese could come and ravage them and it wouldn’t be that odd. (That reminds me of the Harry Potter fic where Draco Malfoy had a little escapade with the whomping willow…)

Cancer Darling
By Sleeping7Beast
Frank is sick. His parents are never around, and he’s always throwing up. Everyone at school suspects he’s bulimic, but no one knows what’s really wrong with him. So Gerard decides to befriend him… and that’s all I got. It’s got three chapters posted at the moment, and it has this ominous feel to it. It’s like there’s something hanging over your head that could drop at any minute. There’s a hook to this story, and it’s written well enough that the original plot is in a good light. I can imagine so many ways to fuck up this plot, but the author does a good job.
I noticed very few spelling mistakes, the grammar was well done. I think that either the author has a firm grasp of the English language or looks over their work, because it’s almost impeccable. If I could just have my work like that, and everyone’s work could do so well in the grammar/spelling department it would be great, the stories on this website would be so much easier to understand. I’ve read some of Sleeping7Beast’s past works, and she had quite a few mistakes in Naked Images, she’s come quite far and it makes me happy to see her work looking so nice and polished.

Inspired by xx_eddi_xx, I'm going to try and remember to say this at the end of every installment because she seemed upset from the lack of credit she got for being the original review god, and I wouldn't want to disrespect that.
Have a nice day! Week1 However long... Life!
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