Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What's a Red Panda?

What's a Red Panda?

by XxcyanideeyesxX 0 reviews

Frank and Gee are 6 and 7 and end up having a little playdate. FULL STORY NOW.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-03-25 - Updated: 2012-03-25 - 819 words

What's a red panda?

"Geeeeeeeeee!" Frank squealed launching himself on top of Gerard. "Agh! Hi Frankie!" he yelled with pure joy. You see Gerard's, Frank's 'bestest friend ever'...
as he likes to call it. You know how little kids are. Gerard managed to get up, while Frank clung to him. "Hi Gee!" he said all smiley. "What are you doing here Frankie?"
Gerard said brushing his hair out of his face, and trying to ballance himself with Frank on his back. "Your mum and my mum were talking on the phone, ya know all like
'blah blah this. blah blah that.' and then my mum brought me here!" he said. "Oh cool!", "Yeah! My mum ish in the living room wiff your mum talking.".

A couple of minutes later, they were already upstairs and in Gerard's room talking of many things, like how girls are icky, and how their teacher should let them lay beside
eachother during naptime. "Oh! I know what we could do Frank!", "What?" Frank asked. "We should play pretend!", "Pretend? What's that Gee?", "It's where you act like some-
thing you're not.", "Really?", "Mhmmm" Gee said nodding feeling all smart. "But we have to think of something to be..." Gerard said , poking his tongue out of the corner of
his mouth while he thought. Frank plopped himself onto Gerard's bed, to think.

It took them a bit because there were endless possiblitlies a kid could be. "A PUPPY!" Frank yelled out, as if he had the answer to everything. "Okeee...I'll be a....a...a RED PANDA!"
Gee said smiling at a confused looking Frank. "Uh Gee...what's a red panda?"
he asked dumbly. That's when Gerard got up and ran over to his book shelf. "Hmmm...I found em in this book one time." he said grabbing a book with the name of
'Exotic Animals'. He began flipping through the book randomly until he found the right page. "This! See isn't it cute!" he said pointing to a picture of a fluffy-tailed
animal that resembled a raccoon. "That's a red panda?" Frank asked observing this page. "Yeah! Look at it! It's kinda like a kitty and a raccoon mixed!" Gee said.
"Okay! Cool!" Frank said. "Race ya to the back yard...1-2-3...GO!" Gerard said running down the stairs with Frank following him.

Frank wasn't too far behind, as they reached the end of the stair case. They began pushing and knudging eachother through the living room. "OWW! GERARD WATCH WHERE YOU'RE
GOING!" Mikey said as he stood up from being pushed over. "Sorry Mikey!" Gerard said helping his little brother up. Mikey didn't even acknowledge him and just trailed off
up the stairs. After that incident was taken care of Frank immediatly ran to the back door, and tugged on the door knob. "Beatcha!" he said. Gerard just simply stuck
his tongue out at him. Once they were outside, they stood around for a bit wondering what to do.

"You go first Gee." Frank said. "Okay fine.". With that Gerard ran over to the big oak tree over by the fence and began climbing. After he reached the highest branch he
could get to that's when their little game began. "No fair!" Frank said while he started to crawl around on the ground. "What? I'm a red panda so I can climb trees...
puppies cannot." Gerard said smirking. Frank growled like a dog at his friend. Gerard climbed down and crawled over to Frank. "So how ish my puppy today?" he said
rolling around kind of like a kitten would do. They were both on all fours, tumbling around and playing like two puppies...more like one puppy and a red panda.

After endless tumbling around and jumping on eachother, Gerard grabbed Frank's hand they say 'paw' and started twirling around.
"Ring around the rosey, pocket full of posey. Ashes, ashes we all fall down!" they chanted and fell backwards into the grass. Frank scooted over next to Gerard and layed
next to him in the grass, like he wished they could do during naptime as they stared at the sky. "This has been fun, red panda." he said. "Mhmmmm." Gee said smiling.
"Ya know pretending is fun!" Frank said."I told you!" Gerard said giggling. Frank got up and grabbed Gerard's hand. He hugged him tight.

"Gerard your're my bestest friend ever in the whole wide world and I love you." he said grinning as he let go of Gerard. "You're my bestest friend in the whole wide world
too Frankie!" Gerard said pulling Frank in for another hug. "I love you too." He added on. Gerard kissed Frank on the forehead and smiled. Frank only smiled and hugged
Gerard even more. Then Frank suggested, "Ya know...what if we pretended to get married?".


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