Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Headfirst for Halos

We're No Better Than The People Who Built This Place

by SimplexMinded 5 reviews

We are just like them Gee. We are no better than those we fight so defiantly to destroy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-03-27 - Updated: 2012-03-27 - 2928 words

‘At the end of the world, or the last thing I see you are never coming home, never coming home’
-My Chemical Romance

I woke up to find myself wrapped up in a black silk sheet and a pale arm around my waist. At first I jumped slightly but then remembered everything that happened last night. The roof, the tears, the kiss…..I rolled over to find Gerard looking at me with half lidded eyes and a small smile on his face. “Mornin”

I giggled and pulled my arm up to brush a piece of very dirty hair out of his face. “You need a bath.”

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a kiss. “So?”

“Your dirty…..and you kinda smell.” I said, a playful look in my eyes. I grinned and kissed him back softly before a large crash brought us apart. The crash was followed by a “Fucking shit god damnit mother fucker!”

I sat up, eyes wide while Gerard just sighed and got out of bed. I blushed when I saw he wasn’t wearing a shirt but he had his back turned to me so didn’t see. I saw several scars on his back that looked like someone had taken a whip to him. His shoulders were covered in light pink lines, the beginnings of scars but still raw wounds. There was dried blood around the base of his wings where they exited his back making me wonder what had happened. Gerard looked back at me, nodding his head for me to follow and left the room at a lazy, slow pace. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and followed him out of the room. We made our way down the stairs to find Michael on the floor with a large pot of what looked like stew spilled everywhere. There was a small fire on the stove that seemed to be salad.

“What the fuck Mikey?” Gerard asked in an amused tone.

Michael sighed. “Well, I was TRYING to make dinner but the dinner didn’t want to be made obviously.”

Suddenly I started laughing. “Hold still.” I walked over and pulled a noodle off of nose making Gerard laugh and Michael pout. His brown hair was soaking wet with broth and his shirt had chicken in it. I picked up the pot and set it in the sink, grabbing a town and started to clean up the mess he had made. “Gerard, would you please put the salad out? I think its on fire.”(A/N OK, I was dying laughing when I wrote that line!)

Gerard laughed and walked over with a wet towel, setting it down over the flames, extinguishing them quickly. Once the mess was clean, I rinsed out the pot and set it back on the stove, filling it with water and broth, turning it to boil. Michael and Gerard stood back, watching me make my way around the kitchen. Finaly as I was adding chicken and carrots, Gerard asked. “Where did you learn how to cook?”

I shrugged. “A few years ago I ran away from the academy and lived in New York for about a month before they found me. I taught myself how to make the simple stuff out of what I had.”

Michael spoke next. “Why did you run away?”

“Long story.” I made my way over to the cabinets “Where is the salt?”

“Top shelf. We’ve got time.” Gerard spoke, his rough voice back.

“I asked where my parents were. My real ones. No one would tell me but after some digging and hacking, I found out they were in New York. Or at lease that’s where they were when I was born so I decided to go there. I went to the address they had and…..” I paused to compose myself. I wouldn’t cry in front of them. “And what found enraged me. It turns out that they had been killed when I was taken at birth. So while I was there, I decided to do some research and found that it wasn’t just me. Everyone’s parents had been killed in a way to make it look like an accident. Car accident, random drive by, hit and run….the basic street violence.”

I pulled the pot off the stove and pulled out 3 bowls and plates, filling them with stew and salad and placed them on the table. “So I ran. I don’t know what my plan was or if I even had one I just…..I didn’t want to go back. Not to the lies, the deceit, the fake obedience.”

I sighed and leaned on the table. “But they found me. They dragged me back and they threw me in a cell. They told me what I did was treason! That finding the truth was a crime! They locked me up in the same fucking cell you were in! Told me until I was ‘clean’ they wouldn’t let me out. I sat, for days, months I don’t know just waiting. Eventually they let me out, told me that if I was good, they would forget about this little mishap. I never really let that go. I never fully trusted them after that.” I looked up to find Gerard and Michael looking at me with some form of sorrow in their eyes. Michael had more than Gerard but I expected that. I growled and shook my head. “Anyways, its all in the past. Nothing can change what’s been done. Lets just eat.” Part of me was thinking about my now destroyed home when I spoke. They sat down and begun to eat in silence. Gerard finished first, followed by me then Michael. I took their plates and begun to wash them in the sink. Gerard disappeared downstairs and I watched him with sad eyes, knowing what he was going to do. Once he was out of earshot, Michael walked up behind me and helped me rinse the plates. “I’m sorry.”

I looked up at him “For what?”

“For what they did to you. It wasn’t right.”

“Oh and what you do is? Raping angels then killing them? Holding the hostage for some sick and twisted game? Giving them hope by taking them out side, letting them walk away then hunting them down like some sort of animal?” Tears stung my eyes as I shook my head, to angry and upset to talk. “Everyone is so fucked up. No one is right for what they do. Don’t pretend your any better than the fucking people who you destroy.”

Michael was silent. “I’m not saying I’m any better I just….”

“You just what?” I snapped, turning my head to look at him. “You just wanted to make me feel better? You just killed my friends! Burnt my home! A fucked up home yes but still the only thing I had! Don’t try and be my friend Michael. You or your brother! I know what you want and I know how you play your game. I’ll play along but don’t expect me to not put up some sort of a fight when it comes time to decide a winner.”

I set the dished down, dried my hands and walked over to the front door. “I will be back. Its not like I can go anywhere.” I opened the front door and walked out, tears now fully falling as I took flight into the dark sky.

Gerard’s Prov

I made my way down the stairs, thinking about what Vallon had said. I hear whimpers and cries coming from the prisoners in front of me. I had killed most of them last night after I fought with Vallon. There were only 2 left and I had planned to end them as well as my frustration. I locked eyes with one of the male’s chained to the wall and brought my foot up to his chest, kicking it hard, slamming him against the wall. The angel cried out in pain as the chains around his wrists pulled, tearing the skin and drawing blood. I grabbed his hair, yanking his head back and spiting into his open mouth. The other angel screamed at me to stop but I simply ignored her. I tossed the angel around, kicking and punching him and enjoying his screams of pain. I pulled him up by his neck, holding a knife to his throat and whispered in his ear “Oh how wrong were we to think that immortality meant never dying”

His eyes grew wide as I plunged the knife in his chest, pulling back before he could spit up blood on my shirt. I watched as his body fell to the ground, his hands still chained to the wall so he couldn’t hold his bleeding would. The other Angel screamed and begged at him to stay awake. She shouted that they would get out alive and I just laughed and walked over to her, grabbing her throat. “Oh honey, don’t give a dying man false hope. That’s just cruel.”

I squeezed my hands, twisting and breaking her neck. I let her body drop and walked up the stairs to inform Mikey that there were no more prisoners in out basement. I found him sitting at the table staring at a cup of coffee in his hands.

“Gerard, what are we?”

His question caught me off guard. “Hu? What the fuck kinda question is that Mikes?”

He didn’t look up. “What ARE we. What makes us so different from the people you just killed?”

I laughed. “Dude, are you fucking tripping?”

Mikey looked up at me with a serious look. His brown eyes were filled with sadness and confusion. “I mean it. I’ve been doing this for 317 years yet couldn’t tell you why. Is there ever going to be anything more than petty murder and torture?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Why should we care anyways?” I sat down with my own up of coffee and looked at my brother as I lifted the mug to my lips and downed the wonderful liquid. “What’s gotten in to you bro? Don’t tell me you’ve gone all save the rainforest on me.”

He shook his head. “I just……I’m tired. I’m tired of it all. Nothing ever changes. Every day every year every fucking time! You kill them so they kill you! We hate them because they lie and enslave others. We act like some fucking freedom rebels but we do nothing but justify out murder by their wrongs. We kill, we enslave just like they do on in a more chaotic way. We are just like them Gee. We are no better than those we fight so defiantly to destroy.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Mikey had never once mentioned any of this to me. He had always been fin with what we do. He had always seemed like he had fun even but now I didn’t know what was on his mind.

“Tell me Gee, do you really believe what we do is for the better?”

I looked at him with thoughtful eyeds. Contemplating my response before letting the words escape my mouth. “I think what we do is what we know. Its what we have been taught and what we are very capable of doing….”

Mikey interrupted me. “But just because we can doesn’t mean we should.”

“Mikey we do things with the best intentions, you can honestly think that…”

“Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions.” (Fuck Yeah Dr. Allen Grant from Jurassic Park III!!!) Mikey growled, standing up and leaving the room. My eyes were wide with shock and I didn’t know what to do. I sat back and drank my coffee, thinking about what my brother had said.

Vallon’s Prov

I made my way through the streets of New York with my headphones in. I had forgotten my other ones in the dorm before everything went down so I just stole some from a street vendor. As far as my ipod, I grabbed that before I left being as I never leave without it. Currently I was listening to Breaking Benjamin- Dance With The Devil

Here I stand
Helpless and left for dead
Close your eyes so many days go by,
Easy to find what’s wrong,
Harder to find what’s right.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked; head down and hood up, mouthing the words and finding it ironic how such a perfect title fit the prefect song to fit the perfect situation. That situation being my current one.

I believe in you.
I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies,
I wont stay long, in this world so wrong.
[/Say goodbye as we dance with the Devil tonight.

Don’t you dare look him in the eye
As we dance with the Devil tonight.

My head was down and I wasn’t watching where I was going and suddenly I was on the ground with someone overtop of me apologizing profusely.

“Oh I’m so sorry.”

I looked up to face a young boy, no older that 19 standing with a blush on his face and his head down. I smiled and stood up, brushing myself off. “Its alright.”

I took a look at the boy and his appearance made me smile. He had short hair dyed blond on the sides and a long strip dyed black on the top that came down and curled around his face. He had a large scorpion tattooed on his neck and wore a black Misfits hoodie and black skinny jeans. I stuck out my hand to the boy “I’m Vallon. I like your hoodie.”

The boy lit up, his chocolate brown eyes glowed as he shook my hand back. Only then did I notice the black eye and cut on his left cheek. “I’m Frank. Thanks. You like the Misfits?”

I nodded. “Yeah, don’t know a lot from them but what I have heard, I like them. What happened to your eye?”

His smile faded and he lowered his head again. “Nothing. I’m fine”

I sighed. “Uh hu, sure. Who hit you?”

The boy kept his head down and shuffled his feet. “No one….I just…got in a fight that’s all. Nothing big.”

“They pick on you at school?” I shoved my hands back into my pockets and started to walk. “Come on, if your not going anywhere, you wana go get coffee?”

He nodded. “Sure.”

As we walked, I begun to try to strike up a conversation with the small, shy boy tagging behind me. “So, where you from Frank?”

“I’m from New Jersey. How bout you?”

My heart jumped and I contemplated what my answer would be. I couldn’t exactly tell him I was an angel that ran away from home because she was being held captive by the Devil’s son. My mind went back to where my parents gave birth to me and decided to just tell him that. “Here. New York I mean. I don’t get out much though.”

Frank laughed. “Yah, I see that, you’re pale as a paper!”

I laughed “Oh and your not!”

We laughed and joked like that all the way to the coffee shop. We ordered our drinks and found a table in the corner of the shop and I couldn’t help but notice he leaned away from me. Not in a major ‘get away from me’ motion but a subconscious thing I could only assume came from being treated horribly by people that he simply naturally leaned away from them.

“So, Frank, where do you go to school?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

He shrugged. “Belleville High, but I’m a senior so soon I won’t have to go back. What about you?”

I took a sip of my coffee and smiled. “I went out of state”

“That’s cool. So what kinda music you listen to? You must have some good taste to like my hoodie.” He grinned and played with his lip ring.

“Umm….Mindless Self Indulgence, Misfits, Rise Against, ya know, anything that says fuck off I’m angry at the world” we both laughed, agreeing very much on the views of the world and we got along quite well. After about an hour or so, Frank looked sad as he finished his coffee. “Well, I guess I should get going. My mom will be wondering where I am.”

I nodded. “yeah, its getting dark.” I looked out the window and begun to wonder where I would stay for the night. I didn’t want to go back yet and I had even contemplated not ever going back at all. We both stood up, quiet and not sure what to say. As we exited the shop, Frank gave me a half smile before walking away. I watched him and he suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something then quickly turned around with a smile on his face. “You wana come over for dinner? I mean….if your not doing anything that is.”

I smiled “That would be lovely Frank.”

Maybe this would be the start of a good friendship……a very good friendship indeed.
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